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(r) Any mcn►her of the Committee ceases to be a member on
proceeding on foreign service or on his removal from the Active
List, but in the former case may be retained, if nominated by
three members of the General Committee, as a supernumerary
member, until the October General Committee Meeting following
his return from abroad. Although this may bring the size of the
Committee above 25, supernumerary members shall have the right
to express their views in person or by letter at meetings of the
General Committee and to propose resolutions: they shall not,
however, be entitled to vote.
(d) The General Committee may fill any vacancy that occurs in
their body, appoint officials and make such regulations for the
management of the Union as from time to time may be necessary.
(e) In every Command or District shall be established a branch
committee of the Army Fencing Union, which shall be called " TI-IE
or D
." The
general functions of the
Committees are to organise,
encourage and control fencing in each Command, and thereby to
assist the General Committee.
(f) The Selection Committee will be elected annually at the
General Meeting held during the Royal Tournament.
Committee Meetings.
7. The General Committee will meet twice yearly, on first
Saturday in October and towards the end of the fencing at the
Royal Tournament, and at such other times as may be necessary.
Alteration of General Rules.
8. (a) No alteration in the General Rules of the Union shall
be made except at a General Committee Meeting. No alteration
shall be valid unless supported by at least two-thirds of those
voting at the meeting.
(b) Notice of any business to be submitted at a General
Committee fleeting shall be given to the Hon. Secretary 21 days
before the day of the meeting, and a copy of such notice, together
with the names of the proposer and seconder, shall be sent to each
member of the Committee at least seven days before the date of
the meeting.
The agenda of all meetings shall be circulated by the I
Secretary to all members of the General Committee at least five
days before the meeting.
Special Fencing Rules.
9. The Rules of the Royal Tournament will govern all Army
Fencing Competitions and Alatches.
No money prizes may be competed for. Competitions rust
I►a varried out on purely amateur lines.