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Turtle (Islands), East Indies 48 G 6
Turtle (Lake), Saskatchewan,
60 J 3
Turtle Lake, Mich., U. S. 96 K
Turtle (Lake), Mich., U. S. ... 9oM
Turtle (Lake), Minn., U. S. ... 98 0
Turtle Lake, N. Dak., U. S. ... 99 C
Turtle (Lake), N. Dak., U. S. 09 D
Turtle Lake, Wis., U. S. ••••••••• 97 L
Turtle (Mountains), N. Dak.,
U. S
Turtle ^Point), S. Australia
99 G
99 G
74 C
74 E
83 N
99 D
50 I)
Turtle (Rapids), Wash., U. S. Ill G
Turtle (River), 9a-hLS-r;"a'
Turtle River, N. Dak., U-S.
Turtle (River), N. Dak., U. o.
Turtlecreek, Pa., U. S
Turtlepoint, Pa., U.S.
Turtletown, Tenn., U.S
Turtmann, or Tourtemagne,
Switzerland °
Turtola, Russia ^ pi -
Turton, England ^ u ^
Turton, S. Dak., U. S 100 F 1
Turtucaia, or Tartarkoi, Ru-
mania 35 K 4
Turtukai, Bulgaria 35 J 5
Turuaca, Rio (river), Yene-
zuela 122 D 3
Turugumbe, or Turungumbe,
Fr. W. Africa 54 D 7
Turuj (tribe), Sudan 55 9 7
Turuka, Br. E. Africa 56 Q 11
Turukhansk, Siberia 37 L 0
Turum Pusht, Persia 40 E
Turungumbe, Fr. W. Africa... 54 D
Turunjah, Jebel (mt.), Persia 40 F
Turunthus FL, or Duna
(river), Russia 33 D
Turut, Persia 40 F
Turuyaras, Brazil 123 H
Turvey, England 8 D
Turvey Station, England ... 8 D
Turvo, Brazil 123 F
Turvo, Rio (river; tributary
of Paranahyba), Brazil ....;. 123 G
Turvo, Rio (river; tributary
of Rio Grande), Brazil 123 H
Tury-assu, Brazil 123 H
Tury-assu, Rio (river), Bra¬
zil 123 H
Tury-assu. (Bay), Brazil 123 H
Turymokit (Mountains),
Siberia 37 N
Turzovka, Hungary 28 K
Tus, or Tun, Persia 40 H
Tiis So (lake), Denmark 25 J
Tusaun, or Thusis, Switzer¬
land 27 L
Tuscalamital (Creek), Miss.,
U. S
Tuscaloosa, Ala., U. S
Tuscaloosa (co.), Ala., U. S.
85 E
84 B
84 B
Tuscan, Cal., U. S 114 C
100 G
32 J
Tuscan, S. Dak., U. S.
Tuscan (Archipelago), Italy
Tuscania, or Toscanella, Italy 32 L 10
Tuscany (compartimento)
Tuscarawas, O., U. S
Tuscarawas (co.), O., U. S. ..
Tuscarawas (River), O., U. S
31 J
90 G
90 G
90 G 4
Tuscarora, Ala., U. S 84 A
113 F
71 G
71 B 4
74 G,
75 G
Tuscarora, Nev., U. S.
Tuscarora, N. Y., U. S.
Tuscarora, N. C., U. S 78 P
Tuscarora (Creek), Pa., U. S. 74 G
Tuscarora Ind. Res., N. Y.,
U. S
Tuscarora (Mountain), Pa.,
U. S
Tuscarora Station, Md., II. S.
Tuschetu-khan, or Tushetu-
khan (region), Central Asia 44 G
Tuschkau, Austria 29 G
Tuscola, 111., U. S
Tuscola, Mich., U. S. ..
Tuscola (co.), Mich., U
Tuscola, Miss., U. S
Tuscola, Va., U. S
Tuscolana Station (Rome)
Italy (on local map)
Tuscon (Mountains), N. Mex.
