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Temperance & various vices

T Whitaker's farewell to drunkenness

(11) T Whitaker's farewell to drunkenness


Farewell to Drunkenness.

Farewell Landlords, farewell Jerry,
Farewell brandy, wine, and sherry,
Farewell horrors and blue devils,
Farewell dens of midnight revels !
Farewell shoes that have no soles on ;
Farewell fires that have no coals on ;
Farewell sots and all sot feeders,
Farewell rogues and all thief-breeders.
Farewell cupboards that no meat's in,
Farewell chairs that have no seats in,
Farewell children with wry faces,
Farewell to these pawn shop races ;
Farewell Landlords and your spouses,
Farewell spiders and your houses ;
Farewell to your noise and rabble,
Farewell all such foolish gabble.
Farewell swash and all swash venders,
Farewell bums and all bum senders,
Farewell pockets that are empty,
Farewell landlords, you've had plenty.

    The Drunkard's Catechism.

Queston.—What is your name ? Answer.—Sot.

Q.—Who gave you that name ?

A.—As Drinking is my God, and Jerry Lords and
Jerry Ladies are my godfathers and godmothers, they
gave me that name in my drunken sprees, wherein I
was made a member of strife, a child of war, and an in-
heritor of a bundle of rags.

Q.—What did your godfathers and godmothers then
do for you ?

A.—They did promise and vow three things in my
name. First, that I should renounce the comforts of
my own fireside ; secondly, starve ray wife and hunger
my children ; thirdly, walk in rags and tatters with my
shoe sole going flip flap all the days of my life.

Rehearse the Articles of thy belief.

I believe in Mr. Alcohol, the great head and chief of
all manner of vice—the source of nine-tenths of all
disease. I believe in the existence of a set of venders
and manufacturers of this liquid fire—and lastly, I not
only believe, but I am sure, that when my money is all
spent, the Landlord Will stop the tap.

Q.—How many commandments have you sots to
keep ?


Q.—Which be they ?

A.—The same which the Landlord and Landlady
spake in the bar, saying, we are thy master and thy
mistress, who brought thee out of the paths of virtue,
placed thee in the ways of vice and set thy feet in the
road that leads to New South Wales.

1st.—Thou shalt use no other house but mine.

2nd.—Thou shalt not make to thyself any substitute
for intoxicating drink, such as cold water, tea, coffee,
lemonade, or ginger pop, for I am a jealous man, wear-
ing the coat that should be on thy back—eating thy
children's bread—and pocketing the money that should
make the wife of thy bosom happy.

3rd.—Thou shalt not use our house in vain—thou
shalt not enter unless thou spends, for we will not thank
thee for using our house in vain.

4th.—Remember thou eats one meal on the Sabbath
day. Six days shalt thou drink and spend all thy gains,
but the seventh is the Sabbath, whereon I am forced to
shut up for two hours, wherein I wash my floors, mend
my fires, replenish my spittoons with sawdust, and make
ready for the worship of Bacchus during the remainder
of the day.

5th.—Honour the Jerry Lords and Jerry Ladies
with thy presence, that thy days may be few and
miserable in the land wherein thou livest.

6th.—Thou shalt commit murder by hungering
starving, and beating thy wife and family.

7th.—Thou shalt commit suicide w;th poisoning thy-
self with alcohol.

8th.—Thou shalt steal thy wife and children's bread,
and rob thyself of all comfort.

9th.—Thou shalt bear false witness when thou speaks
of the horrors, and say that thou art in good health,
when thou art labouring under the barrel fever.

10th.—Thou shalt covet all thy neighbour is posses-
sed of, thou shalt covet his house, his land, his ox, his
ass, his purse, his health, his wealth, his clothes, that
thou may indulge in all thy luxuries, and help thee to
buy the brewer's coach, his dray horses, his fine build-
ings, and thus enable him to live in idleness ; and also
to enable the Lanlord to buy a beautiful sign to place
over his door, with " Licensed to be Drunk on the
Premises."                                           Written by T. M.

George Walker, Jun., Printer, Sadler-Street, Durham.

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