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20. Method of Calculating the
Number of Bouts in a
To calculate the number of bouts which will be fought in a
meeting, subtract the number of weights in the meeting from the
number of competitors who are competing. For example : Say
there are 75 entries for six different weights in a tournament, the
number of bouts to complete the tournament would be : 75 — 6
= 69.
By this means a rapid calculation of the time required to decide
a competition can be made. But the great secret to bear in mind
for the success of a meeting is to lose no time between contests.
21. List of Equipment
The following items are mentioned, as sometimes they are over-
looked :
Resin for the ring floor. Sponges.
Chairs for corners. Pencils and scoring pads for referee.
Towels. Sashes for competitors.
Two stop-watches. 8-oz. gloves.
Sawdust boxes. Gong or bell.
Water bottles.
Each competitor should have a clean sponge, tumbler or mug,
and towel.
22. The Ring
The ring shall be a roped square between
ft. The posts
must be padded, and the floor, if of wood or any other hard sub-
stance, must be covered with a carpet, felt, or other soft material.
It must be enclosed by at least three rope rails. The top rail must
be 4 ft. 6 ins., and the bottom rail not more than i ft. 6 ins. from the
floor of the boxing stage. The stage must not exceed 4 ft. in height,
and there must be a margin of stage of at least
ft. between the
ropes and the edge of the stage. While a bout is in progress, the
stage must be cleared of all chairs, buckets, basins, etc.
23. Ring Management
The Officer in charge of the organisation is responsible for all the
ring arrangements, and should fix up a good and securely roped
ring with a protected floor and well-padded posts. As far as possible,
arrangements should be made for the seats of the referee and judges
to be on a level with the floor of the ring. The judges should be as
far away from the ring as can be arranged conveniently up to
a maximum distance of six feet from the ringside.
24. Gloves
Gloves are to be provided by the management, and are to be of
the same pattern. Gloves for all weights to be 8 ozs. each.
Gloves for Boys' weights up to and including Feather Weight
(9st.) to be 6 ozs., but 8 ozs. for all weights over 9st.
All gloves to be tied
the knot at