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Assistance on
ground 4
Carrying ball 15
Crossing 16
N o t giving
way to ball
possessor 16
4.—A free hit at the ball from where it
Unfair play 16
Dangerous was when the foul took place, none of the side
riding 17,
Rough play 18� fouling to be within 30 yards of the ball, the side
sticks a n d fouled being free to place themselves where they
stick use. choose.
S t r i k 1 n g
pony with
stick heart 19
player 20
See penalty 6.
5.—A free hit at the ball, from a spot
side hitting 60 yards distant from the back line opposite where
behind 11 the ball was hit behind, but not nearer the boards
than 12 feet; none of the side fouling to be within
30 yards of the ball, the side fouled being free to
place themselves where they choose.
6.—In the case of failure to carry out
(a) Penalties 2,
3, 4 and 5,
by the side fouling
—another free hit at the ball if a goal has
not been scored.
(b) Penalty 2,
by the side fouled—a
hit in from
behind by the other side from the centre
of their own goal; none of the attacking
side to be within 30 yards of the back line
when the ball is hit or hit at, the defend-
ing side being free to place themselves
where they choose.
(c) Field Rule 10,
by the attacking side—
another hit in from behind.
(d) When Penalties 2, 3, 4 or 5 are not
properly carried out, or Field Rule 10 is
infringed by both sides simultaneously, the
ball sliall be hit or hit at, as the case may
be, from the same spot as before.
7.—In the event of unnecessary delay in
hitting in the ball, the Umpire shall call on the
offending side to hit in at once; if the Umpire's
request is not complied with, he shall bowl in the
ball hard under-hand, at the spot where the ball
crossed the back line at right angles to the goal
line or goal line produced.
of penalties.