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Kick after a Penalty (Law 24).
1—May be a pla,;e-kick, a drop-kick, or punt, and any player may
take the kick.
2—The kicker's team must be behind the kicker, even when the
kicker retires behind his goal line to take the kick.
3—If any get in front, a scrummage at the mark should be ordered,
unless the kick has been taken from behind the kicker's goa
line, when a scrummage 5 yards from the goal line should be
4—If the kick is a place-kick, the kicker may place the ball for
5—If the kick be taken from behind the goal line the ball must
cros3 the line unless first played by an opponent.
6—The opposing team must stand on or behind the line of mark
and remain passive until the kick has been taken.
7—The opposing team may not charge over the line of the mark.
8—If any do charge over the line of the mark, the Referee may
regard the charge as misconduct and caution the player or
order him off.
9—If any charge and interfere with the flight of the ball, or illegally
stop it, the Referee may allow a goal, if he is of opinion that
a goal would undoubtedly have been scored, or he may allow
the option of another kick.
NOTE—Remaining " passive " means that all players must remain standing with
their hands by their sides and must in no way attempt to put the kicker
off his kick.
Kick at Goal after a Try (Law 25).
1—Must be a place-kick and any player may take the kick.
2—The Referee must see that the ball is brought into the field of play
in a straight line.
3—Any player may handle or place the ball. The ball may be
thrown or kicked to the placer, or dropped by the player
carrying it without infringing any law.
4--After a charge has been disallowed, any player, except the
kicker, may replace the ball, or alter the spot, for the place-
5—The kicker and placer must be distinct persons, and a kicker
may not place the ball for himself to kick.
6—If the kicker touches the ball after it has been placed on the
ground, even after a charge has been disallowed, the kick is
forfeited, and a " kick-off " should be ordered.
7—The Referee must disallow the kick at once and not wait until
after the kick has been taken.