John Lydgate: The Complaint of the Black Knight with When by Divine Deliberation   (Page 24 of 28)

First Scottish book image

(p.132) Togider both tueyne in the same quhile
That all the court aboue celestiale
At yhoure schame gan lauch and smyle
A feire lady wele willy fond at all
Comfourt to carefull o goddes immortale
Be helping now and do thy diligence
To let the stremes of yine influence

Descend down in furtheryng of thy threuth
Nomely of thaym that be in sorow bond
Shew now thy myght and of there wo haue reuth
Or fals dangere sle hym and confound
And specialy lat thi myght be found
For to succure quhat so thou may
The trew man that in the herbere lay

And al trew men thou furthyr for his saik
O goodly sterre o lady venus myn
And cause his lady hym to grace tak
Hyr hert of steile to mercy so inclyne
Or that the bemes go vp to declyne
And or that thou go now fro ws adoune
For that loue thou haddest to adone
And quhen that sche was gone to hyr rest
I rose anone and home to bed went
For verely me thoght it for the best
Preying thus in al my best entent
That al trew that bene with danger schent
With mercy may in relesche of there peyne
Recouerit be or may cum eft ayene

And for that I may no longer wake