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63 K
100 F
16 B
16 B 6
14 D
liarboro, S. C., U. S 79 H 3
-arboro, Tenn., U. S 83 N 3
-arboro Junction, Ontario... 61 F 4
aarborough, England 7 J 3
Yarborough, England (on
travel map) 3 D 1
osarborough (shoal), Philip¬
pine Islands 47 A 4
iYarborough (Tobago), West
Indies 118 J 12
•jarborough (L.H.), England 7 J 3
osarborough (L.H.; Tobago),
West Indies 118 J 12
ardona, Austria 28 G 8
siardus Range, or Schar Pla-
nina (mts.), Turkey in Eu-
rrope 35 C 6
arf Gap (pass), England ... 6 C 5
ariff (Island), Ireland 16 A 8
sarisbrick, England 7 B 5
arle, North, England 8 C 2
arle, South, England 8 C 2
arl. Switzerland 27 N 4
tarnish (L.H.; Tiree Is¬
land), Scotland 14 C 7
'■arp (island), Hebrides 14 B 3
oarpa, or Scarp (island),
Hebrides 14 B 3
tarpanto, or Skarpanto (is¬
land), ^gean Sea 38 B 5
arperia, Italy 31 K 7
arrbury, Queensland 50 G 4
•arriff, Ireland 16 D 6
:arsdale, N. Y., U. S 69 P 10
•artaglin, Ireland 16 C 7
carthin Nick (pass), Eng-
land 8 A 2
;artho, England 7 K 5
jarweather (L.S.; W. of
Porthcawl), England 12 E
;ary, W. Va., U. S 77 C
atari, Greece 36 G
;atari (Island), Nova Scotia 63 K
:atari (L.H.; N. E. of Sca-
tari Island), Cape Breton ...
! ^atterwood, S. Dak., U. S. ...
battery (Island), Ireland ...
battery Island (L.H.), Ire¬
lavaig, Loch (inlet), Scot¬
pawby, England 7 J
lawby Station, England 7 J
■awd Law (mt.), Scotland... 15 H
. «awton, England 7 G
jearces, Mo., U. S 103 D
:eaux (Sarthe), France 19 B
saux (Seine), France 19 E
jeaux-sur-Huisne, or Sceaux
(Sarthe), France 19 B
1 enery Hill, Pa,, TJ. S 74 B
eptesberie, or Shaftesbury,
[England 13 K
sesaplana (mt.), Austria 27 M
ey-sur-Sabne, France 19 M
haal See (lake), Germany... 22 E 12
:haan, Austria 27 L 3
:haan-Vaduz, or Schaan,
lustria 27 L 3
habokritskaia, or Shabok-
richka, Russia 34 G 7
thachen Thai (valley),
Switzerland 27 J 4
(haefferstown. Pa., U. S. ... 73 K 6
thaerbeek (Brussels), Bel¬
gium (on local map) 21 B 3
thafberg (mt.), Austria 29 H 8
ihafer See (lake; Berlin),
Germany (on local map) ... 24 G 30
ihaffer, Mich., U. S 95 G 6
ihaflhausen, Switzerland ... 27 J 1
haflhausen (canton), Switz-
jrland 27 H 1
Ihaflhausen, Switzerland
on travel map) 3 J 5
fhaffhausen, Falls of, Switz-
rland 27 H 2
ihaflhouse, or Schaffhausen
(canton), Switzerland 27 H 1
hafstadt, Germany 23 K 14
haftlach, Germany 23 R 14
