Scottish school exams

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3. Either (a) or (b).
(a) Athene, in disguise, conducts Odysseus to the palace of the Phaeacian king.
Tov S’ aure TTpooeenre ded yXavKdjTrus ^AOfjvry
“ roiyap eyoj tol, £elve rrarep, Sopov ov pe KeAevees
Seltjcu, eTrei pot varpos dpvpovos iyyvdt valet.
aAA’ i9t crtyfj rotov—eyai S’ 686v fjyepovevoa)—
prjSe tlv’ dvOpcoTTCov TrpoTLoacreo^'1 prjS’ ipeetve.
ov yap Igeivovs otSe paX1 dvdpcoTTOVs dveyovrai
ovS’ dyaiTa^opevoL (f>tXeov<7,, os k dXXoOev eX9rp
vTjvoi 9ofjatv tol ye TTeTrotdoTes coKelpcnv
Aatrya1'21 pey’ eKTrepococrtv, evel ofncn 8u)k ivoaly9cov.
to)v vees (jOKelai ths el Ttrepov fje vorjpa.”
cos dpa cfxnvfjaaa^ pyr/aaTO IlaXXds ^A9fjvrj
KapTraXipcos' o S’ eWira per’ ’lyyta fialve 9eoto-
tov S’ dpa 0alr]Kes vavoiKXvTol ovk evorjaav
epyopevov /cara doTV 8lcl cr<f>eas' ov yap ’A9fjvrj
eta evTrXoKapos, SeLvrj 9e6s, 17 pd ol dyXvv^
deaTTealrjv KaTeyeve cflXa fpoveova’ evl 9vpa>.
(1* TtpoTLoacropai = I look upon.
(2) XaiTpa = depth, gulf.
^ dyXvs = mist.
Scan the line beginning tlv’ dv9p(!nroov and the two following lines,
marking the quantities and the feet only. (3)
W [turn over]
Page three

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