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1S.—(a) No individual is to play for more than one team in the
competition, but members of representative teams may be changed
during the competition. Recruits at a Depot may only play for
a Depot (vide Rule 3).
(b) In the case of postponed, drawn or replayed ties, only those
players shall be allowed to play who were eligible on the date fixed
for the completion of the round in which the match was originally
fixed. Any player ordered off the field shall be ineligible to play
in such postponed, drawn or replayed tie, unless in the meantime
liis case has been dealt with under Rule X (b).
19.—(a) No man shall be eligible to play for any team until he
has been attested and has served for two calendar months (inclusive
of recruit service in his Depot or at an Army Technical School)
on the strength of the unit which that team represents, and
provided no application for his discharge by purchase has been
made at the time of play.
(b) A Warrant or Non-Commissioned Officer borne on the super-
numerary list of his Corps or Regiment, or an Officer who is
seconded, may continue to play for the unit for which he last
played, unless he is posted to another Corps or Unit which is
eligible under Rule 3 to enter for the Army Cup. When the unit
for which he last played proceeds abroad, he may elect to play
for either the Home Battalion or the Depot of his unit.
(c) Notification of a decision under (b) must be sent to the Hon.
Sec., Army F.A., so as to reach him at least 7 days before so
(d) An Officer may play for his unit from the date of his
appointment to that unit, but an Officer ordered abroad may
continue to play for his unit pending embarkation.
(e) Officers on first appointment attached to the Home Battalion
for 12 months may play for that Battalion.
20.—(a) Army Reserve men, unless mobilised, are not permitted
to compete.
(b) A Reservist rejoining the Colours, or a re-enlisted man who
has not been registered as a professional, is eligible (subject to the
conditions of Rule 21) to compete in a team, provided he is actually
rejoining the Regiment or Corps in which he last served prior to
transfer to the Army Reserve or discharge from the Service. It
must be conclusively shown that during the time he has been away
from the Colours he has not been registered as a professional.
(c) A professional, on rejoining the Colours, provided he has
received a permit from the Football Association to play without
remuneration, may, at the discretion of the General Committee,
be granted permission to play in the Army Cup Competition.
21.—(a) Any soldier who is transferred to, re-enlists or re-engages
in another corps, is ineligible to play in the Army Cup team of the
said corps for one complete year from the date of such transfer,
re-enlistment or re-engagement, except by permission of the
General Committee,