hagen, Netherlands 21 E 3
ihagticoke, N. Y., U. S 70 P 6
:halfick, or Schanfigg (val¬
ley), Switzerland 27 L 4
ihalflgg, or Schanfigg (val¬
ley), Switzerland 27 L 4
■halkau, Germany 23 M 13
halke, Germany 22 J 5
[halks, N. J., U. S 72 F 4
halier, la., U. S 101 C 3
ihanck, Cape, Victoria 51 F 7
Landau, Germany 23 L 19
hanfigg (valley), Switzer¬
land 27 L 4
Lanis, Switzerland 27 K 3
•hank, Mount, S. Australia 51 D 6
hantz, or Wotthe (island),
Marshall Islands 52 K 2
:hanz, or Wotthe (island),
Marshall Islands 52 K
hapen, Germany 22 H
lhapville, 111., TJ. S 93 E
;har Planina (mts.), Turkey
in Europe 35 C
sharanz, Switzerland 27 L
Larding, Austria 29 G
Larfenort, Germany 24 G 23
diarhorn (island), Germany 22 E 7
Laripova, Russia 33 L 5
sharley, Germany 24 M 28
Scharmbeck, Germany 22 F 8
Scharnitz, Austria 29 C 9
Schassburg, Hungary 28 Q 5
Schattau, Austria 29 M 6
Schattdorf, Switzerland 27 J 4
Schatzlar, Austria 29 M 2
Schaul, or Shavli, Russia ... 34 D 4
Schaumberg, 111., TJ. S 93 J 1
Schaumburg-Lippe (princi¬
pality), Germany 22 H 9
Scheemda, Netherlands 21 K 2
Scheerding, or Scharding,
Austria 29 G 7
Scheessel, Germany 22 F 10
Schehallion, or Schiehallion
(mt.), Scotland 14 H 6
Scheibbs, Austria 29 L 7
Scheideck, or Scheidegg
Switzerland 27 H 3
Scheidegg, Switzerland 27 H 3
Scheidegg, Great (mt.),
Switzerland 27 G 5
Scheidegg, Little (mt.),
Switzerland 27 F 5
Scheifling, Austria 29 J 9
Scheifling, Austria (on travel
map) 3 M 5
Scheinfeld, Germany 23 N 12
Schel, The (mt.), Scotland... 6 F 2
Schelde (river), Belgium 21 B 7
Schelde, West (river), Nether¬
lands 21 C 6
Scheldt, or Schelde (river),
Belgium 21 B 7
Schelklingen, Germany 23 Q 10
Schell, W. Va., U. S 77 H 2
Schell City, Mo., IT. S 104 D 8
Schelibourne, Nev., U. S. ... 113 H 3
Scheliburg, Pa., U. S 74 E 6
Schellenberg, Germany 23 R 16
Schellenberg (hill), Germany 23 P 12
Schellingwoude (Amster¬
dam), Netherlands (on local
map) 21 B 2
Schellsburg, or Schellburg,
Pa., U. S 74 E
Schemnitz, Hungary 28 L
Schemnitz, Hungary (on
travel map) 3 O
Schenectady, N. Y., TJ. S 70 P
Schenectady <co.), N. Y., TJ. S. 70 O
Schenectady, South, N. Y.,
U. S 70 P 6
Schenefeld, Germany 22 D 10
Schenevus, N. Y., TJ. S 70 N 6
Schenevus (Creek), N. Y., TJ.S. 70 N 6
Schenk, Gross, Hungary 28 R 6
Schenklengsfeld, Germany ... 23 L lo
Schepmannsdorf, or Schepp-
mansdorf, Ger. S. W. Africa 57 B
Scheppmansdorf, Ger. S. W.
