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A ball played from outside the limits of the teeing-ground may
be at once recalled by the opposing side, and may be re-teed
without penalty.
If a ball, ,vlien not in play, fall off a tee, or be knocked off a tee
by the player in addressing it, it may be re-teed without penalty;
if the ball be struck when so moving, no penalty shall be incurred.
The Honour.
2. The option of taking the honour at the first teeing-ground
shall, if necessary, be decided by lot.
-1 ball played by a player when his opponent should have had the
honour may be at once recalled by the opposing side, and may be
re-teed without penalty.
The side which wins a hole shall take the honour at the next
teeing-ground. If a hole has been halved, the side which had the
lionour at the previous teeing-ground shall retain it.
On beginning a new match, the winner of the long match in the
previous round shall take the honour; if the previous long match
was halved, the side which last won a hole shall take the honour.
Rule 3.
Order of Play in Threesome and Foursome.
In a threesome or foursome the partners shall strike off
alternately from the teeing-grounds, and shall strike alternately
during the play of each hole.
If a player play when his partner should have played, his side
shall lose the hole.
Asking Advice.
1. A player may not ask for nor willingly receive advice from
anyone except his own caddie, his partner, or his partner's caddie.
Information as to Strokes Played.
2. rV player is entitled at any time during the play of a hole to
ascertain from his opponent the number of strokes the latter has
played; if the opponent give wrong information as to the number
of strokes he has played, he shall lose the hole, unless lie correct
his mistake before the player has played another stroke.
Advice from Forecaddie.
A player may employ a forecaddie, but may, not receive advice
from him.