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Judging of
Diving Competitions
There shall be not less than three Judges, a Recorder and Check
Recorder. The Judges shall independently, and without consulting
each other, judge each dive out of a maximum of
points. After
each dive, and at a signal from the Recorder, but not before, each
Judge shall hold up a card showing what points he has awarded for
that particular dive, and these points shall be entered upon the official
judging sheet by the Recorder. At the finish of the competition,
these points shall be added up, and the competitor having the
greatest number shall be the winner.
For competitions where
the above system is impracticable or
undesirable the following method shall be used :
Each Judge shall record his award in writing on a judging sheet,
these points being added together at the finish of the competition
and the winner being determined as above.
In handicap competitions the handicap shall be added to the total
points awarded by the Judges in respect of each competitor.
The maximum for all dives shall be io points.
Half points shall not be awarded.
The Judges should distribute themselves, if possible, on both
sides of the point of entry and as far from each other as practicable.
In all cases the positions taken up by them should be such that
neither the sun nor any powerful light should be shining in the eyes
of any of the judges.
z. In fairness to the competitors, a Judge should on no account
change his position during the performance of a dive by each of
the competitors, even if he finds after the first dive that his view-
point is bad.
3. When using the visible system, the card indicating the number
of points given should be selected as quickly as possible, in order
that it may be exhibited promptly on the signal from the Recorder.
It is emphasised that the card should be shown to the Recorder
first. After the judge is satisfied that the points have been duly
noted, the card may be turned round for the bene t of the spectators.
4. A dive must be judged as a whole, and not as an aggregation
of separate points for the various parts.
5. If in a competition with three or more Judges a judge misses
a dive, the points of the other Judges shall be averaged for that
dive, and recorded as the defaulting Judge's points. The com-
petitor should not be asked to dive again.
6. The appointment of a " senior judge " is not recognised ;
all judges are equal. The responsible official for results and
judging numbers is the official recorder.