Golagrus and Gawain with John Lydgate: Rhyme without Accord   (Page 6 of 46)

First Scottish book image

(p.12) yit wait I noght quhat he is be goddis grete grace
Bot gif it happin that he be ane knyght of youris here
Has done my lord to displeise that I hym said ryght
And his presence plane
I say yow in certane       As I am trew knight.
He sal be set agane

Schir gavyne gettis his leif and grathis to his steid
And broght to the bauld king boid word of blis
Weill gretis yow lord yone lusty in leid.
And says hym likis in land your langour to lis
All the wyis in welth he weildis in theid
Sall halely be at your will all that is his
Than he merkit witht myrth our ane grene meid
With all the best to the burgh of lordis I wis
The knight kepit the king cumly and cleir
With lordis and ladyis of estate
Met hym furth on the gate       With ane blith cheir.
Syne tuke hym in at yate

He had that heynd to ane hall hiely on hight
With dukis and digne lordis doughty in deid
ye ar welcum cumly king said the kene knyght
Ay quhil you likis and list to luge in this leid
Heir I mak yow of myne maister of myght
Of all the wyis and welth I weild in this steid
Thair is na ridand roy be resoun and right
Sa deir welcum this day doutles but dreid
I am your cousing of kyn I mak to yow knawin
I am your cousing of kyn I mak to yow knawin
This kyth and this castell
Firth forest and fell      Ressaue as your awinin
Ay quhill yow likis to duell