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4. Funds are provided :
(a) By the interest on &oo invested in the name of the Union in
5% Southern Railway Preference Shares.
(b) By the amalgamation of the accounts of the Army Fencing
Union with its subsidiary Club, named The Masks Fencing Club,
for membership of which subscriptions are charged. (See rules of
the Club.)
The invested funds of the A.F.U. and The Masks Fencing Club
are held in trust by the United Services Trustees.
The control of the finance shall be vested in the General
.Association with A.F.A.
5. The Army Fencing Union is in association with the Amateur
Fencing Association, and has power to nominate a representative on
the Amateur Fencing Association Committee.
6. (a) There shall be a President and not more than five Vice-
(b) For purposes of general management the Army Fencing
Union shall be governed by a body of not more than twenty-five
selected Officers or Other Ranks, in addition to the officials, which
shall be known as the General Committee of the Army Fencing
Union (eight to form a quorum). On this Committee each of the
following must be represented :
The Hon. Secretaries of each Command or District Fencing
Committee, the Hon. Secretaries of the Royal Military Academy,
Royal Military College, Royal Engineers' Fencing Clubs and the
Master-at-Arms of the Army School of Physical Training.
In addition to above, eight special members, four Officers and
four Other Ranks, will be elected annually at the General Committee
Meeting held during the Royal Tournament; to hold office from the
day of October General Committee Meeting inclusive until the
corresponding date (exclusive) in the following year. The A.F.U.
representative on the A.F.A. Committee, the Hon. Secretary and
the Hon. Treasurer shall have the right to be. present and vote at
all meetings of this Committee even if not otherwise members of
it. The Hon. Secretary of the A.F.A. or his representative may
attend the meetings of the Committee and speak; this will not,
however, entitle him to vote.
The Secretary of the Army Sport Control Board shall be entitled
to attend the meetings of this Committee.
(c) Any member of .the Committee ceases to be a member on
proceeding on foreign service or on his removal from the Active
List, but in the former case may be. retained, if nominated by
three members of the General Committee, as a supernumerary
member, until the October General Committee Meeting following
his return from abroad. Although this may bring the size of the
Committee above 25, supernumerary members shall have the right