Scottish school exams

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(30) German, Higher Grade
Lower and Higher Grades.
Monday, 26th June.—2.45 p.m.
This Paper must not be seen by any Candidate.
To be read out twice by the Supervising Officer {or a Teacher) at 2.45 p.m.
The substance of this story is to be reproduced by the candidates in
German from memory. No notes may be made while it is being read.
Before it is actually read, the Supervising Officer should explain that
candidates are not to aim at reproducing the passage in all its details,
and in the same words or order of words as the original. They should
attempt to tell the story in German in their own way. Grammatical
accuracy is considered very important, and, special value is attached to
anything that shows a knowledge of idiomatic German.
A countryman who visited for the first time a great city was
astonished to see so many people in the streets, and could not under¬
stand why they seemed all to be in such a hurry. He also admired
the splendid shops, and it was a great pleasure for him to walk from
window to window, and look at the fine things laid out there. In one
of the windows he saw nothing but foreign money of every kind, in
gold, silver, and paper notes. As he had never heard that one could
sell and buy money, he stepped up to the open door, and asked a
well-dressed young man who was writing at his desk what they had
for sale. “ Fools,” was the curt reply. “ Oh,” said our friend from
the country, “ then you must have done good business, for I can only
see one fool left in your shop.”
Higher Grade.
Monday, 26th June.—2 to 5 p.m.
The whole of this Paper should be answered, and the German script used
at least in the passage for translation into German, 2 (b.).
1. Translate into English :—
(a.) ©uini'en flofien coruber. 3n bem einfamen SBirUtjauS, bag an ber Sffiegf^eibe
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fdmieette ! iDer feurige Canbtcein route ii)t encirmenb burd) bie ©lieber unb
ccr(cl)eud)te bie lefcten ©orgen con ibrer ©eele. ®er Salentin fagte, fie I5nne nur
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i/Su" uber bie iiippen, alg t)5tte fie’g il)t Sebiag gefagt. Stadjbem fie eine ©
gerajtct, bradjen fie tcieber auf. >Der SRegen ijatte aufgebort j bie ooUe SKonbfdjeibe
idiimmerte mit tRHem Winter jerriffenen Sffiollcn. Set ©eg tcurbe jteinig
unb miibfam 4 gro§e Rttrdien batte bag frromenbe 2BaiTer ing ©rbreid) gerijfen j bet

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