Africa 57 B
Schera, or Corleone, Sicily... 32 J
Scherbinskoi, Russia 33 K
Schererville, Ind., TJ. S 92 B
Schermbeck, Germany 22 J
Scherpenheuvel, or Montaigu,
Belgium 21 E
Scherrebek, Germany 22 B
Scherzligen, Switzerland 27 E
Schesslitz, Germany 23 N 13
Schetzel Berg (mt.; Berlin),
Germany 24 K 31
Scheveningen, Netherlands... 21 D 4
Scheveningen (L.H.), Nether¬
lands 21 D 4
Schie (river), Netherlands ... 21 D 5
Schiedam, Netherlands 21 D 5
Schiehallion (mt.), Scotland 15 G 1
Schiemanen, Gross, Germany 24 F 32
Schiermonikoog or Schier-
monnikoog (L.H.), Nether¬
lands 21 H 2
Schiermonnikoog (island),
Netherlands 21 H 2
Schiers, Switzerland 27 M 4
Schiet Fontein, or Carnarvon
(district), Cape Colony 57 E 6
Schiewenhorst, Germany 24 D 29
Schigri, or Shtchigry, Russia 34 L 6
Schijndel, Netherlands 21 G 5
Schildau, Germany 23 K 16
Schildberg, Germany 24 K 27
Schillehnen, Germany 24 C 36
Schiller, Tex., TJ. S 88 J 8
Schillighorn (L.H.), Germany 22 E 7
Schiltach, Germany 23 Q 7
Schiltern, Austria 29 L 6
Schilthorn (mt.), Switzerland 27 F 5
Schimonken, Germany 24 E 34
Schinznach, Switzerland 27 G 2
Schio, Italy 31 K 3
Schio, Italy (on travel map) 3 K 6
Schipbeek (river), Nether¬
lands 21 H 4
Schipka or Shipka (Pass),
Bulgaria 35 H 6
Schippenbeil, Germany 24 D 32
Schirmeck, Germany 23 Q 5
Schirnding, Germany 23 M 15
Schirrau, Gross, Germany ... 24 C 33
Schirvinty, Russia 34 E 4
Schirwindt, Germany ......... 24 C 36
Schivelbein, Germany 24 E 22
Sehjetman (Reef), N. Pacific 49 K 3
Schkeuditz, Germany 23 K 15
Schlackenwald, or Schlaggen-
wald, Austria 29 F 3
Schlackenwerth, Austria 29 F 3
Schladming, Austria 29 H
Schlan, Austria 29 H 3
Schlanders, Austria 29 B 10
Schlangenbad, Germany 23 M 7
Schlappenz. Austria 29 M 4
Scblatterville, Ga., TJ. S 80 G 9
Schlawa, Germany 24 J 23
Schlawe, Germany 24 D 24
Schlawe, Germany (on travel
map) 3 N 1
Schlei (inlet), Germany 22 C 10
Schlei Mtinde (L.H.), Ger¬
many 25 F 7
Schleicher (co.), Tex., TJ. S. ... 89 G 7
Schleiden, Germany 23 L 4
Schleimiinde or Dahmeshoft
(L.H.), Germany 22 C 11
Schleintz (Mountains), Bis¬
marck Archipelago 48 J 1
Schleisingerville, Wis., TJ. S. 97 K 8
Schleissheim, Germany 23 Q 14
Schleitheim, Switzerland ... 27 H 1
Schleiz, Germany * 23 L 14
Schlern (mt.), Austria 29 D 10
Schlesien, or Silesia (prov¬
ince), Germany 24 L 24
Schlesser, Mich., TJ. S 96 N 5
Schlestadt, or Schlettstadt,
Germany 23 Q 6
Schleswig, Germany 22 D 9
Schleswig, Germany (on
travel map) 3 J 1
Schleswig (district), Ger¬
many 22 C 9
Schleswig, la., TJ. S 101 C 3
Schleswig-Holstein (prov¬
