Eglamour with Balade   (Page 36 of 36)

First Scottish book image

(p.88) In rome this romans crownyt is
Iesu bryng ws till his blis
That lestis for owtyn ende



In all oure gardyn growis thare na flouris
Herbe nor tree yt frute has borne this yere
The levys ar doune schakyn with ye schouris
The fynkle fadit in oure grene herbere
The birdis yt bene wount to syngen here
In all this may vnese has songin thrise
And all of dangere is oure gardenere
And gentrise is put quite out of seruice

Quhat yt I mene be this I dar noght speke
For I na dare my hert it is do sare
Na neuer sall I me revenge na wreke
Bot on my self all thogh I suld forfar
Saufand beaute I can prise na mare
Of hyr yt was wont to be gudeliest
And suth it is & sene in all our quhare
No erdly thing bot for a tyme may lest

Sen in this warld thare is no sekernes
Bot pas mon all & end mon euery thingis
I tak my leve at all vnstedfastnes