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Standard ... 7 mins. 30 secs.
First Class ... ... 6 „ 30 „
Special ... ... ... ... 5 „ 45
—(a) Fencing will be carried out under
the rules of the Amateur Fencing Association.
(b) Competitors will be divided into pools, according to the
number of entries. After the first series of pools, the competitors
who have gained the first half of the places in each pool will be
again divided into pools. This procedure will be followed until the
final pool is reached. In a similar manner the losers of each series
of pools
be divided again into pools, in order to obtain an
order of merit. Thus, if there are 20 competitors, there will be
two pools of 10 to start with; at the end of the first series the
top five competitors from each pool will be put into another pool
of. 10, and fight for the first 10 places, the bottom five from each
fighting off for the last 10 places.
(c) Classification.
Will be decided by the Committee, according
to the number of entries and the standard of fencing. As a
general guide, the first three or four in final pool are awarded
Special, the remainder of that pool First Class, and the first four
or five in the semi-finals Standard.
Horses will be furnished by the
Committee, and competitors will draw for them by lot. A
competitor will be allowed to mount his horse ten minutes before
his time to start, and try it over a practice jump.
(b) Course.
The course will consist of about 12 obstacles of
different kinds, and will be arranged on the lines of that used for
Hunter Trials. All horses provided by the Committee will have
done the course.
Method of conducting.
The competition is framed as a test
of horsemanship, and not as a race, although competitors may be
penalised for loss of time. Competitors start off at one-minute
intervals, and each is allotted 100 points, from which deductions
are made as follows:-
5 points for first refusal.
10 points for second refusal.
25 points for third refusal, after which the competitor will be
at liberty to proceed to the next obstacle.
5 points for fall of horse and rider.
10 points for fall of rider alone.
Points will also be deducted for hitting or knocking over an
Ir: case of a tie, the competitor who made the best time will be
adjudged the winner.
(d) Classification.
Standard ... ... 75 points
First Class
... ...
85 „
Special ... ... ...
95 „
The course
will be 21 miles over natural country. It will be unknown to
competitors, and will be marked by paper and flags.
Competitors will start off individually at one-minute interval~,
position on the starting list being drawn for.