William Dunbar: The Flyting of Dunbar and Kennedy with Robert Henryson: The Praise of Age with Device, Prowess and eke Humility   (Page 1 of 12)

First Scottish book image

(p.137) Apon thy cors vengeance vengeance thay cry
Thou art the cause thay may not rest nor ly
Thou sais for thame few psaltris psalmis or credis
Bot geris me tell thair trentalis of mysdedis
And thair ald sin wyth new schame certify
Insensuate sow cesse false Eustase air
And knaw kene scald I hald of alathya
And cause me not the cause lang to declare
Oft thy curst kyn deulber and his Allya
Cum to the croce on kneis and mak a crya
Confesse thy crime hald kenydy the king
And wyth ane hauthorne scurge thy self and dyng
Thus dree thy penaunce wyth deliquisti quia
Pas to my commissare and be confest
Cour before him on kneis & cum in will
And syne ger Stobo for thy lyf protest
Renounce thy rymis bath ban and birn thy bull
Heve to the heuyn thy handis ande hald the still
Do thou not thus bogane thou salbe brynt
wyth pik fire ter gun puldre or lynt
On Arthuris sete or on ane hyar hyll
I perambalit of pernaso the montayn
Enspirit wyth Mercury fra his goldyn spere
And dulcely drank of eloquence the fontayne
Quhen it was purifit wyth frost and flowit clere
And thou come fule in marche or februere
Thare till a pule and drank the padok rod
That gerris the ryme in to thy termes glod
And blaberis that noyis mennis eris to here
Thou lufis nane irische elf I vnderstand
Bot it suld be all trew scottis mennis lede
It was the gud langage of this land