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Accounts and Audit.
41. At every Annual General Meeting a firm of chartered or
incorporated accountants shall be appointed to conduct the audit
for the following year.
43. The accounts shall be made up to April 30th in each year
and signed by the Honorary Treasurer. They shall be audited by
the accountants appointed at the previous Annual General Meeting.
A printed copy of the signed Balance Sheet, together with the
Auditor's certificate, shall be sent to each club with the notice
calling the Annual General Meeting.
43. All constituent bodies and. clubs (colleges and schools
excepted) having a gross annual income of £100 shall each year
ist send, through the constituent body to the
Secretary of the Union, a balance sheet, properly audited; and
here a constituent body or club has a gross annual income of
£300, such balance sheet shall he audited by a chartered or
incorporated accountant. ,
44. There shall be an annual close time between the third
Saturday in April and September 1st. During this period the
playing of Rugby Football, in the British Isles, by clubs under the
jurisdiction of the Union is forbidden when gate money or a collec-
tion is taken. The Committee, however, shall have power to give
permission for a match, the proceeds of which are to be entirely
devoted to an organised charity. Application to play shall be sent
through the constituent body concerned, which shall add its
considered and minuted recommendation thereon.
—If the Tuesday in Easter Week fall later than the third
Saturday in April, the close season shall commence on
the Wednesday in Easter Week.
45. No club or player shall knowingly play in any match with
any suspended or expelled club or player, or in any. fixture with a
club which has been formed by members of one suspended or
expelled by this Union.
46. No member of the Committee of the Union, and unless
engaged solely in the profession of journalism, no Committeeman
of any Constituent Body or Club under the jurisdiction of the
Union, or referee or player, shall write, give information or
interview for the Press, or broadcast on current Rugby Football for
47. Any difference of opinion which may arise as to the meaning
of any of these Bye-laws shall be decided by the Committee, unless
it occur at a General Meeting, when the decision shall be made
by the Chairman thereof. Any such decision shall be recorded in
the minutes and shall be accepted as the true meaning of the
Bye-law until otherwise interpreted at a General Meeting, due
notice having been given.