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Photographers > Ernest Brooks

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Thumbnail for 'C.728 - Shelling at night, during World War I'

First World War 'Official Photographs' > Photographers > Ernest Brooks >

C.728 - Shelling at night, during World War I [74546778]

Photographer: Brooks, Ernest, British official photographer

Date created: 1916-1918

Thumbnail for 'C.768 - Ammunition dumps'

First World War 'Official Photographs' > Photographers > Ernest Brooks >

C.768 - Ammunition dumps [74546784]

Photographer: Brooks, Ernest, British official photographer

Date created: 1916-1918

Thumbnail for 'C.777 - Although wounded they are happy'

First World War 'Official Photographs' > Photographers > Ernest Brooks >

C.777 - Although wounded they are happy [74546786]

Photographer: Brooks, Ernest, British official photographer

Date created: 1916-1918

Thumbnail for 'C.817 - Many shells fell among our men as they took the crest'

First World War 'Official Photographs' > Photographers > Ernest Brooks >

C.817 - Many shells fell among our men as they took the crest [74546788]

Photographer: Brooks, Ernest, British official photographer

Date created: 1916-1918

Thumbnail for 'C.890 - Soldiers pulling a big gun'

First World War 'Official Photographs' > Photographers > Ernest Brooks >

C.890 - Soldiers pulling a big gun [74546792]

Photographer: Brooks, Ernest, British official photographer

Date created: 1916-1918

Thumbnail for 'C.900 - Comfort in a dug-out'

First World War 'Official Photographs' > Photographers > Ernest Brooks >

C.900 - Comfort in a dug-out [74546796]

Photographer: Brooks, Ernest, British official photographer

Date created: 1916-1918

Thumbnail for 'C.908 - Highland Regiment'

First World War 'Official Photographs' > Photographers > Ernest Brooks >

C.908 - Highland Regiment [74546798]

Photographer: Brooks, Ernest, British official photographer

Date created: 1916-1918

Thumbnail for 'C.966 - Free coffee and biscuits any time day or night'

First World War 'Official Photographs' > Photographers > Ernest Brooks >

C.966 - Free coffee and biscuits any time day or night [74546806]

Photographer: Brooks, Ernest, British official photographer

Date created: 1916-1918

Thumbnail for 'C.968 - British advance in the west'

First World War 'Official Photographs' > Photographers > Ernest Brooks >

C.968 - British advance in the west [74545966]

Photographer: Brooks, Ernest, British official photographer

Date created: 1916-1918

Thumbnail for 'C.969 - Worcesters returning from the trenches through the rain'

First World War 'Official Photographs' > Photographers > Ernest Brooks >

C.969 - Worcesters returning from the trenches through the rain [74546808]

Photographer: Brooks, Ernest, British official photographer

Date created: 1916-1918

Thumbnail for 'C.971 - Returning from the trenches'

First World War 'Official Photographs' > Photographers > Ernest Brooks >

C.971 - Returning from the trenches [74546810]

Photographer: Brooks, Ernest, British official photographer

Date created: 1916-1918

Thumbnail for 'C.976 - Middlesex returning from the trenches in the pouring rain'

First World War 'Official Photographs' > Photographers > Ernest Brooks >

C.976 - Middlesex returning from the trenches in the pouring rain [74545968]

Photographer: Brooks, Ernest, British official photographer

Date created: 1916-1918

Thumbnail for 'C.979 - Tommies arriving home at Mud Terrace'

First World War 'Official Photographs' > Photographers > Ernest Brooks >

C.979 - Tommies arriving home at Mud Terrace [74546812]

Photographer: Brooks, Ernest, British official photographer

Date created: 1916-1918

Thumbnail for 'C.987 - Railway engine in difficulties'

First World War 'Official Photographs' > Photographers > Ernest Brooks >

C.987 - Railway engine in difficulties [74545970]

Photographer: Brooks, Ernest, British official photographer

Date created: 1916-1918

Thumbnail for 'C.C2499 - All hot!'

First World War 'Official Photographs' > Photographers > Ernest Brooks >

C.C2499 - All hot! [74546498]

Photographer: Brooks, Ernest, British official photographer

Date created: 1916-1918

Thumbnail for 'V.24 - One of the mine craters at La Bassee'

First World War 'Official Photographs' > Photographers > Ernest Brooks >

V.24 - One of the mine craters at La Bassee [74545916]

Photographer: Brooks, Ernest, British official photographer

Date created: 1916-1918