Eglamour with Balade   (Page 3 of 36)

First Scottish book image

(p.55) And lyghtly lat me fare
The man that hewys ower hee.
The spaile will fall in his E
Sa fallis it wyde ouere quhare
Set yhow noght on syk a thyng
Thare wowys hyr Emprioure & kyng
And dukis that ar balde
Erllis & baronys alsa
The lady kepis nane of tha
Bot in gudelynes hyr halde
Wyst hyr fader be hevynnis kyng
That hyr lykyt syk a thyng
Full dere it walde be salde
That euer scho soulde a kyng forsake
Syne a sympill knyght to take
Bot gyf thare luff war alde
Than answeris ye knyght sa mylde
Squyar sen thou was a chylde
Thou has bene maste with me
In deidis of armys & mony stoure
Quhare herde thou euer my dishonowr
Say furthe sa gode saf the
Nay sir be goddis myght
yhe ar haldyn the doghtyast knyght
Of ony in cristynte
In deide of armys be gode of liffe
yhour body is worthe sic oyir fyfe
Grant mercy sir sayde he
The knyght sythit & sayde na mare
till his chamur can he fare
That rychely was wroght