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(33) German, Honours - Second Paper

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(33) German, Honours - Second Paper
The young girl, so fresh, so unconventional, and yet so orderly as
you at once recognised her to be, was indeed widely in contrast, at
this moment, with everything about her. But even as a ray of
sunshine, fall into what dismal place it may, instantaneously creates
for itself a propriety in being there, so did it seem altogether fit that
the girl should be standing there at the threshold. The old maiden
herself began to feel that the door ought to be shoved back, and the
rusty key turned in the reluctant lock.
“ Can it be Phoebe 1 ” questioned she within herself. “ It must
be little Phoebe ; for it can be nobody else—and there is a look of her
father about her, too. But what does she want here 1 And how like
a country cousin to come down upon a poor body in this way, without
so much as a day’s notice, or asking whether she would be welcome!
Well, she must have a night’s lodging, I suppose, and to-morrow the
child shall go back to her mother ! ”
30. n. Write a German essay or on letter one of the following
(a.) SJfetne 2icbItng§s$piiobe ber fdjottifdjen @efd)id)te.
(b.) Jlutier 2£brif cineS mciner liebfien (englifd)en ober beutfd)en) atomanr
(c.) ©in ©ommerstfuSflug mit Unterbredjungen buc<t) umjortjergeietjene
Honours.—Second Pater.
Thursday, 29th June.—2 to 5 pal
The whole of this Paper should he answered.
1. Translate into English
(a.) 3|t eg benn grauenloS unb grauengtftc? unter bte ©eroattigen ber ©efcfydjte
ju jitjlen unb ^errfctjertunft unb £ertfd)erleiben|d)aft im A'opf unb im £erjen ju
tragen? ^Conigin £utfe tjatte n>ot)l/ roenn baS ©efdiict eg bon it)r geforbert baben
foUte, aug ber aud) bie .Kraft unb ben ©eijt entK>i<felt, bie biefe ©tettungen
ertjeifdien j aber fie ijt nict)t baju berufen irorben, unb fie bat fid) immer glucflid)
gepnefen oor aUem grau fein ju burfen, aud) alg fie ^onigin roar, ©ie war eben
wie anbcre grauen auc^/ md)tg SSefonbereg unb abnorm ©entaleg/ aber bie ooUenbete
SSBeiblidjfeit mit att’ it)rer @d)6nbeit unb Sfteinijeit/ in aU’ ii)rer 2fnmut unb SOSutbe,
in all’ ibrer ^eiterfeit unb ^offnunggtraft j cine non oielen unb bo^ bie eine unter
alien. 2tlg fie ftebjefiniabria aug befdjeibenen aScrbaltniifen eintrat in ben it)r oollig
frembcn K'reig beg gcopen glanjenben ^>ofeg, ber in ber geifitgen aSerEiimmerung
beg ©eutfdjfranjofemumg, in bem ©ingefdjlafenfein auf ben ererbten £orbeeren, wte fie
felber fp&ter fo treffenb eg augfpracb/ oerEam/ ba bat fie, obne eg gu wotten unb obne
eg ju wiffen, biefen £of reformiertt fte bat bie unbefangene groblid)teit wie bie gute
3ud't unb ©Ute, bag beutfd)e 2)u im engften Jtreife bet gamilie, ©oetbeg unb ©d)tUerg
golbene Jfisorte in jene Sreife eingefub«/ bie im SSeguff fd)tenen ju DerftocEen unb
ju Derwetfdien.

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