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On giving a decision, the Umpire should make sure that the
Batsman understands what the decision is.
The special attention of Umpires is called to Law 4S, which
directs them to call " No Ball " unless absolutely satisfied of the
fairness of the delivery.
Umpires should not allow themselves to be unduly influenced by
appeals from such of the field who were not in a position to form
a judgment on the point appealed upon, or by tricks—such as
throwing up the ball on appealing for a catch at the wicket,
without waiting for the decision. Umpires, being the sole judges
of fair or unfair play, should remember that such devices are
obviously unfair, and are not in accordance with the spirit in which
cricket should be played.
It is the duty of Umpires appointed by the Captains of the first
and second-class Counties to report to the Secretary, M.C.C., any
case, on or off the field, of a player criticising or showing resent-
ment to the decision of an Umpire. The Umpires are, however,
required to give notice to the Captains during the match that it. is
their intention to make a report.
Umpires should see that there is no infringement of Law 5.
When in doubt as to the width of a bat they should use the gauge.
All Umpires shall report themselves to the Manager of the
ground one hour before the commencement of each day's play
and they shall make a point of seeing that the wickets, bats and
balls are in accordance with the Laws of the game, and they must
remember that the conduct of the game and the state of the
ground is within their jurisdiction.
The interval for luncheon shall be 40 minutes. In the event of
the last wicket falling within two minutes of the time arranged for
luncheon, the game shall be resumed at the usual hour, no
allowance being made for the ten minutes between the innings.
After 200 runs have been made with a ball in the County
Competition, the fielding side can demand a new one.
Umpires should inform the batsmen when a new ball is about
to be used.
All cricket balls used in County Cricket matches should be
.submitted to and approved by the Captains of the competing sides
before the matches begin.
Trial balls, if both batsmen are at the wickets, shall not be
allowed in First-class Matches.
Boundaries shall be signalled by waving the hand from side to
A boundary six shall be signalled by raising both arms above
the head.
Byes shall be signalled by iaising the open hand above the head.