U. S.
94 J 6
96 O 11
96 P 10
85 F 5
76 C 2
30 E 11
110 G 5
Tuscor, Mont., U. S 107 A
Tusculum, Ga., U. S 80 J
Tusculum, Tenn., U. S 83 Q 2
Tuscumbia, Ala., U. S 84 B 1
Tuscumbia, Mo., U. S 104 H 8
Tuscumbia (Bend), Mississ¬
ippi River, La., U. S 87 H 2
Tuscumbia (River), Miss.,
U. S 85 G 1
Tusgaru (Straitl, Japan 46 K 3
Tushetu-guna, Central Asia... 44 G 2
Tushetu-khan, Camp of, Cen¬
tral Asia 44 G 1
Tushetu-khan (region), Cen¬
tral Asia 44 G 1
Tushi (district), Russia 38 L 1
Tushkahoma. Ind. Ty., U. S. 106 M 5
Tushkan-daria (river), Cen¬
tral Asia 44 B 2
Tushunin, Sahara 54 B 6
Tusia, Turkey in Asia 38 E 2
Tusidde (mt.'). Sahara 55 K 5
Tusisset. Jebel (mt.), Tripoli 55 L 3
Tuskar Rock (L.H.), Ireland 16 J 7
Tuskau, or Tuschkau, Aus¬
tria 29 G 4
Tuskeega, la., U. S 101 E 6
78 B
78 B 4
Tuskegee, Ala., U.S... 84 F
Tusker (Kooit), Y ales P 9
Tusket, Nova Scotia 63 d
Tuskin, Morocco it
Tuson, India PS
Tusquitee, N. C., U. b. •••
Tusquittah, or Tusquitee,
N. C., U.S. ••;••••
Tusseys (Mountain), Pa., ^ 6
Tusseyviile, Pa., U. S <4; G o
Tussling, Germany 9 .
Tussy, Ind. Ty., U. S 106 G
Tusten, N. Y., U.S. 69 N
Tusteren (island), Norway... 26 E
Tustin, Cal., U. S. ^ £
Tustin, Mich., U. S 90 K
Tustin, Wis., U.S. 97 9
Tustumena (Lake), Alaska ... 116 U
Tusun, Egypt arv-c,
Tusurukata, Japan. ,n „ f
Tut, Persia •••■• ■■■■■■■■ 40 I 4
Tut-i Kasarmal, Afghanistan 40 Iv 4
Tut-i-Kasarman, or Tut-i
Kasarmal, Afghanistan ... 40 K 4
Tutagu, Central Asia 44 it i
Tutbury, England \\ %
Tutbury Station, England ... 11 L 3
Tuters, Great (island), Gulf
of Finland 34 F 2
Tuters, Small (island), Gulf
of Finland 34 F 2
Tuticorin, India 42 G 15
Tutiwan, Hongkong, China ... 44 E 7
Tutoia, Brazil 123 J 4
Tutoka (river), Russia 34 K 2
Tutoko, Mount, New Zealand 52 B 8
Tuton, Ga., U. S 80 C 9
Tutrakan, or Turtukai, Bul¬
garia 35 J 5
Tutting, Germany 23 Q 17
Tuttle, Col., U. S 109 O 4
Tuttle (Creek), Col., U. S 109 F 7
Tuttles, N. Y„ IT. S 71 H 6
Tuttlingen, Germany 23 Q 8
Tutu, or Tatu, Fiji 52 B 2
Tutuila (Island), Samoa 52 B 1
Tutulepec, Mexico 119 K 10
Tutupaca (volcano), Peru 122 C 7
Tuturskaia, Siberia 37 N 3
Tutwas, India 41 D 6
Tutwiler, Miss., U. S 85 D 2
Tutz, Germany 24 F 23
Tuvutha (island), Fiji 52 C 3
Tuwang, Nigeria 54 H 9
Tuxedni (Bay), Alaska 116 N 6
Tuxedo Park, N. Y„ U. S 69 O 9
Tuxer Gebirge (mts.), Aus¬
tria 29 D 9
Tuxford, England 8 C 2
Tuxford Station, England ... 8 C 2
Tuxpan (Jalisco), Mexico... 119 G 8
Tuxpan (Michoacan), Mexico 119 J 8
Tuxpan (Tepic), Mexico 119 F 7
Tuxpan (Vera Cruz), Mexico 119 K 7
Tuxpan (L.H.), Mexico 119 K 7
Tuxtepec, Mexico 119 L 8
Tuxtla, Mexico 119 L 8
Tuxtla, or Tuxtla Gutierrez,
Mexico 119 M 9
