Eglamour with Balade   (Page 2 of 36)

First Scottish book image

(p.54) In all this warlde he luffit nane mare
Than that lady fre
Sertanly bathe day & nyght
Sa dois the lady ye nobill knyght
It was the mare pete
Schir eglemor gert cry.
Deidis of armys wytterly
For luff of cristabell
Quhat maner of man yt walde hyr haf.
Syk dyntis he tham gaffe
That doys tham euer to duell
Thus it fell anys on a day
Till his squyar can he say
In chamwr quhar thai rest
Bellamy & you walde lane
Of a thyng I walde the frane
Thou walkis est & west
Sir he sayis per my fay
Quhat sum euer to me ye say
I sall it neuer oute cast.
The Erllis doghter sa gode me saf
The luf of hyr bot gif I haf
My lyfe than haf I lost
Mastir sayis the squyar fre
ye haf talde me your prevate
I sall you mak ansuare
ye ar a knyght of lytill lande
Takkis noght ill till onderstande
For mekill walde haf mare
Ande say I till that lady sa
Till a scourne scho will it ta