ince), Germany 22 C 9
Schlettstadt, Germany 23 Q 6
Schlettstadt, Germany (on
travel map) 3 H 4
Schleusingen, Germany 23 L 12
Schley (co.), Ga., TJ. S 80 C 7
Schley, or Schlei (inlet),
Germany 22 C 10
Schlichtingsheim, Germany... 24 J 23
Schlieben, Germany 22 J 17
Schliengen, Germany 23 R 6
Schliersee, Germany 23 R 14
Schliewitz, Gross, Germany... 24 E 27
Schlippenbach, Cape, Korea 46 D 3
Schlitz, Germany 23 L 9
Schlobitten, Germany 24 D 30
Schlochau, Germany 24 E 25
Schlodien, Germany 24 D 30
Schlonwitz, Germany 24 D 25
Schloppe, Germany 24 F 23
Schlotheim, Germany 23 K 12
Schluchsee, Germany 23 R 7
Schlucht (Pass), Germany ... 23 Q 4
Schliichtern, Germany 23 M 9
Scbluckenau, Austria 29 J 2
Schluderns, Austria 29 B 10
Schluersburg, Mo., TJ. S. 103 L 7
Schlusselburg, Russia 34 H 2
Schliisselfeld, Germany 23 N 12
Schmadri (Fall), Switzerland 27 F 5
Schmalkalden, Germany 23 L 12
Schmalkalden, Klein, Ger¬
many 23 L 11
Schmalleningken, Germany... 24 B 25
Schmargendorf (Berlin), Ger¬
many 24 J 29
Schmecks, Hungary 28 M 2
Schmerikon, Switzerland 27 J 3
Schmiedeberg (Branden¬
burg), Germany 22 J 16
Schmiedeberg (Silesia), Ger¬
many 24 L 22
Schmiegel, Germany 24 H 23
Schmolln, Germany 23 L 15
Schmollnitz, Hungary 28 M 3
Schmblnitz, or Schmollnitz,
Hungary 28 M 3
Schmolsin, Germany 24 C 25
Schmottseiflen, Germany 24 K 22
Schnabelwaid, Germany 23 N 14
Schnackenburg, Germany ... 22 F 13
Schnaittenbach, Germany ... 23 N 35
Schnapper (Point), Port
Phillip, Victoria (on local
map) 50 B 2
Schnasse (co.), S. Dak., TJ. S. 100 C 1
Schnee Berg (mt.), Austria ... 29 M 8
Schneeberg, Germany 23 L 16
Schneeberg (mt.), Germany... 23 M 14
Schneeberg, Great (mt.),
Germany 24 M 24
Schneekopf (mt.), Germany... 23 L 12
Schneekoppe (mt.), Austria... 29 M 2
Schneekoppe (mt.), Austria
(on travel map) 3 M 3
Schneidemuhl, Germany 24 F 34
Schneidemiihl, Germany (on
travel map) 3 N 2
Sehnellville, Ind., TJ. S 92 C 8
Schneverdingen, Germany ... 22 F 10
Schnierlach, Germany 23 Q 5
Schnottwif, Switzerland 27 E 3
Schoben See (lake), Germany 24 E 33
Schober (Pass), Austria 29 K 9
Schochoh, Ky., TJ. S 82 C 7
Schocken, Germany 24 G 25
Schodack, East, N. Y., TJ.S.... 70 P 6
Schodack, South, N. Y., TJ. S. 70 P 6
Schodack Landing, N. Y., TJ.S. 70 P 7
Schoeman, Transvaal 57 K 7
Schoeneck, Pa., TJ. S 73 K 6
Schoenus, or Kalamaki,
Greece 36 H 5
Schoesters (Creek), Simons
Town, Cape Colony 57 B 7
Schofield, Mo., TJ. S'. 104 F 9
Schlaggenwald, Austria 29 F
geographical information zoiU be found by referring to the General Index, Vol. 35.
