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Euahine Range (mts.), New
Zealand “ £ t
Euan Minor, England ......... « u o
Euanda (tribe), Ger. E. Africa 56 O 1
Euapehu, Mount, New Zea- .
land *
Euapuke (Island), blew Zea- ^ ^ iQ
land »” •••;•- " so D 8
Ruark, Ga U S 94 K 8
Euark, 111., U. b. vr 'G
Buatiin (Ruatan Island!, Hon'120 j 3
RuaWn (Island), Honduras ... 1^0 J 3
Rubanovka, Hussia ^ q ^
Rubata, Br. E. Africa ••••••••• oi r 5
Rubbiera, or Rubiera, Italy 3i_ J 0
Rubeki, Egypt
Rubenow, Germany
Rubens, la., U. fe. ••
Rubens, Kan., b.b.
Rubermont, Va., U. b T ,
Rubery, England 11
Rubi, or Ruvo di Puglia, ^ ^ ^
Rubla Punta (point), Argen- ^ e ^
Rubicon,' Ark., U. S. ^3 D 4
Rubicon, Mich., U.S ^ ^ ’
Rubicon, N. C. U S 78 L 4
Rubicon, Wis., U. S ^ J °
Rubiera, Italy ^ ^ 0
Rubin, Nahr (river), Pales-
55 T
22 D 18
101 D 2
105 D 2
76 G 6
39 B 8
Venezuela 122 C
Rublevko, Russia
34 K
Ruby, Ala., ^84 C
109 A 4
Ruby, Cal., IT. S.
Ruby (Gunnison co.), Col., ^ ^
Ruby (Mesa co.), Col., U.S sn w q
Ruby, Ga., U. S 80 E 9
Ruby, Ind. Ty., U.S 10« M 1
Ruby, Mich., U. S 96 Q 11
Ruby, Miss., U.S 80 D 7
Ruby, N.Vak. 'u.'S.".' 99 G 2
Ruby’ (Creek), Vash.^' U. s" ••• m E 1
Ruby (Lake), Nev., U.S 113 G 2
Ruby (Mines), Burma 45 L 5
Ruby (Mountains), Mont.,
-Q g lUl U ‘±
Ruby ’ (Mountains), Nev.,
Ruby’(Pass’), Col., U. S. 109 D 5
Ruby Valley, Nev U. S 113 G -
Rubyhill, Nev., U. S 113 P 3
Ruchi, Russia ••••••••••••• 34 E a
Ruchill Water (streani), Scot¬
15 G
Rucio, Honduras 120 K 5
Rucken, Germany B M
Rucker, Mo., U. S 104 C 8
Rucker, Tenn., U. S 83 J 3
Ruckers, Germany 24 M 23
Ruckersville, Ga., U. S 22 S 3
Ruckersville, Va., U.S 76 G
Ruckerville, Ky., U.S ® o S
Ruckland, England 8 E
Ruckles, Oreg., U. S 112 B
Ruckman, W. Va., U. S 77 J
Rucphen, Netherlands 21 E
Rucuyennes, or Roucouy-
ennes (Indian tribe), Fr.
