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mne, N. Y., U. S , 70 M 5
»me, N. C., U. S 78 N 4
Line (Adams co.), O., U. S.... 91 D 7
bame (Ashtabula co.). O.,
;U. S 90 J 1
i»me, Pa., U. S 73 K 3
ime North, Pa., U. S 73 K 3
nine, S. C., U. S 79 K 4
nme, Term., U. S 83 J 2
nine, W. Va,, U. S 77 C 4
oime, Wls., U. S 97 J 9
ime, New, Wis., U. S 97 G 6
mne City, Ind., U. S 92 F l
omele Klint (mt.), Sweden 26 H 9
t,men, or Romny, Russia ... 34 J 6
mnenel, or New Romney,
I England 9 J 5
mneo, Fla., U. S 81 M 4
mneo, Mich., U. S 96 P 12
cmeo, Tenn., U. S 83 Q 2
c meoville, 111., U. S 93 J 2
timer, Mount, N. Y„ U. S. ... 69 R 9
(liner (Canal), Hungary 28 L 7
ttmer (Shoals), N. Y„ U. S. ... 69 O 10
omeral, Chile 124 H 14
unerbad, Austria 29 L 11
imerbad, Turkey in Europe 35 C 5
omerike (district), Norway 26 G 6
oimero, Argentina 124 F 13
amero, N. Mex., U. S 110 J 3
omero Grande, Argentina ... 124 E 11
ijmerstadt, Austria 28 J 2
bmescamps, France 19 D 1
omesy, or Romsey, Eng¬
land 9 B 5
amford, Conn., U. S. 68 B 3
omford, England 9 G 3
Dinford, Ontario 61 E 1
imhild, Germany 23 M 12
omiley, England 7 D ^
imilly (Aube), France 19 H 3
| omilly (Eure; N. of Seine
: River), France 19 C 2
’ omilly (Eure; S. of Seine
River), France 19 B 2
: omilly (Aube), France (on
travel map) 3 F 4
omilly-la-Puthenaye, or
Romilly (Eure), France 19 B 2
omilly-sur-Andelle, or Ro¬
milly (Eure; N. of Seine
River), France 19 C 2
omilly-sur-Seine, or Ro¬
milly (Aube), France 19 H 3
omilly-sur-Seine, or Ro¬
milly (Aube), France (on
travel map) 3 F 2
omines Mills, W. Va., II. S. 77 F 2
omness, N. Dak., U. S 99 G 2
omney, New, England 9 J 5
omney, Old, England 9 J 5
omney, Ind., IT. S 92 C 4
omney, Ontario 61 C 5
omney, W. Va., U. S 77 J 2
omney Marsh (district),
England 9 J 4
I(omni, or Romny, Russia... 34 J 6
omniku Sarat, Rumania ... 35 J 3
omny, Russia 34 J 6
iomb, or Rom (island), Ger-
nany 22 B 7
mola, Pa., U. S 74 G 4
rniona, Ind., U. S 92 C 6
oinona, S. Dak., U. S 100 G 2
imont, Switzerland 27 C 4
imorantin, France 19 D 6
omorantin France (on
ravel map) 3 F 5
limsdal (co.), Norway 26 E 5
omsdalhorn, or Romsdals
, lorn (mt.), Norway 26 F 5
' imsdals Horn (mt.), Norway 26 F 5
imsdalsfjord (bay), Norway 26 E 5
omsey, England 9 B 5
omsley, England 11 J 4
omso Island (L.H.), Den¬
mark 25 H 5
imulus, Mich., IT. S 96 P 13
omulus, N. Y., IT. S 71 J 6
omulus, Okla., IT. S 106 J 4
►n (island), Scotland 14 H 2
on Rock or Rattray Head
L.H.), Scotland 14 N 4
ma (island), Hebrides 14 C 7