Tuxtla Gutierrez, Mexico ... 119 M 9
Tuy, Spain 20 D 2
Tuy (river), Venezuela 122 D 1
Tuyenkwan, Fr. Indo-China... 43 G 4
Tuyu, Argentina 124 F 11
Tuz, or Tun, Persia 40 H 4
Tuz G61, or Tuz Tcholli Gol
(salt lake), Turkey in Asia 38 E 3
Tuz Kliurmati, Turkey in Asia 38 L 5
Tuz (Lake), Turkey in Asia ... 33 E 4
Tuz Tcholli Gol (lake), Tur¬
key in Asia 38 E 3
Tuzaka, Manchuria 44 N 1
Tuzla, Cape, Rumania 35 L 4
Tuzla, Turkey in Asia 33 B 3
Tuzly, or Tazli, Persia ... 40 C 3
Tvarditza, Eastern Rumelia 35 H 6
Tvea Ompil, Siam 43 F 8
Tvedestrand, Norway 26 F 7
Tver, Russia 34 K 3
Tver (government), Russia ... 34 K 3
Tveraa (L.H.; N. YU of Punt-
havn), Faroe Islands 25 B 3
Tvertza (river), Russia 34 K 3
Tvisker (island), Iceland 25 Q 3
Twala, N. Dak., U. S 99 D 1
Twann, Switzerland 27 D 3
Twat (oasis), Sahara 54 G 4
Twatatia, Formosa 46 L 7
Tweed, River, England 6 F 1
Tweed, N. C., U. S 78 E 4
Tweed, Ontario 61 H 3
Tweed Heads, New South
YTales 51 K 2
Tweed (River), Scotland 15 M 4
Tweedmouth, England 6 F 1
Tweedshaws, Scotland 15 J 4
Tweedsmuir, Scotland 15 J 4
Tweet, Minn., U.S 98 A 1
Twelve Apostles (mts.), Cape
Colony 57 B 6
Twelve Mile, S. Australia 50 E 2
Twelve Mile (Creek), N. Y.
U. S ;. 71 E 5
Twelve Pins (mts.), Ireland... 16 B 4
Twelve Pole (Creek), W. Va.,
U S 77 B 4
TwelvemPe. Mo.. U.S 104M 10
Twenty, England 8 D 3
Twenty-five Mile (Creek)
Okla., U. S 106 C 2
10 G
80 E
77 D
80 E
75 D
80 B
Twenty-four Parganas (dis-
trict), India 41 O
Twenty Mile (Creek), Wyo.,
U. 103 p
Twenty Mile Tank, Ariz.,
U. S I19 F
Twerton, England 12 J
Twickenham, England 10 G
Twickenh im Station, Eng
Twiggs (co.), Ga., U. S
Twiggs, W. Va., U. S
Twiggsville, Ga., U. S
Twiggtown, Md., U. S
Twilight, Ga., U. S
Twilight Cove (bay), W. Aus¬
tralia 50 D
Twilight Park, N. Y., U. S.... 69 S
Twillingate, Newfoundland ... 63 J
Twin, North (island; James
Bay), Canada 59 O
Twin, South (island; James
Bay), Canada 59 O
Twin, O., U.S 91 A
Twin, Wash., U. S Ill B
Twin Bridges, Mont., U. S. ... 107 D
Twin Butte (mt.; Choteau
Valley), Mont., U. S 107 L
Twin Butte (mt.; Crow Re¬
servation), Mont., U. S 107 J 4
Twin Butte (Creek), Kan.,
U. S 105 A 3
Twin Buttes (mts.; Apache
co.), Ariz., U. S HO F 4
Twin Buttes (mt.; Gila co.),
Ariz., U. S HO E 5
Twin Buttes (mts.), Col.,
U. S 109 A 3
Twin Buttes (mts.), S. Dak.,
U. S 100 C 1
Twin Buttes (mts.), Tex., U. S. 89 C 7
Twin Buttes (mt.; Fremont
co.), Wyo., U. S 108 K 7
Twin Buttes (mts.; Yellow¬
stone Nat. Park), Wyo., U. S. 108 M 3
Twin (Creek), O., U. S 91 A 5
Twin Dam, Me., U. S 65 F 4
Twin (Falls), Idaho, U. S 103 E 7
Twin Island (L.H.; Belfast
Bay), Ireland 16 K 2
Twin Lake, Mich., U. S 96 J 11
Twin Lake Junction, Mich.,
