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Line of the ball.
Penalty 1, 2, 3 or
Rough play.
Penalty 1, 2, 3 or
Crooking sticks.
Penalty 1, 2, 3 or
Striking across
Penalty 1, 2, 3 or
Striking pony
with head of
Penalty 4.
Penalty 1, 2, 3 or
Penalty 3
N.B.—The line of the ball is the line of its course
that line produced at the moment any
question arises.
(Field) 17.—No player shall ride dangerously.
As, for example:—
(a) Bumping at an angle .dangerous to a player
or his pony.
Zig-zagging in front of another player riding
at a gallop.
(c) Pulling across or over a pony's forelegs in
such manner as to risk tripping the pony, etc.
(Field) 18.—No player shall seize with the hand,
strike, or push with the head, hand, arm or elbow,
but a player may push with his arm, above the
elbow, provided the elbow be kept close to his side.
(Field) 19.—(a) No player shall crook an adver-
sary's stick, unless he is on the same side of an
adversary's pony as the ball, or in a direct line
behind, and his stick is neither over nor under the
body nor across the legs of an . adversary's pony.
The stick may not be crooked or struck unless an
adversary is in the act of striking at the ball.
No player may strike at the ball or crook an
opponent's stick directly across or amongst the
forelegs of an opponent's pony, but if a player
rides into a back stroke from behind he does so at
his own risk, and there is no foul.
(c) No player shall intentionally strike his pony
with the head of his polo stick.
(d) No player shall use his stick dangerously.
(Field) 20.—No dismounted player is allowed to
or 4.
hit the ball qr interfere in the game.
(Field) 21.—(a) If a pony falls, or if a player or
a pony be injured, or in case of an accident to a
pony's gear, which in the opinion of the Umpire
involves danger to the player, or other players, the
Umpire shall ,stop the game.
(b) If a player falls off his pony the Umpire
shall not stop the game unless lie is of opinion that
the player is injured.
(c) What constitutes a fall sliall be left to the
decision of the Umpire.
(d) When the game has been stopped on account
of injury to a player or an accident to gear involv-
ing danger, the Umpire shall restart the game
directly the injured player is fit to play or the
accident to gear put right. He shall. not wait for
any other player who may not be present.