ma, Island of, Scotland 14 E 4
onachan, Scotland 15 C 3
onaidh, or Rona (island),
Hebrides 14 C 7
maid, Minn., IT. S 98 D 3
llonald, Wash., IT. S Ill D 2
[onald Station, Kan., IT. S.... 105 H 4
maldsay, North, or Ronald-
shay (island), Orkney Is-
ands 14 L 1
1 maldsay, South (island),
' Orkney Islands 14 L 2
maldsay Firth, North
sound), Orkney Islands ... 14 L 1
maldsay Firth or Start
?oint (L.H.), Orkney Islands 14 M 1
man, Mont., U. S 107 B 2
mas (Hill), Shetland Is-
.ando 14 M 2
mas Voe (bay), Shetland Is-
ands 14M 2
maszek. Hunerarv 28 Q 4
may (island), Hebrides 14 B 5
mcador or Rio das Mortes
(river), Brazil I33 G 7
mcador Bank (shoal), Ca-
ribbean Sea 120 p 6
Roncador Cay (island), Ca¬
ribbean Sea 120 P 6
Roncador or Candelaria
(Reef), Solomon Islands ... 52 K 4
Roncaglio, Italy 31 G 4
Roncal Valle (valley), Spain 20 L 2
Roncegno, Austria 29 C 11
Roncegno-Marter, or Ron¬
cegno, Austria 29 C 11
Roncesvalles, Spain 20 L 2
Roncevaux, or Roncesvalles,
Spain 20 L 2
Ronceverte, W. Va., U. S 77 F 5
Ronchi, Austria 29 H 12
Ronciglione, Italy 32 M 10
Ronco, Italy 31 F 5
Ronco (river), Italy 31M 6
Roncone, Austria 29 B 12
Rond d’Orleans, France 19 G 1
Rond Point de Cadou (Guade¬
loupe), West Indies 118 C 8
Ronda, N. C., IT. S 78 H 2
Ronda, Spain 20 G 8
Ronda, Tex., IT. S 88 J 4
Ronde, Isle, Quebec 62 Q 7
Ronde, Pointe (point; Do¬
minica), West Indies 118 A 11
Ronde (Island), Windward
Islands, West Indies 118 H 11
Ronde Grande (River),
Greg., IT. S 112 H 1
Rondeau, Ontario 61 D 5
Rondebosch, Cape Colony ... 57 B 6
Rondell, S. Dak., U. S 100 F 1
Rondo, Mich., IT. S 96 M 7
Rondo, Mo., IT. S 104 E 9
Rondo, or Ondonga Land
(region), Port. W. Africa ... 56 L 15
Rondout, 111., U. S 93 K 1
Rondout, N. Y„ IT. S 70 O 8
Rondout, N. Y., U. S. (on local
map) 69 N 9
Rondova (island), Solomon
Islands 52 J 5
Ronehamn (Gotland), Baltic
Sea 26 L 8
Roney, Mo., IT. S 104 F 8
Roney (Point), Ireland 16 J 6
Roneyspoint, W. Va., U. S. ... 77 A 2
Ronez (Point), Jersey, Chan¬
nel Islands 13 K 5
Ronge, Lac la (lake; Saskat¬
chewan), Canada 60 K 3
Rongelab (islands), Marshall
Islands 52 K 2
Rongerik (Islands), Marshall
Islands 52 K 2
Rongis, Wyo., IT. S 108 M 7
Ronkonkoma, N. Y., IT. S 69 Q 10
Ronne (Bornholm), Baltic Sea 25 Q 6
Rbnne (Bornholm), Baltic Sea
(on travel map) 3 M 1
Ronne, Sweden 26 H 5
Ronne Harbour (L.H.; Born¬
holm), Baltic Sea 25 Q 6
Ronneburg, Germany 23 L 15
Ronneby, Sweden 26 .1 8
Rono, ind., IT. S 92 C 8
Ronogo (Island), Solomon
Islands 53 .1 5
Ronquillo, El, Spain 20 G 7
