Scottish school exams

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(16) French, Higher Grade

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(16) French, Higher Grade
(^charges de mousqueterie. II se leve5 en toute hate, monte a
cheval; la premiere chose qu’il rencontre6, c’est un escadron
ennemi. Le marechal aussitot est fait prisonnier7 et conduit
hors de la ville, sans savoir8 ce qui s’y passait, et sans pouvoir8
imaginer la cause d’un evenement si etrange. Le prince Eugene
etait deja a Cremone. Un pretre9, nomine Bozzoli, avait intro-
duit10 les troupes allemandes11 par un egout (gutter, drain).
Quatre cents12 soldats, entres par cet egout dans la maison du
pretre, avaient sur-le-ehamp egorge la garde des deux portes;
les deux poites ouvertes13, le prince Eugene entre avec quatre
mille14 hommes. Tout cela s’ltait fait avant que le gouverneur,
qui etait Espaghol, s’en fut doute15, et avant que16 le marechal
de Villeroi fut eveille. Le secret, 1’ordre, la diligence, toutes
les precautions possibles avaient prepare I’entreprise.
2. Grammatical questions on the above passage :—
(l.) Give feminine of this. (2.) 3rd sing, and 3rd plur.
imperfect subj. (3.) 3rd sing, present, preterite (or past) defi¬
nite, and future. (4.) Why not une ville ? (5.) 3rd plur. pre¬
sent, preterite definite, preterite indefinite, and future of se lever.
(6.) Put this in the preterite indefinite (—£ which he has ’...).
(7.) Turn “ est fait prisonnier ” into the feminine. (8.) 3rd
sing, and plur. present, preterite definite and future of savoir
Rnd pouvoir. (9.) Feminine of pretre. (10.) 3rd plur. present
and imperfect subjunctive. (11.) Give name of country in
French. (12.) Give rule regarding this sign of plural. (13.) 1st
sing, and plur. present and preterite definite indicative. (14.)
Why not milles ? When does it take the s ? (15.) Give the
negative form and the feminine of il s'en fut doute ; also the
plural of both. (16.) Give three other conjunctions which
require the subjunctive.
,3. Translate into French
In 1356 the Black Prince won a glorious victory near Poitiers.
He had only twelve thousand men, while the French had sixty
thousand. John, the King of France, fell into the hands of the
English knights. The prince treated him with the greatest
politeness, and sent him to London. During his sojourn in
England he was shown {trsl. one showed him) all the respect
due to a crowned head. At last having renounced the portion
of his country which Edward had conquered, he was set at (en)
liberty. Before setting out for France, he promised, however,
to send a large sum of gold as ransom (ranyon). But when he
found that his subjects could not raise this money he returned to
England, and died there.
Higher Grade.
Tuesday, 19th dupe. 10 a.m. to 12.
Translate into English :—
a. Au milieu de ces petitesses et de cette corruption parut a
la cour de France une figure gigantesque, et que semblait grandir

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