De regimine principum bonum consilium   (Page 1 of 8)

First Scottish book image

(p.101) Ryght as all stringis ar reullit in ane harp
In ane accord and twnyt all with ane vthe
Quhilk is as king yan curiously yai carp
The sound is suete quhen that ye sang is suthe
Bot quhen yai ar discordant false and muthe
Thar wil no man tak plesans in that play
Thai myght weill thole ye menstrale wer away

Bot and ye stringe be not all trew and traist
Quhat sall we do sall we ye menstrale wite.
ye bot he bend and preue yam with a wrast
Be yei vntrew pull on and mak all quite
And othir trew put in the stede als tyte
And change ay sua quhill he find trew concorde
Than wil men say he is worth to be lord

Thou ryall king all yis suld reull yi realme
Gud sound and suthe fast to yi segis gif
Thy tyme to teche all suld be tane as tewme
Thi lawis suld ger yi lyegis laulik lif
Thou suld ger syft yi segis throu a siff
Se quha wer worth to worschip quha to wa
And yam reward eftir as thai cause ma

Reward worthy and punise wekitnes
Nurice vertu exclude vice and errour
Consider weill ye sound of yi segis
Knaw ther curage as face in a mirrour
Sen god maid ye to be ther gouuernour.
And you put blind men in ther gouuernans
Thow salbe punist for ther ignorans