Ronsdorf, Germany 23 K 5
Ronsse, or Renaix, Belgium 21 C 7
Ronura, Rio (river), Brazil... 123 G 6
Rood Berg (mt.), Cape
Colony 57 D 6
Roode Vloer (lake), Cape
Colony 57 F 6
Roodepoort. Transvaal 57 K 7
Roodewal (Bav), Cape Colony 57 C 6
Roodhouse, 111.. IT. S 94 E 7
Roof Butte (mt.). Ariz., IT. S. 110 F 2
Rooibank, or Rchenpmans-
dorf, Ger. S. W. Africa ... 57 B 2
Rook (Island), Bismarck
Archipelago 48 H 2
Rookery, The (Herts), Eng¬
land 10 E 1
Rookery (Bav), Fla., IT. S. ... 81 N 10
Rookery (Island), Fla.,
U. g. 81 N 10
Rooks (co.), Kan., IT. S 105 C 2
Rooks Creek, 111., U S 93 H 4
Room, or Rum (island),
Scotland 14 D 5
Roop, Nev.. U. S H3 C 2
Roop, N. Dak., IT. S 99 D 3
Roopville, Ga., IT. R 80 A 5
Roorkee. or Rurki, India 41 F 5
Roose, England 7 A a
Boose. Wales 12 F 3
Roosendal, or Rozendaal,
Netherlands 21 D 5
Root, Switzerland 27 H 3
Root or Carrot (River), Sas¬
katchewan, Canada 60 L 3
Root (River). Minn., U. S. ... 97 C 7
Rootcreek (Milwaukee), Wis.,
U. S. (on local map) 97 H 11
Roothing or Roding, River,
England 9 0
Roots Riding, la., U. S 101 U
Roots Station, la., U. S 101 H
Rootstown, O.. U. S 99
Bootstown Station. O., U. S. 90 H
Rootville, Pa., U. S 7| C
Ropczyce, Austria 38 N
Roper, Kan., IT. R 10^ G
Roper, N. C., IT. S 15 2 o
Roper, Port, W. Australia... 50 F 2
Ropers, S. C., U. S 79 E 4
Ropley, England 9 C 4
Ropsk, Russia 34 J 5
Ropsley, England 8 D 3
Roque Bluff, Me., U. S 65 J 6
Roque-d’Antheron, La,
France 18 F 11
Roque (Island), Me., U. S. ... 65 J 6
Roquebrou, La, France 18 H 8
Roquebrune (Alpes-Mari-
times), France 18 K 11
Roquebrune (Var), France... 18 J 11
Roquebrussanne, La, France 18 F 12
Roquefavour, France 18 F 11
Roquefort (Aveyron), France 18 J 9
Roquefort (Landes), France 18 E 8
Roquefort (Landes), France
(on travel map) 3 D 6
Roquemaure, France 18 E 10
Roqueredonde, France 18 B 11
Roques, Los (islands), Vene¬
zuela 122 D 1
Roquessels, France 18 C 11
Roquesteron, France 18 J H
Roquevaire, France 18 G 12
Ror, or Leer So (lake), Den¬
mark 25 O 4
Rora (Head), Orkney Islands 14 J 2
Roraas, or Roros, Norway... 26 G 5
Roraima (mt.), Br. Guiana... 122 E 2
Rorkes Drift, Natal 57 K 5
Roros, Norway 26 G 5
Rorschach, Switzerland 27 L 2
Rorvig, Denmark 25 K 5
Ros (river), Russia 34 H 7
Rosa, Ark., U. S 86 N 3
Rosa, Mount, Col., U. S 109 .1 5
Rosa, Ga., U. S 80 F 6
Rosa, Monte (mt.), Italy ... 31 C 3
Rosa, Monte (mt.), Italy (on
travel map) 3 J 6
Rosa, or Fuente, Mexico ... 119 J 3
Rosa, N. Mex., U. S 110 H 2
Rosa, S. C., U. S 79 D 3
Rosa Morada, Mexico 119 F 6