Guiana 123 G 3
Rud Zerd, Persia 40 C 5
Ruda (river), Germany 24 M 27
Rudakota, India 42 J 10
Rudauli, India 41 H 6
Rudbar, Afghanistan 40 K 5
Rudbar or Razuft (River),
Persia 40 D 5
Rudbaxton, Wales 12 B 2
Rudczanny, Germany 24 E 33
Rudczanny, Germany (on
travel man) 3 P
Rudd, la., U. S 101 H
Ruddell, S. C„ U. S 79 F
Ruddells Mills, Ky., U. S 82 H
Rudder (Bay), Siberia 116 A
Rudderhead (Point), Ontario 95 M
Ruddervoorde, Belgium 21 B
Rudding Park (Yorks), Eng¬
land 7 F
Ruddlngton, England 8 B
Ruddle, W. Va., U. S 77 H
Ruddock, La., U. S 87 J
Euddon, Loch (inlet), Scot¬
land 15 D
Eudduah or Radliwa, Jebel
(mt.), Arabia 39 G
Rudelsburg (castle), Ger¬
many 23 K 14
Ruden (island), Germany 22 D 18
Riidersdorf, Germany 22 H 18
Riiderswil, Switzerland 27 F
Riidesheim. Germany 23 N
Rudeston, N. Y.. U. S 70 O
Rudgwick, England 9 E
Rudh a Bhuachaille (point),
Scotland 14 F
Rudh an Dunani (point), Scot¬
land 14 D
Rudh’ Ardalanlsh (point),
Scotland 14 D
Rudha an Ridire (point),
Scotland 15 B
Rudha Chraiglnis (point),
Scotland 14 B
Rudha Dubh (point), Scot¬
land 14 C
Bodden (bay),
Rudha Hunish (point), Scot¬
land , .
Rudha Mhail, or Rudh a
Mhail (L.H.), Scotland ...... 15 A
Rudha na Faing (point),
Scotland 14 ^
Rudha na Fearna (point),
Scotland 44 E
Rudha na h-Easgainne
(point), Scotland 44 D
Rudha na Lice Bhuidhe
(point), Scotland D
Rudha Ruadh (point), Scot¬
land ••••■■
Rudham, East, England
Rudh’re’(point), Scotland 14 E 4
Rudim, or Andna, Italy 32 U 12
Rudid, Wady (river-bed),
Rudkjobing, Denmark
Rudkjbbing (L.H.; Lange- _
land), Denmark ^ 11
Rudkobing, or Rudkjobing,
Rudnaia Gorka, Russia 34 J
Rudnia (Mogilef), Russia 14 4
Rudnia (Smolensk), Russia ... 34 J 5
Rudnia (near Dunaberg,
Vitebsk), Russia 34 o 5
Rudnia (near Smolensk, ,
Vitebsk), Russia 34 H 4
Rudnik, Austria o2 p i
Rudnik (district), Servm 3o C 4
Rudnja, or Rudnia (bmo-
lensk), Russia bs r s
Rudo, Bosnia ,7® A! ®
Rudobanya, Hungary ,2^2
Rudok, Tibet 44 4
Rudolf, Lake, Br. E. Africa... 56 Q 10
Rudolfswert, or Rudolfs-
werth, Austria 29 L 12
Rudolfswerth, Austria 29 l i^
Rudolph, 0.,U.S ...q 90 C 2
Rudolph, S. Dak., U.S 400 F 1
Rudolph, Tenn., U. S 83 G 3
Rudolph, Wis., U.S oq t ig
Rudolstadt, Germany ...;. 23 L 15
Rudolstadt, Germany (on
travel map) cm I? c
Rudovka, Russia 7 t a
Rudston, England ' 4 “
Rudwangen, Germany 24 E 33
Rudy, Ark., U S 86 D 3
Rudy, Idaho, U.S n ^
Rudy an,_ Persia ^ ^ |
14 D 4
14 F
8 H
Sahara X7 X
Rudki, Austria 2» r
54 G
25 H
Rudyard, England 41 J
Rudyard, Mich., U. S 9oM 5
Rudyard (Bay), Alaska....;.. 116 x 9
Rudyard (Reservoir), Eng¬
11 J 2
Rue, Switzeriand 2! £ 1
Rue (Point), Isle of Man 6 B 1
Rueda, Spain 2UH q
Ruedi, Col., U. S. ....•••••• 199 E 4
Rueggisberg, or Riiggisberg,
Switzerland ■J‘ E 4
Rueha, or Ruaha (river),
Ger. E. Africa 56 P 13
Rueikbeh, Er (mt.), Pales-
^ ^
Rueil, France S o
Ruel, River, Scotland la D 2
Ruella, Kan., U. S 105 D 4
Rufah, Sudan 5a P 7
Rufala, or Rufah, Sudan 55 P 7
Ruffec, France 18 F 7
Ruffec, France (on travel
map) „ ? a
Ruffey, France 19 L 6
Rufley -les-Echirey, or Ruffey,
France 49 L 6
Ruffin, N. C., U. S 78 K 2
Ruffin, S. C., U. S 79 G 5
Ruffners Station, Tenn.,
U, g 83 M 2
Rufford, England 7 B 5
Rufford Park (Notts), Eng¬
land 8 B 2
Rufforth, England 7G 4
Ruffsdale, Pa., U. S 74 C 6
Rufiji (river), Ger. E. Africa... 56 Q 13
Rufino, Argentina 124 E 10
Rufisque, Fr. W. Africa 54 B 7
Rufisque (L.H.), Fr. W.
