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Lift from Both Thighs.
Dive forward under your opponent's arms and clasp him firmly
round both thighs. Your shoulder should be pressed against him.
Then lift.
Consists of withdrawing the legs, or, if your opponent
has secured a partial hold, by pressing his head downward.
A Catch-as-Catch-Can fall is obtained by toppling your opponent
over backward, with or without the " inside click " or " back
heel," and falling with him.
Forward Crutch Bold.
This hold is a variation of the Shoulder and Thigh Hold, and is
obtained in much the same way, except that the hand is passed
between the legs and the lift is accomplished from that position.
Force your opponent's head away and withdraw your
A fall in the Catch-as-Catch-Can is obtained as in the Shoulder
and Thigh Hold and should be a certainty if the lifting arm is
forced up the back as far as possible.
Forward Chancery and Swing.
Jerk your opponent's head forward and downward with the left
hand, at the same time passing your right arm underneath his
left arm from the front, securing his head between your arm and
right side. Your left hand should grasp his right upper arm or
you may secure a grip similar to that of the right arm. Lift and
swing to the left.
(1) Force your opponent's arm down and so prevent
.his getting lifting power.
(2) Counter with Fireman's Lift; or
(3) Flying Mare.
A good fall may be obtained in the Catch-as-Catch-Can by
assisting with a left " outside stroke " or your opponent may be
pulled to the mat and turned over.
Standing Cradle Hold.
Secure a forward chancery with your right arm and then reach
forward with your left hand and endeavour to encircle your
opponent's right leg. Join hands under your opponent's body
and lift.
Consists of withdrawing the legs and preventing the
forward chancery hold.
A fine two-shoulder fall is obtained by tipping your opponent
heels-over-head, going down with him sufficiently to retain the hold.