Scottish school exams

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3. Translate into Latin:—
(1) Do you wish to return to-day ?
(2) He will send two slaves to guard their house.
(3) The soldiers would have fought more bravely if Caesar had been present.
(4) We hoped to see your sister three days ago.
(5) When this was announced I set out for Rome. (20)
4. Translate into English:—
Mitkridates, surreptitiously recovering one of the swords which he has previously
buried in the conference area, kills Datames during a parley.
Mithridates certiorem facit Datamen tempus esse bellum contra regem gerere.
probata re locum, quo conveniant, deligunt. hue Mithridates cum uno
comite, cui maxime fidem habebat, paucis ante diebus venit, compluribusque
locis separatim gladios obruit, eaque loca diligenter notat. ipso autem
colloquii die utrique miserunt milites qui locum explorarent; deinde ipsi
congress! sunt, hie cum aliquamdhd1) in colloquio fuissent, Mithridates,
quasi defessus esset, ibi sedit ubi telum erat infossum. telum clam protulit
atque veste texit. cum Datami digito demonstraret locum ad castra ponenda
idoneum et ille respiceret, avcrsuirf2) ferro transfixit. (30)
f1) aliquamdiu = for some time. (2> aversus = turned away.
5. {a) (i) Who was the Roman god of war ?
(ii) What modern English city corresponds to the town known to the
Romans as Eboracum ?
(iii) Name the poet who wrote the Aeneid.
(iv) Name a garment worn by Roman women.
(v) Name the port of Rome.
(vi) Place the following in chronological order, putting the earliest first:—
Hannibal, Hadrian, Cicero. w)
{b) Write out in full the Latin form of the following everyday abbreviations:—
p.m., etc., A.D., D.V. w)
(c) Write about 50 or 60 words on one of the following topics:—
(i) Mark Antony.
(ii) Gladiatorial Shows.
(iii) The Romans in Scotland. ^
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