Rosa (Point), Trinidad 118 H 3
Rosa Spit, or Rose (Point),
Br. Columbia 60 D 3
Rosaa (river), Norway 31 H 3
Rosadale, Ark., U. S 86 E 7
Rosak, Persia 40 F 6
Rosales, Mexico 119 F 3
Rosalia, Kan., U. S 105 F 4
Rosalia, Mexico 119 D 4
Rosalia, Wash., U. 8 Ill H 2
Rosalia (Reef), Philippine
Islands 47 B 8
Rosalie, Ala., U. S 84 F 1
Rosalie, Lake, Fla., U. S. ... 81 N 7
Rosalie, Tex., U. S 88 M 4
Rosalie (Dominica), West
Indies 118 C 12
Rosalie (Bay), Dominica,
West Indies 118 C 12
Rosalie (Peak), Col., U. S. ... 109 G 3
Rosalind Bank (shoal),
Caribbean Sea 117 E 6
Rosaman, Turkey in Europe 35 D 7
Rosamond, Cal., U. S 115 G 8
Rosanna (river), Austria ... 27 N 3
Rosans, France 18 L 8
Rosario (Cordoba), Argen¬
tina 124 E 10
Rosario (Santa Fe), Argen¬
tina 124 E 10
Rosario (Corvol, Azores Is¬
lands ! ’O B
Rosario (Maranhao), Brazil... 123 J
Rosario (Matto Grosso),
Brazil 123 F
Rosario, Honduras 120 G
Rosario (Manila). Philippine
Islands (on local map) 47 ,T
Rosario, Mexico 119 F
Rosario (S. W. of Granada),
Nicaragua 120 B 9
Rosario, El (E. of Granada),
Nicaragua 120 D 8
Rosario, Paraguav 124 F 8
Rosario, Puerto. Peru 122 B 4
Rosario, El, Salvador 120 G 6
Rosario, Uruguay 124 G 12
Rosario, Arrovo (stream),
Uruguay 124 G 12
Rosario de la Frontera,
Argentina 134 E
Rosario de Lerma, Argentina 124 D
Rosario (Island), Bonin Is¬
lands P
Rosario (Island), N. Pacific 49 E
Rosario (Point!, Nicaragua... 120 H
Rosaryville. Md., U. S 75 J
Rosas, Spain 20 Q
Rosas, Gulfo de (gulf), Spain 20 Q 2
Rosas (L.H.). Su^in 20 Q 2
Rosbach, or Rossbach, Ger¬
many 33 K 14
Rosboro, TIL. U. S 94 F "
Rosburg, Wash., IT. S HI B
Posbysrock. W. Va., U. S. ... 77 E
Roscoe, Ala., U. S fi4 B
Roscoe, Ga., U. S 80 B
93 H 1
Roscoe, 111., U. S
Roscoe, Mo., IT. S 104 E
Roscoe, Neb., IT. S 102 C
Roscoe, N. Y.. U. S 70 N
Roscoe, O., IT. S 99 G
Roscoe, Pa., U. S 74 C
Roscoe, S. Dak.. U. S 100 E
Roscoe, Tex., U. S 89 G
Roscoff, France 17 B
Roscoff (L.H.), France 17 B 4
Roscommon, Ireland 16 E 4
Roscommon (co.), Ireland ... 16 E 4
Roscommon, Mich., U. S. ... 96 M 9
Roscommon (co.), Mich.,
U. S 96 M 9
Roscrea, Ireland 16 F 6
Rose, Ind. Ty., U. S 106 M 2
Rose, Kan., U. S 105 G 4
Rose, Mount, Nev., U. S. ... 113 A 2
Rose, N. Y., U. S 71 J 5
Rose, North, N. Y., U. S 71 J 5
Rose, S. Dak., U. S 100 F 1
Rose (Bay), New South Wales 50 J 2
Rose (Bay), N. C„ U. S 78 R 4
Rose Blanche, Newfoundland 63 H 6
Rose Blanche Point (L.H.;
Garia Bay), Newfoundland 63 H 6
Rose Castle (Cumberland),
England 6 D 4
