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24. Or, if with any part of his person (except his hand) which is
between wicket and wicket he intercept a ball which, in the opinion
of the Umpire at the Bowler's wicket, shall have been pitched in a
straight line from the Bowler's wicket to the Striker's wicket or shall
have been pitched on the of£ side of the Striker's wicket and would
have hit it : " Leg before wicket."
25. Or, if in playing at the ball, he hit down his wicket with his
bat or any part of his person or dress : " Hit wicket."
26. Or, if under pretence of running, or otherwise, either of the
batsmen wilfully prevent a ball from being caught : " Obstructing
the field."
27. Or, if the ball be struck or be stopped by any part of his
person, and he wilfully strike it again, except it be done for the
purpose of guarding his wicket, which he may do with his bat, or
any part of his person, except his hands : " Hit the ball twice."
If in running, or at any other time, when the ball is in play,
he be out of his ground, and his wicket be struck down by the ball
after touching any fieldsman, or by the hand or arm, with ball in
hand, of any fieldsman: " Run out." But the Striker may not be
out thus, unless the ball has touched the bat or hand, when, in
playing at a No Ball he be out of his ground and -the wicket be put
down by the Wicket-keeper with the ball, or with hand or arm
with ball in hand.
29. Or, if he touch with his hands or take up the ball while in
play unless at the request of the opposite side : " Handled the ball."
30. Or, if he wilfully obstruct any Fieldsman : " Obstructing the
31. If the Batsmen have crossed each other, he that runs for the
wicket which is put down is out ; if they have not crossed he that
has left the wicket which is put down is out.
32. The Striker being run shall be scored. A Batsman
being run out, that run which was being attempted shall not be
33a. A Batsman being out from any cause, the ball shall be
" Dead."
33b. If the ball, whether struck with the bat or not, lodges in a
Batsman's clothing, the ball shall become " Dead."
34• If a ball in play cannot be found or recovered, any Fieldsman
may call " Lost Ball," when the ball shall be " Dead " ; six runs
shall be added to the score ; but if more than six runs have been
run before " Lost Ball " has been called, as many runs as have been
run shall be scored
35• After the ball shall have been finally settled in the Wicket-
keeper's or Bowler's hand, it shall be " Dead " ; but when the
Bowler is about to deliver the ball, if the Batsman at his wicket
be out of his ground before actual delivery, the said Bowler may
run him out ; but if the Bowler throw at that wicket and any run
result, it shall be scored " No Ball."
36. A Batsman shall not retire from his wicket and return to it