Schofield, Wis., TJ. S 97 G 5
Schoftland, Switzerland 27 G 3
Schoharie, N. Y., U. S 70 O 6
Schoharie (co.), N. Y., TJ. S.... 70 O 6
Schoharie (Creek), N. Y., TJ. S. 70 O 6
Schoharie Junction, N. Y.,
TJ. S 70 O 6
Schokland (island), Nether¬
lands 21 G 3
Schokland Emmeloord (L.H.;
N. of Schokland), Nether¬
lands 21 G 3
Schokland Emmeloord (L.H.;
S. of Schokland), Nether¬
lands 21 G 3
Scholac, Turkey in Europe ... 35 B 7
Scholes, England 7 F 4
Schollenen (ravine), Switzer¬
land 27 H 4
Schollkrippen, Germany 23 M 9
Scholls, Oreg., TJ. S 112 C 1
Scholmer Au (river),Germany 22 C 9
Scholpin (L.H.), Germany 24 C 25
Scholten, Mo., U. S 104 E 11
Schomberg (Silesia), Germany 24 L 22
Schbmberg (Wiirttemberg),
Germany 23 Q 8
Schomelmarkt, or Szilagy-
Somlyo, Hungary 28 O 4
Schonau, Germany 24 K 22
Schonbach, Austria 29 E 3
Schbnbaum, Germany 24 D 29
Schonberg (Bohemia), Austria 29 J 4
Schonberg (Lower Austria),
Austria 29 M 6
Schonberg, Mahrisch-, Aus-
„ tria, 28 H 1
Schonberg (Bavaria), Ger¬
many 23 P 17
Schonberg (Mecklenburg-
Schwerin), Germany 22 E 12
Schonberg (Rhine Province),
Germany 23 M 3
Schonberg (kingdom of
Saxony), Germany 23 L 15
Schonberg (Schleswig-Hol¬
stein), Germany 22 D 11
Schonberg (Silesia), Germany 23 K 21
Schonberg (W. Prussia), Ger¬
many 24 D 27
Schbnberg, Russia 34 E 3
Schonbruch (Berlin), Ger-
„ many 24 J 31
Schonbruch (E. Prussia), Ger-
„ many 24 D 33
Schonbrunn (Vienna). Austria
(on local map) 29 C 6
Schonbuch (hills), Germany... 23 P 9
Schonebeck, Germany 22 J 14
Schonebeck, Gross, Germany 22 G 18
Schoneberg (Berlin), Germany
(on local map) 24 J 31
Schbneck (kingdom of
Saxony), Germany 23M 15
Schoneck (W. Prussia), Ger-
„ many 24 D 27
Schbnefeld, Germany 23 K 16
Schonegg (Pass), Switzerland 27 H 4
Schonen, or Skane (district),
Sweden 26 H 9
Schonenberg, Germany 23 O 5
Schbnermark, Germany 22 F 19
Schonewalde, Germany 22 J 17
Schbnfeld, Austria 29 F 3
Schonfeld, Germany 24 M 24
Schonficht, Germany 23 N 15
Schonfliess (N. E. of Berlin),
Germany 22 G 26
Schonfliess (S. E. of Berlin),
Germany 22 H 19
Schongau, Germany 23 R 12
Schonhagen, Germany 22 E 21
Schonhausen, Germany 22 G 15
Schonholz (Berlin), Germany
(on local map) 24 G 31
Schoningen, Germany 22 H 13
Schonlanke, Germany 24 F 23
Schonlinde. Austria 29 J 2
Schonsee (Bavaria), Germany 23 N 15
Schonsee (W. Prussia), Ger¬
many 24 F 28
Schohstein, Austria 29 L 11
Schonthal, Germany 23 O 10
Schonungen, Germany 23 M 11
Schoodic, Me., TJ. S 65 F 5
Schoodic (Lake), Me., TJ. S. ... 65 F 5
Schoodic or Grand (Lakes),
Me., U. S 65 H 4
Schoodic or Grand (Lakes),
New Brunswick 63 A 4
Schoodic or Saint Croix
(River), Me., TJ. S 65 J 5
Schoodic or St. Croix
(River), New Brunswick ... 63 B 4
School, 111., TJ. S 94 J 9
School Section (Lake),
Waukesha Lake Region,
Wis., TJ. S 97 C 11
Schoolcraft, Mich., TJ. S 96 K 13
Schoolcraft (co.), Mich., TJ. 8. 95 J 5
Schooleys Mountain, N. J.,
Sch'ooihili, wis., TJ. S. ......... 97 L 7
Schoolhouse, W. Va., TJ. S. ... 77 C 3
Schooner, Ind., TJ. S 92 D 6
Schoonhoven, Netherlands ... 21 E 5
Schoorl, Netherlands 21 E 3
Schopfheim, Germany 23 R 6
Schopp, Germany 23 O 6
Schoppenstedt. Germany 22 H 12
Schoppinitz, Germany 24 M 29
Schorndorf, Germany 23 P 10

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