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and should be pulled up. Every time a free hit is raised it must
have been undercut, as it is impossible to raise a stationary ball—
unlike a moving ball—without undercutting.
—All players must have their sticks
behind the line, including the player who is rolling-in the ball.
No half-back should be allowed to bump the ball and thereby
obtain a territorial advantage of (say)
yards, but it is quite
wrong to pull up a half-back who rolls-in a ball which subsequently
rises on bad ground, more especially if his opponent obtains
(d) "
—Watch for intentional blows on the
{ °
Bully Off
Sometimes players taking a " bully " pass the ball through their
legs from the bully-off. Some umpires allow this stroke, but it is
undoubtedly an " obstruction " and should be penalised by giving
a free hit against the offender. When a " bully " is being taken,
all the other players must be at least 5 yards away from the ball.
10. "Free Free Hits
Free hits are frequently taken too hurriedly and before ALL
the other players are the requisite 5 yards from the ball. Except
as provided for in the Rule, order the hit to be taken again.
11. -Penalty Bully"
Penalty bullies are awarded for any DELIBERATE infringement
of ANY Rule inside the circle (" Sticks " only excepted) by a
defender, or when, in the umpire's opinion, a goal would have been
scored but for the infringement, not necessarily deliberate, of a Rule,
by a defender inside the circle.
12. " Corner and Penalty Corner
When a ball is hit or touched by a defender, who is outside the
25 yards line, and goes behind, this is BEHIND. The ball must
touch the defender inside his 25 yards to be a corner.
In all cases of " corner " or " penalty corner. " hits, defenders must
not start to run out until the ball has actually been struck by the
player who is taking the hit. A free hit should always be given
against any player of the attacking side who attempts to take a flying
shot at goal without attempting to stop the ball from either a corner
or penalty corner hit.
A penalty corner may be taken from any spot which a player
may choose on either side of the goal, providing that he is not less
than io yards from the goal-post and no other player is within 5
yards of the ball.
(a) Never put any Rule into operation when, by so doing, an
advantage is given to the offending team. It is advisable not to be
too hasty in giving a decision against the defending team when
the attacking side is in a favourable position to score. If the umpire
is of the opinion that an attacker would be more likely to net the ball