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LAW 25.
Place Kick at Goal after a Try.
—(a) The ball must
be brought into the field-of-play, and be placed on the ground on
a line parallel to the touch lines through the place where the try
was obtained. Any player of the team may take the kick, but
the ball must not be handled by the kicker after it has been
placed on the ground.
All the kicker's team, other than the placer, must be behind
the ball when kicked.
(c) The opposing team must be behind the goal line until the ball
has been placed on the ground for the kick, when they may charge
or jump with a view to touching the ball.
For infringements by the kicker's team—the kick
shall be disallowed.
(ii) For infringements by the opposing team—the charge shall be
disallowed; if the kick has been taken, the kicker shall be alloweld
the option of another kick under the original conditions withoii
the charge.
Under Laws 23 and 25:—
When a player is placing the ball neither he nor the kicker shall
wilfully do anything which may lead his opponents to charge before
the ball has been placed on the ground ; in the event of either
doing so, the charge shall not be disallowed.
Under Laws 23, 24 and 25:—
A goal may be awarded if the ball, after being kicked, is
illegally touched by any of the opposing team, if the Referee is
of opinion that a goal would otherwise undoubtedly have been
—A try is scored in the following cases:—
(a) If a player pass, knock or kick the ball into his own In-goal
and an opponent first ground it.
If a team in a scrummage push the other team over the
latter's goal line and first ground the ball in In-goal. If the
defending team ground it, a touch-down shall be awarded.
(c) If a player ground the ball in his opponents' In-goal and pick
it up again, a try shall be awarded where it was first grounded.
The Referee shall award a try if, in his opinion, one would
undoubtedly have been obtained but for the unfair play or
unlawful interference of the defending team. Such try shall be
awarded on a line parallel to the touch lines through the place
where the ball was when the .infringement occurred.
A try may be scored by a player who is in touch or in touch-in-
goal provided he is not carrying the ball.
The Referee shall allow a touch-down when he is unable to
decide which team first grounded the ball in In-goal.
LAW 27.
—The ball is in touch:—
(a) When, not being in the possession of a player, it touches or
crosses a touch line.
If the ball cross a touch line and is then blown back, it is in
touch at the place where it first crossed the line.
When the ball in a player's possession or a player carrying
it touches a touch line or the ground beyond it.