Africa 54 B
Rufu (river), Ger. E. Africa... 58 Q 12
Rufuma, or Rovuma (river),
Ger. E. Africa 56 Q 13
Rufus, Ky., U. S 82 A
Rufus, Oreg., U. S 112 E
Rufus (Stone), England 9 A
Rug (Islands). N. Pacific 49 G
Rugby, Col., U. S 109 J
Rugby, England 8 B
Rugby, England (on travel
map) 3 D
Rugby, N. Dak., U. S 99 D
Rugby, Ontario 61 F
Rugby, Tenn.. U. S 83 M
Rugby, Va., U. S 76 E
Rugby Junction, Wis., U. S. ... 97 K
Rugby Junction Station, N.
Dak., U. S 99 D 1
Rugeley, England 11 K
Riigen (island), Germany ... 22 D 17
Riigen (island), Germany (on
travel map) 3 L
Rugenbergen (near Ham¬
burg), Germany (on local
map) 24 M 30
Rugenscher . ... „ 1S
Germany 22 jj is
Riigenwalde, Germany 24 D 25
Riigenwalde, Germany (on
travel map) ;vG'V' 3 ^ 1
Rugenwaldermunde (L.H.),
Germany 34 d 25
Rugged (Point), Newport,
R I. U. J
Riiggisberg, Switzerland 27 E
Ruggles, O., U. S 90 F
Ruggles, Pa., II. S 73 K
Ruggs, Miss., U. b. 85 G
Ruggudevpur, India 41 N
Rugles, France 19 B
Rugless, Ky., U. S. 82 K
Ruhanga, Br. E. Africa •••;••••• 56 O 11
Rtihimaki, or Rahimaki, Fin¬
34 E 1
Ruhla, Germany 23 L 11
Ruhland, Germany ^ ,
Ruhmannsfelden, Germany ... 22 P 17
Ruhnow, Germany 24 E 22
Ruhnow, Germany (on travel
map) o JYL ^
Ruhpolding, Germany 23 R 15
Ruhr (river), Germany 22 K 6
Ruhrort, Germany 22 K 4
Ruhuhu (river), Ger. E.
