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the corner flag staffs, S yards apart, with a bar across them S feet
from the ground. The maximum width of the goal posts and
the maximum depth of the cross bar shall be 5 inches. Lines
shall be marked 6 yards from each goal post at right angles to
the goal lines for a distance of 6 yards, and these shall be
connected with each other by a line parallel to the goal lines; the
space within these lines shall be the goal area. Lines shall be
marked IS yards from each goal post at right angles to the goal
lines for a distance of IS yards, and these shall be connected with
each other by a line parallel to the goal lines; the space within
these lines shall be the penalty area. A suitable mark shall be
made opposite the centre of each goal, 12 yards from the goal
line; this shall be the penalty kick mark. The circumference
of the ball shall not be less than 27 inches nor more than 2S inches.
The outer casing of the ball must be of leather, and no material
shall be used in the construction of the ball which would constitute
a danger to the players. (b) In International matches, the dimen-
sions of the field of play shall be—maximum length, 120 yards;
minimum length, 110 yards; maximum breadth, So yards; minimum
breadth, 70 yards; and at the commencement of the game the
weight of the ball shall be from 13 to 15 ounces.
Law 1. (a) An International Watch is deemed to be a• match played
under the rules of a Competition.
(b) The touch- and goal-lines must not be marked by a V-shaped rut.
2.—The duration of the game shall be 90 minutes, unless other-
wise mutually agreed upon. The `r-inners of the toss shall have
the option of the kick-off or the choice of goals. The game shall
be commenced by a place kick from the centre of the field of play
in the direction of the opponents' goal line; the opponents shall
not approach within 10 yards of the ball until it is kicked off, nor
shall any player on either side pass the centre of the ground in
the direction of his opponents' goal until the ball is kicked off (a).
3.—Ends shall only be changed at half-time. The interval at
half-time shall not exceed five minutes, except by consent of the
Referee. After a goal is scored, the losing side shall kick-off,
and after the change of ends at half-time the ball shall be kicked-
off by the opposite side from that which originally did so; but
always as provided in Law 2.
Law 2. (a) Decision of the International Board:—If this Law is
not complied with the kick-off must be taken over again.
4.—Except as otherwise provided by these Laws, a goal shall
be scored when the ball has passed between the goal posts under
the bar, not being thrown, knocked-on, nor carried by any player
of the attacking side. A game shall be won by the team scoring
the greater number of goals. If no goals have been scored, or the
scores are equal at the end of the game, the game shall be drawn.
If from any cause during the progress of the game the bar is,
displaced, the Referee shall have power to award a goal if, in his
opinion, the ball would have passed under the bar if it had not