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Each other team shall consist of:-
3 Officers (one as leader).
2 W.O's. or N.C.O's. not below the rank of sergeant.
2 Lance-sergeants or corporals.
12 Lance-corporals or privates (six of whom must have under
two years' (in Territorial Army three years) service).
Method of Draw.
120. Competing teams will be drawn in pairs and byes disposed
of in first round.
Method of Conducting.
121. (a) The arena shall be cleared of all except the officials and
the competitors. The method of conducting the team combats
will be explained by the director of combats to the leaders of the
combat teams.
(L) Two rows of chairs, numbered 1 to 18, corresponding to the
numbers in the two teams, will be placed facing each other and
outside the double arena. The two teams will be marched into the
arena by their respective team leaders and arranged in the order
in which they are to fight, senior ranks followed by junior ranks
in descending order. They will take their places sitting in the
chairs in the same order, so that each member of the team faces
his opponent in the corresponding numbered chair opposite, rank
figkting rank. The first officer to fight will bip numbered " one."
the remainder being numbered consecutively in the order in which
they marched in—i.e., from 1 to 18. The leader will wear an arm
band with the letter " L."
There will be two referees and four judges for each double arena,
and the bouts will be conducted simultaneously from each end of
the competing teams. Every bout will be fought out, even
although one team has already gained a winning number of
(c) The team leader is responsible that this is carried out.
Referees will then call upon each combatant to fight,
commencing at each end of the row of chairs.
(e) The two leaders will, if it is necessary to decide the event,
figlit last. The number of hits will be the same.
(f) During a bout advice may be given by either leader, but
only during the intervals between hits.
(g) A " caution " against any one member of a team will count
as one caution for purposes of disqualification against every other
member of the team. The referee who gives a caution should,
therefore, inform the other referee and the leader of the team
As each fight is decided, the combatants will return to their
places and remain seated on the chairs.
(i) At the conclusion of the combat, the winners of the bouts
will be counted, and the team which has the greatest number of
winners will be declared to have won that combat.