IT. S 96 N 8
Twin (Lake), North, Wis.,
U. S 97 H 2
Twin (Lake), South, Wis.,
U. S 97 H 2
Twin (Lakes), Conn., U. S. ... 63 B
Twin (Lakes), Col., U. S 109 F
Twin (Lakes), Ta., U. S 101 D
Twin (Lakes), Mich., U. S. ... 96 N
Twin Lakes, Minn., U. S 93 D
Twin (Lakes), Minn., U. S. ... 98 B
Twin Lakes Station, Col.,
U. S 109 F
Twin Mountain, N. H.. U. S. 66 H
Twin (Mountain), North,
N. H., U.S
Twin (Mountain), South,
N. H., U. S
Twin (Mountain), Catskill
Mountains, N. Y., U. S
Twin (Peak), Cal., TJ. S 115 D
Twin (Peak"), Nev., U. S 113 C
Twin (Peak), Utah, U. S 113 C
Twin (Peaks), Cal., U. S 115 L
Twin (Peaks). Mont., U. S 107 F
Twin Ponds, N. Y., IT. S 70 P
Twin River (Point), Wis.. U.S. 97 M
Twin Rock (mt.), N. Mex.,
U. S 110 G
66 H 6
66 H 6
69 S 8
88 J
93 A
97 F
100 H
105 D
78 B
9 F
105 F
75 C
109 F
15 M 3
90 H
6 F
Twin Sisters, Tex., U. S.
Twin Valley. Minn.. IT. S
Twinbluffs, Wis., U. S
Twinbrooks, S. Dak., U. S. ...
Twincreek, Kan., U. S
Twine, N. C.. U. S
Twineham, England
Twinfalls. Kan., U. S
Twining, D. C., IT. S
Twinlakes. Col., U. S
Twinlaw Cairns (mt.), Scot¬
land ,
Twins, The (mts.), Ind. Ty.,
U. S 106 L 3
Twins, The (islands), New
York City, U. S 69 R 12
Twinsburg, O., U. S
Twisell, England
Twisell Castle (Northumber
land), England
Twist, Tex., U. S 89 E
Twistringen, Germany 22 G
Twitchen, England 13 E
Twizell House (Northum¬
berland), England 6 G
Two Bridges, England 13 E
Two Bridges, N. J„ U. S 72 F
Two Brothers (islands), Hud¬
son Bay 59 O
Two Brother’s (Reef), Ha¬
waiian Islands, N.,Pacific... 49 L
Two Butte (Creek), Col., IT. S. 109 M
Two Buttes (mts.), Col., IT. S. 109 N
Two Groups (islands). Low
Archipelago 52 M
Two Harbors, Minn., U. S. 98 F
Two Hearted (River), Mich.,
U. S 95 K
Two Hills (Island), New Heb¬
rides 52 J
6 F
geogjaphical information will be found by referring to the General Index, Vol. 35.
Two (Islets), East Indies
Two Lick (Creek), Pa., U. 8....
Two Medicine (Creek), Mont.,
U. S
Two Mountains (co.), Quebec
Two Mountains, Lake of the,
Two Ocean (Plateau), Yellow¬
stone National Park, Wyo.,
U. S. (on local map)
Two Rivers (river), Minn.,
U. S
Two Rivers, Wis., U. 8
Two Tail (Creek), S. Dak.,
U. S
Two Woods (Lake), S. Dak.,
U. S
Twobar, Wyo., U. S
Twofold Bay, New South
W ales
Twofold Bay (L.H.; E. of
Eden), Newr South Wales ...
Twohig, Tex., U. S
Twonicz, Austria
Tworog, Germany
Tworun, Ga., U.S
Twycross, England
Tw'yford (Berks), England ...
Twyford (Hants), England...
Twyford Abbey, London ...
Twymans Mill, Va., U. S. ...
Twymyn, Afon (river), Wales
Twynersh (Surrey), England
Twynholm, Scotland
Twywell, England
Ty-chwyth, Wales
Ty-Croes, Wales
Ty-newydd, Wales
Ty Ty, or Tyty, Ga, U. S. ...
