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1. This form must be forwarded in duplicate
through the Command
Sports Board, who will consider the case and then forward it with
their recommendation to the Honorary Secretary, Army Boxing
Association. Applications forwarded direct to the Army Boxing
Association can in no circumstances be considered.
2. The applicant is not eligible to box under A.B.A. or I.S.B.A.
rules until his reinstatement .has been approved.
3. A boxer who has gained his proficiency by fighting in the
professional ranks and .who would be able to compete with the
leading Amateurs should under no circumstances be recommended
for reinstatement as an Amateur.
He may, however, be recommended for reinstatement as a Service
Amateur, in wjiich capacity he may box in any team or individual
competition in the Army with the exception of the Army Individual
4. ienerally speaking, a boxer who has taken a prize of £5 or over
on more than one occasion or who has boxed as a professional for
several years will not be reinstated by the Amateur B.A. It is
generally fair to assume that such a man knew enough about boxing
to realise that he was making himself a professional for life.
5. A young boxer who is keen to become an Amateur boxer should
not be prevented from doing so because of some comparatively minor
infringement of the rules while he was young, and before he had
been taught anything about the true spirit of sport.
On the other hand, any serving .soldier who becomes a professional
after boxing in the Army as an Amateur will not be reinstated
again except under exceptional circumstances.
6. The Reinstatement Committee meets on the first Monday of each
month. Applications for reinstatement cannot be considered at any
.other time.
(Two copies of this to accompany Application Forms.)
1, , hereby
promise never to box professionally during the remainder of
my period of service with the Army unless with permission of the
Committee of the Army Boxing Association.
I understand that this reinstatement will allow me to take part
in competitions, team or individual, organised under Army B.A.
Rules, excluding the Army B.A. Individual Championships, but
that I will not be reinstated as an Amateur under Amateur B.A.