Africa 56 P 13
Ruhwald, Germany 24 H 28
Rui, Afghanistan
Ruia (River), Rhodesia 56 O 15
Ruibinsk, or Rybinsk, Russia 33 G 4
Ruidoso, N. Mex., U. S HO K 5
Ruines, France l® J »
Ruislip, England 10 E 3
Ruislip (Reservoir), England 10 E 3
Ruivaes, Portugal 20 R 3
Ruivo, Pico (mt.), Madeira
Islands •••■ •••. ^0 O 7
Ruiz (volcano), Colombia 122 B 3
Rukanpur, India 41 C 5
Rukhan, Russia •••• ••••■ 34 j o
Ruknabad, Fort, Asiatic „
Russia v •••• J o
Rukshu (division), India 41 G 3
Ruku, Nigeria 54 el &
Rukwa or Leopold, Lake,
Ger. E. Africa 56 O 13
Rule, Ark., U. S 86 F 2
Ruleton, Kan., U. S 10o A -
Rulhieres (Cape), W. Austra-
II Q 5U JJ 6
Rulo, Neb., U. s. 102 J 3
Rum, Sound of, Scotland 14 D 6
Rum Cay (island), Bahama
Islands J-J-* n ^
Rum (Island), Scotland 14 D 5
Rum Jungle, S. Australia ... o0 E -
Rum Kale, or Rum Kaleh,
Turkey in Asia ; 88 h 4
Rum Kaleh, Turkey m Asia ... 38 G 4
Rum (Lake), Mackenzie,
Canada ••••••■ ™ ±1 3
Rum (River), Minn., U.S 98 1) 4
Ruma, 111., U. S 94 E 9
Rumaguard, India £ 7
Rumahieh, Turkey in Asia ... 38 L 7
Rumania (kingdom), Europe 2 0 7
Rumania (kingdom), Europe
(large scale map of) 35 H 4
Rumanien, or Rumania (king-
dom), Europe X n
Rumbek, Sudan 0? 2 v
Rumbeke, Belgium •••••••••• jfi B /
Rumbekh, or Rumbek, Sudan 55 O 9
Rumbi or Rumpi (Mountain),
Kamerun, Africa X o
Rumble, Ind., U. S ■•••• 9-* B 8
Rumbling Bridge, Scotland... 15 J 2
Rumburg, Austria 29 K 2
Rumburgh, England 8 K 4
Rumde (Kamerun), Africa ... 5o K. 9
Rumeilat, Turkey in Asia ... 38 J 4
Rumelia, Eastern (princi-
pality), Europe ••• 2 P 7
Rumelia, Eastern (principal¬
ity), Europe (large scale
map of! ®5 G
Rumelia, Fort, Greece 36 E
Rumford, Me., U. 8 •■•••• 05 B
Rumford, North, Me., U. S.... 65 B
Rumford, R. I., IT. S 68 K
Rumford, S. Dak.. U. S 100 A
Rumford, Va., U. S 76 J
Rumford Center, Me.. U. S. ... 65 B
Rumford Falls, Me., U. S 65 B
Rumi, or Taska, Algeria 54 G 1
Rumi, Baluchistan 40 M 7
Rumi, Turkey in Asia 38 M 7
Rumi-changu, China 44 G 4
Rumiantzoff or Romanzof
(Cape), Alaska 116 F 6
Rumigny, France 19 J 1
Rumilly, France 18 M 7
Riimlang, Switzerland 27 H 2
Rumley, New, O.. U. S 90 H 4
Rumley Station. O.. U. S 90 II 4
Rummah, or Wady Ermek
(river-bed), Arabia 39 K
Rummel, or Wady el-Kebir
(river-bed), Algeria 54 H
Rummelsburg (near Berlin),
Germany (on local map) ... 24 J 34
Rummelsburg (Pommern),
Germany 24 E 25
Rummelsburger See (lake),
Germany 24 J 34
Rummerfield, Pa., U. S 73 K 3
Rummy, Germany 24 E J
Rumney, N. H., U. S 66 G i
Rumney, West, N. H., U. S. ... 66 G ;
Rumney Depot, N. H., U. S. ... 66 G 1,
Rumpi (Mountain), Kamerun,
Africa 56 J <r
Rumpin (river), Straits Set- ] r-l,
tlements 42 0 1G1 !il®
Rumsey, Cal., U. S 114 C (( (jfi
Rumsey, Ky., U.S ^ ...
Rumsey, Minn., U. S
Rumsey, Mont., U. S
Rumska, Servia
Run (Island), New Guinea ...
