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of their retirement. In the event of it being considered desirable,
it shall be within the power of the Annual General Meeting to
elect one additional Vice-President for a term of one year, such
election not to be counted in the usual rotation.
The above shall be elected from nominations sent in writing to
the Hon. Secretary ten days before the date of the Annual
Meeting. Any Club shall be entitled to nominate.
The Hon. Secretary shall notify all Commands of any vacancies
one month before the date of the Annual Meeting.
4. The Committee shall consist of :—
President. Hon. Secretary.
Vice-Presidents. Hon. Treasurer.
Not more than two representatives from each Command or
London District.
One representative from R..M.A., Woolwich.
One representative from R.M.C., Sandhurst.
5. The representatives for Commands and London District will
be elected by the Command or District concerned. Any Club in
a Command or the London District shall have the right to
nominate within the Command or District, and in the event of two
or more nominations, the clubs within the Command or District
shall vote by ballot.
6. The Annual General Meeting shall be held before the end of
July in each year. Each club within the Union shall be entitled
to send one representative to such meeting exclusive of the
Committee, who shall ex-officio be entitled to vote at all General
7. The Committee shall manage the affairs of the Union, and
have full power and uncontrolled authorities over the use, disposi-
tion and investment of all funds, and shall execute all powers
and functions not exclusively conferred upon General Meetings
or specified in the Bye-Laws. Five shall form a quorum. The
Chairman shall have a casting vote in addition to his first vote.
S. Any vacancy occurring on the Committee during the year
shall be filled by the Committee from nominations sent in by the
Command or District concerned.
9. The Captain of the Army team shall be ex-officio a member
of the Committee, but shall have no vote except in the selection
of the team.
10. The Army Challenge Cup shall be the property of the Union,
and the Competition shall be regulated by such rules as the
General Meeting of members shall see fit to make, but the
Committee shall have the power to alter such rules provided that
in the opinion of the Chairman such alteration is of sufficient
urgency to warrant immediate action being taken; any alteration
made in this manner will require confirmation at the next Annual
General Meeting.
11. The Honorary Secretary of the Union shall convene a Special
General Meeting at any time by order of the Committee or on
receiving a requisition to that effect signed by the Secretaries, and