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be found that a hard pass in the direction of the corner flag will often
let the swing-forward have a clear run.
His role is solely to mark the wing-forward. He should not
tackle the inside-forward unless in an emergency. Even if he does
not touch the ball during the game, he can still be satisfied -if he
has succeeded in neutralising the outside-forward. Regimental
teams have won more than one Army Cup through faulty marking
by the opposing swing-halves. In the attack, the primary duty is to
feed the two forwards on the same wing. Frequently it will be
found, if there is a good opposing wing-half that there is no
opportunity of making an opening for the wing-forward. In this
case, it is better to pass the ball to the inside-forward, who will give
it immediately to the swing-forward. This pass, however, must not
be repeated too often, and a hard diagonal pass hit to the inside-
or outside-forward on the opposite wing will often open up the game.
Quick rolling-in from touch is of vital importance, and the practice
of giving the ball to the full-back, especially in your own half, must
not be encouraged. If the ball has gone into touch near the
opponents' goal-line, it is advisable to roll it hard across the goal-
mouth, to give the forwards a chance of rushing in a goal. Always
mark the wing-forward when the opponents are taking a roll-in.' If
the defence is penetrated on one swing, the wing-half on the opposite
side must rush back into the circle to assist in preventing the
forward line having a clear shot at goal. In the event of a wing-half
being out of position and the wing-forward getting clean away, it is
useless to try to tackle him before he centres. Run as hard as "you
can towards the circle to assist the defence when he has centred.
The Forwards
The duty of the forward is to put the ball into the opponents'
goal. Therefore every member of the forward line should be a
potential goal-scorer. It is not sufficient to rely on
one or
two players to score for the team. Quickness in shooting is essential,
and a forward should never be allowed to get into the habit of
shuffling the ball into a better position before hitting. Many
forwards attempt not only to score a goal but t0' put the ball through
the stop-netting as well. This is entirely unnecessary, highly
dangerous, and often results in the goal being missed altogether.
It is far better that the ball should be tapped or flicked in the
required direction. A forward must not be content with waiting
for the ball to be passed to him, but must assist the half-backs by
getting into a position where he is not marked.
-Forward _
This player is the leader of the attack and may, even if he is
not the captain of the side, give instructions to the remainder of
the forwards. When his defence is being pressed, he must remain
as far up the field as possible, without getting offside, ,to enable
the attack to be resumed at the earliest opportunity. The passing
of the ball by the centre-forward, as well as the other forwards, will