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Hon. Secretaries must produce such receipt to the General
Committee at any time if required to do so.
In the event of any affiliated association, committee,
club, player, official or member being proved to the satisfaction
of the General Committee to have been guilty of any breach of the
rules, or of misconduct, the General Committee shall have the
power to order the offending association, club, player, official or
member to be removed from the Army F.A., suspended for a
stated period,
or otherwise dealt with as the General
Committee may deem fit.
(b) A player who has been sent off the field of play shall not be
permitted to play or take part in football management in
connection with any competition or match under the jurisdiction of
the Army F.A. until his case has been dealt with, except with the
special permission of the General Committee.* Players who are
sent off the field of play for misconduct in matches entirely under
the jurisdiction of the Army F.A. are dealt with by a Sub-
Committee assembled by the Hon. Secretary, Command F.C. (see
Appendix VIII, Army F.A. Handbook).
' Under
F.A. Rule 45,
a player .suspended by the Association is
ineligible to take part in Football or Football Management
XI.—Clubs are held responsible that they immediately bring to
notice of the Hon. Secretary of their Command Football Com-
mittee any notice under Rule 38, para. 4, of the F.A. Rules
(which prevents any civilian
from approaching a Service
player without 14 days' notice to the Officer Commanding his unit)
and any violation of this rule must be similarly notified.
The lion.
Secretary of the Command Football Committee will see that the
report of violation, which must be in duplicate, is in order, and will
forward the same without delay to the Hon. Secretary, Army F.A.
Clubs are responsible that this Rule and Rule 33 (re players
purchased from the Service) are explained to all players.*
XII.—The General Committee may at any time call upon
associations, committees, clubs, individuals or players to produce
any books, letters or documents which the Committee may think:
fit to call for. All Army Crabs shall keep properly vouched
accounts of all expenditure incurred in connection with football.
XIII.—Officers, soldiers, sailors and airmen may be charged
admission to all matches which are under jurisdiction of the
Army F.A.
XIV.—All determinations and decisions arrived at, resolutions
passed, penalties imposed or arbitraments made by the Army F.A.,
or Army F.A. Committees, shall be
final and conclusive,
but it
is at the discretion of the General Committee to re-open any case
in the event of further evidence being forthcoming.
'N.B.—Ruling of Army F.A. Committee 13/6/12—" It may
be deemed misconduct for a player to assist any Club to break
F.A. Rule 38."