Scottish school exams

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(12) Greek, Lower Grade

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(12) Greek, Lower Grade
prosecute one for ill behaviour, he used to answer : “ that there
“ was no occasion for him to ruin a poor fellow, who was
“ sufficiently his own enemy to ruin himself.” J3ut in Nelson
there was more than the easiness and humanity of a happy
nature ; he did not merely abstain from injury: his was an
active and watchful benevolence, ever desirous not only to render
justice, but to do good.
General Questions.
1. Discuss briefly the chief differences between English and Latin
prose style, in regard to (1) the arrangement and connexion of
words and clauses in a sentence, and of sentences in a continuous
passage; (2) the use of abstract and concrete, and of metaphorical
and figurative, modes of expression.
2. Write, with dates, a short life of (1) Horace, or (2) Cicero, sup¬
porting and illustrating your remarks by reference to, or quota¬
tion from, their own works.
3. Distinguish between patricii and nobiles, gens and familia, nomen,
cognomen and agnomen. Mention and distinguish some of the
more eminent patrician and plebeian noble houses and families,
and of the more illustrious individuals belpnging to them, in the
last century of the Republic.
Lower Grade.
Thursday, 21st June. 10 a.m. to 12.
I. Translate:
MEN. "H/cot/g-a, & Xelpuv, £>f 6ebf av ein0vf«jcr«a$ dico6ctve7v.
XEIP. ’AXySq ravr' %Kt)v<rai, to Menmte’ kcu ooq op$;, dSdmrof
eivon SvydfAevoq.
MEN. T/$ 8e o-e to? Savarov eptoq eo-^ev, dvepdtrrov rotq mXkotq ^foaro? ;
XEIP. 'Epa irpoq <re gvk dotSterw ovra. Ovk yv ’in ijSu ditoXctveiv jvjq
MEN. Oix yv, tfitv-Ta opgtv to (puq ;
XEIP. Ovk, to Mevimte' to yap ybv tytoye orowc/Xov n Koii o?% dit'kovv
iiyovy-ctt elvai ’ tyd 8s e^av de) Koii dpiXavov tuv ofto/av, IfiJov, (pioTov,
rpotfirjq" a,l Spat 8e at avrat, Kai tcc ytyvopi-aa dnavra i^rjq (KaarTov,
atrirep dKoXovOovvra Odrepov Bari pa. ’EvcrtktjtrB'tjV yovv avrav.
MEN. E3 Xeyeiq, a Xttpm • rd s’v ffiov 8e orSq (pipeiq, dtp ov orposXo'jtosvo?
aird tfseiq ; (
dvipatrToq, ‘ unloved5 ; dxoXavety, ‘ to enjoy ’ ; dKo\ov9eiv, (to follow ’.
Parse fully : Sj/coug-a, ipS, TiBvqKa, ivettA^crQ'/jV, orpoeXo/Aevoq.
II. Give the gen. sing, and dat. plur. of yivoq, TcoXiq, ywi\, lincevq, mXtTqq;
and the acc. plur. of oa-rovy, mvq, v'Sap.
Give the 1st pers. sing, of the fut. indie., perf. indie, act., and aor.
opt. act. of vpdo-trto, dvolyto, ytyvatTKa, Hmj/oj. Also compai'. and
superl. of ’Kokiq, rbvq, fohlteq, lAsyecq, tratyqq,
g 53069. I

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