Runa Gal Rock or Sound of
Mull (L.H.), Scotland 15 A 1
Runaway (Cape), New Zea¬
land 52 G 3
Runcorn, England 11 G 1
Runcorn (L.H.), England 11 G i
Runcorn Bridge (L.H.; Upper
Mersey), England 11 G i
82 B S(i! XN
98 A 3!, !,#
107 C 3! | Mol
35 B 4i Li»r<
43 H 5. a:
8 G 31
26 G 6
56 0 11
26 D 5
93 B 3
Runcton, North, England
Rundane (mts.), Norway
Rundi, or Urundi- (tribe),
Kongo Free State
Rundb (L.H.), Norway
Runeberg, Minn., U. S
Runemede or Runnymede
Range Station, England 10 C 8
Runge, Tex., U. S 88 K (
Rungpoor, or Rangpur, India 41 M 1
Rungpor, or Rangpur, India 41M
Rungpore, or Rangpur, India 41M
Rungwa, Ger. E. Africa 56 0 12
Runham, England 8 L
Runija, or Ranija, India 41 E S
Runkel, S. Dak., U. S 100 A
Runnell Stone (rock), Eng¬
land 13 F
Runnells, la., U. S 101 G
Runnels, Tex., U. S 89 H
10 C 8
10 c 3 :
10 B
10 B 9
Runnels (co.), Tex., U. S
Runney Mead or Runny
Mede, England
Runney Mead or Runny¬
mede House (Surrey), Eng¬
land 10 B f
Rnnney Mead or Runnymede
(Park) (Surrey), England ... 10 B 9
Runney Mead or Runnymede
(Rifle Range), Middlesex,
Runney Mead or Runnymede
Range Station (Middlesex),
Runneymead, or Runnymede
(island; River Thames),
England 10 b »i
Running Water, S. Dak., U. S. 100 G 4
Running Water, Tex., U. S. ... 89 F 3
Runny Mead (meadow), Eng¬
land 10 B 9
Runny Mede, England 10 B 9
Runnymede (island; Thames),
England 10 B 9
Runnymede, Kan., U. S 105 E 4
Runnymede House (Berks),
Runnymede (Park), Berks,
Runnymede (Rifle Range),
Middlesex, England
Runnymede Range Station
(Middlesex), England
Runo, or Runo (island), Baltic
Runo Island (L.H.), Baltic
Runswick (Bay), England ...
Runton, West, England
Runville, Ala., U. S
Runyan, Ky., U.S. .. ...........
Rupaki (Lake), New Zealand 52 F 3
Rupanyup, Victoria 51 k “
Rupat or Rupert (Island),
Rupel (river), Belgium
Ruperra Castle (Glamorgan¬
shire), Wales
Rupert, Fort, Br. Columbia...
Rupert, Ga., U. S
Rupert, Pa., U. S
Rupert, Vt., U. S
Rupert, East, Vt., U. S
Rupert, North, Vt., U. S....
Rupert, West, Vt., U. S
Rupert, W. Va., IT. S
Rupert (Bay), St. Helena
Rupert House (Ungava),
Rupert House (Essex), Eng¬
10 C 8
10 C 8
34 D 3
34 D 3
6 K 5
8 J 3
84 D 7
82 M 5
48 B 4
21 D 6
12 G 3
60 D 4
80 C 7
73 K 5
66 B 9
66 B 9
66 B 9
66 B B
77 E 5
53 E 6
i ^
10 0 1 T=yl
59 P 6
ianu .oKl
Rupert (Island), Sumatra 48 B
Rupert (River),
Rupert’s (Hill), St. Helena
Ruphia (river), Greece
Ruple, S. C., U. S
Rupnagarh, India
Rupnarain (river), India ••
Ruppersdorf, Austria
Ruppertenrod, Germany ..
Ruppichteroth, Germany ..
Ruppiner (Canal!, Germany ... -- „ 3
Rupununi (River). Br. Guiana 122 I
Rupurucurus (Indian tribe), ^ 5
Brazil -L- »
Rural, Fla., U. S
Rural, 111., U. S
Rural, Ind., U. S
59 P 3
53 F 7 *!toi
36 E 5
79 G 5
41 E 6
41 L 4
29 l 9‘
23 L 9
23 L 6
22 G 17
81 M 5
93 D 3
92 G 4
Further geographical information will be found by referring to the General Index, Vol. 35.
> :ii

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