William Dunbar: The Tua Mariit Wemen and the Wedo (pp.177-188 in the volume) with William Dunbar: Lament for the Makars (pp.189-191 in the volume) with William Dunbar: Kynd Kittok (p.192 in the volume) with William Dunbar: The Testament of Mr Andro Kennedy (pp.193-196 in the volume)   (Page 11 of 20)

First Scottish book image

(p.187) That vnder crist no creatur kennis of our doingis.
Bot folk a cury may miscuke that knawlege wantis
And has na colouris for to cover yer awne kindly favtis:
As dois yir damysellis for derne dotit lufe.
That dogonis haldis in dainte et delis with yaim so lang
Quhill al ye cuntre knaw yer kyndnes et faith
Faith has a fair name bot falsheid faris beittir.
Fy one hir that can nought feyne her fame for to saif
zit am i wise in sic werk et wes all my tyme.
yoght i want wit in warldlynes i wylis haif in luf
As ony happy woman has that is of hie blude
Hutit be ye halok lase a hunder zeir of eild.
I haue ane secrete serwand rycht sovir of his toung
That me supportis of sic nedis quhen i a syne mak.
yoght he be sympill to ye sicht he has a tong sickir.
Full mony semelyar sege wer seruice dois mak
Thoght i haif cair vnder cloke ye cleir day quhill nyght
zit haif i solace vnder serk quhill ye sone ryse
zit am i haldin a haly wif our all ye haill schyre.
I am sa peteouse to ye pur quhen ther [is] personis mony.
In passing of pilgrymage i pride me full mekle
Mair for the prese of peple na ony perdoun wynyng.
Bot zit me think ye best bourd quhen baronis et knychtis
And oyir bachilleris blith blwmyng in zouth
And all my luffaris lele my lugeng persewis
And fyllis me wyne wantonly with weilfair et ioy
Sum rownis et sum ralzeis et sum redis ballatis.
Sum raiffis furght rudly with riatus speche
Sum plenis et sum prayis sum prasis mi bewte
Sum kissis me sum clappis me sum kyndnes me proferis
Sum kerffis to me curtasli sum me ye cop giffis
Sum stalwardly steppis ben with a stout curage
And a stif standand thing staiffis in mi neiff
And mony blenkis ben our that but full fer sittis
That mai for ye thik thrang nought thrif as yai wald.