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Simultaneous or Mutual Hits.
112. Hence it follows in case of simultaneous or mutual hits
that :—
(a) The attacker is at fault and the hit against him :—
(i) 1f he continues to attack after his attempted attack on
his opponent's blade has been deceived.
(ii) If he continues the attack after encountering his
opponent's blade in a parry or counter-action while
making a feint.
(iii) if he runs on to the defender's weapon which has been
pointing at the target of his opponent since the
beginning of the attack.
(b) The defender is at fault and the hit against him :—
(i) If and when making a time or stop-hit he is himself hit
within a measure of time.
(ii) If the defender's riposte does not arrive before or within
a measure of time after the renewed attack.
(c) Both players are at fault and no hit is scored :—
(i) When the attacks were simultaneously begun and the
hits arrive together.
Remise and Redoublement d
113. The remise is the renewal of the attack made in the same
line as the original attack. The redoublement d'attaque is a
renewal of the attack made with a change of line:—
(a) The remise or redoublement made on a fencer who ripostes
immediately after a parry must be made with a sufficient opposition
to parry the riposte in such a way that the fencer who attempts it
is absolutely untouched. In the event of mutual hits, the riposte
only is valid.
(b) If, after a parry, there is a distinct pause followed by a
riposte (delayed riposte) and a remise or redoublement which
arrive nearly simultaneously, the resulting hits are both invalid.
If the remise or redoublement is made before the delayed riposte,
the remise or redoublement only is valid; if after the riposte, the
riposte only is valid.
(c) If the riposte is composed of several feints, the remise or
redoublement to be valid must be delivered before the final.
Stepping off the Pitch.
114. In Foil and Sabre fencing, should a competitor retire off
the end of the pitch with
both feet,
a hit will be scored against
him. When the rear foot of a competitor reaches the warning
line the referee will order play to cease and will inform the
competitor that he has one yard left. If a competitor retires over
the rear limit of the pitch without receiving this warning he will
be placed on guard with his rear foot on the warning line. The
referee will use his discretion as to when to give his warning but
should endeavouir poi
stop a good phrase. A fencer keeps the