Tyan-shan or Celestial
(Mountains), Central Asia...
Tyaskin, Md., U.S
Tybaki, Crete
Tybee (Savannah), Ga., U. S....
Tybee (Creekl, Savannah, Ga.,
U. S :
Tybee (Island), Ga., U. S
Tybee (L.H.), S. C., U. S
Tybee (River), Ga., U. S
Tybee (Roads), S. C., U. S. ...
Tybo, Nev., U. S
Tybring Vig (bay), Denmark
Tyczyn, Austria
Tydd, England
Tydd St. Giles, England
Tydd Station, England
Tydweiliog, Y^ales
Tye (River), Va., U. S
Tye River Depot, Va., U. S. ...
Tyee, Wash., U.S
Tyerimai or Tjirmai,
Mount, Java
Tygarts Valley, Ky„ U. S
Tyger, S. C., U. S
Tyggebo, or Tugba, Sahara...
Tygh Valley, Oreg., U. S
Tyin (lake), Norway
Tykocin, Russia
Tylden, Cape Colony
Tyldesley, England
Tyler, Minn.. U. S
Tyler, Mo., U. S
Tyler, N. Dak., U. S
Tyler, Pa., U. S
Tyler, Tex., U. S
Tyler (co.), Tex., U. S
Tyler, Wash.. U. S
Tyler (co.), W. Va.. U. S
Tyler City. Conn., IT. S
Tyler Park, N. J., U. S
Tyler Pond (lake), Conn.,
U. S
Tylerhill. Pa.. U.S
Tylers, Va., IT. S
Tylers Branch (stream), Vt.,
U. S
Tylersburg, Pa., U. S
Tylerscreek, W. Va., U. S. ...
Tylersport, Pa., U. S
Tylersville, O., U. S
Tylersville, Pa., U. S
Tylersville, S. C., U. S
Tylertown, Miss., IT. S
Tylerville, Conn., U. S
Tylisos, Crete
fylo (L.H.; W. of Halm-
stad), Sweden
Tylong Head (point), Hong¬
Tylorstown, Wales
Tylwch. Wales
Tymochtee (Creek), O., IT. S.
Tymphrestos or Velukhi
(Mountain), Greece
Tyn-y-groes, Wales
Tynagh, Ireland
Tyndall, Mount, Cal., U. S. ...
Tyndall, S. Dak., U. S
Tyndrum, Scotland
Tyne, River, England
Tyne, River, Scotland
Tyne River Entrance (L.H.),
Tyne Valley, Prince Edward
Tyneham, England
Tynehead, Scotland
Tynemouth, England
Tynemouth (L.H.), England
Tyner, Ind., IT. S
Tyner, Kan., U. S
43 D 2
74 D 5
107 D 1
62 F 7
62 F 8
103 P 4
93 A 1
97 L 6
100 D 3
100 H 2
103 P 8
51 H 6
51 H G
88 H 9
28 N 2
24 L 28
80 C 2
8 A 4
9 D 3
9 C 4
10 H 5
76 G 4
11 E 4
10 C 10
14 H 10
8 D 4
12 E 3
11 B 2
12 F 3
80 D 9
44 D 2
75 M 6
36 D 9
80 K 2
80 J 2
80 J 2
79 G 7
80 H 2
79 G 7
113 F 4
25 F 6
28 0 2
8 F 3
8 F 3
8 F 3
11 B 3
76 E 5
76 F 5
111 A 1
43 C G
82 K 4
79 D 1
54 D G
112 D 1
26 F G
34 D 5
57 H G
7 C 5
98 A 5
104 N 12
99 H 3
74 E 4
88 M 5
88 N 7
111 H 2
77 E 2
63 D 4
69 P 13
68 C 2
73 M 3
76 H 5
66 C 3
74 D 4
77 B 4
73 M 6
91 B 6
73 H 5
79 E 2
85 D 8
68 F 4
35 D 8
25 M 3
44 E 7
12 F 3
11 E 4
90 D 3
36 E 3
11 D 3
16 E 5
115 G 6
100 G 3
15 E 1
6 G 4
15 L 3
6 H 3
63 F 3
13 K 3
15 L 3
6 H 3
6 H 3
92 D 2
105 D 2

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