Rose City, Mich., U. S 96 N 9
Rose Creek, or Rosecreek,
Minn., U. S 98 E 6
Rose Hill, 111., IT. S 94 J 7
Rose Hill, or Rosehill, la.,
IT. S 101 H 5
Rose (Island), Newport, R. I.,
IT. S 68 K 5
Rose (Island), S. C., U. S 79 G 7
Rose (Island), Samoa 52 D 2
Rose (Lake), Ark., U. S 86 F 4
Rose (Lake), N. Dak., U. S. 99 F 1
Rose (Mount), N. Y., U. S 69 R 8
Rose Ness (point), Orkney
Islands 14 L 2
Rose (Peak), Ariz., U. S 110 F 5
Rose (Point), Br. Columbia... 60 D 3
Rose (River), W. Australia ... 50 F 2
Rose Station, N. Y., U. S 71 J 5
Rose Villa (Millhill), Middle¬
sex, England 10 J 2
Rose Villa (Twyford Abbey),
Middlesex, England 10 G 5
Roseau, Minn., U. S 98 B 1
Roseau (co.), Minn., U. S. ... 98 B 1
Roseau (Dominica), West
Indies 118 H 8
Roseau (Dominica), West
Indies (on local map) 118 B 13
Roseau (Lake), Minn., U. S.... 98 B 1
Roseau (River), Minn., U. S. 98 A 1
Roseau (River), South Fork
of, Minn., IT. S 93 B 1
Roseau (River), Dominica,
West Indies 118 B 13
Roseau Roads (bay; Do¬
minica), West Indies 118 B 13
Roseau Roads (L.H.; Do¬
minica), West Indies 118 H 8
Rosebank (New York City),
U. S. (on local map) 69 P 15
Roseberry, Idaho, U. S 108 D 5
Roseberry, Jamaica 118 C 3
Roseboom, N. Y., U. S 70 N 6
Roseboro, N. C., U. S 78 N 5
Rosebud, Ala., U. S 84 C 7
Rosebud, Ark., U. S 86 H 4
Rosebud, 111., U. S. 94 H 11
Rosebud, La., U. S 87 C 5
Rosebud, Mont., U. S 107 K 3
Rosebud, Battle of the
(battlefield), Mont., U. S. ... 107 K 4
Rosebud, Pa., U. S 74 E 5
Rosebud, S. C., U. S 79 F 6
Rosebud, S. Dak., U. S 100 D 3
Rosebud, Tex., U. S 88 L 6
Rosebud Butte (mt.), Mont.,
U. S 107 K 3
Rosebud Ind. Res., S. Dak.,
U. S 100 D 3
Rosebud (Mountains), Mont.,
U. S 107 J 4
Rosebud (River), Mont.,
U. S 107 K 3
Rosebud (River), Big, Mont.,
U. S 107 G 4
Roseburg, Ind., U. S 92 E 3
Roseburg, Mich., IT. S 96 Q 11
Roseburg, Oreg., U. S 112 B 3
Roseburg, Pa., IT. S 73 H 6
Rosebush, Wales 12 B 2
Rosebush Station, Mich.,
XJ. S 9fl M 10
Rosecrans, Wis., U. S 97 L 6
Rosecreek, Minn., U. S 98 E 6
Rosecreek, Nev., IT. S 113 D 2
Rosedale, Cal.. IT. S H5 F 7
Rosedale, England 7 H 3
Rosedale, 111., U. S 94 D 7
Rosedale, Ind., U. S 92 B F
Rosedale, Kan., U. S 105 H 2
Rosedale, La.. U. S 87 F 6
Rosedale (Baltimore), Md.,
U. S. (on local map) 75 G 5
Rosedale, Mich., U. S 9o N 5
Rosedale, Miss., U. S 85 C 3
Roper’ (River), W. Australia 50 E 2
geographical information will be fovvrt by referring to the General Index, Vol. 35.
Rosedale, N. J., IT. S 72 E 7
Rosedale, N. C., U. S 78 R 2
Rosedale, O., U. S 90 D 4
Rosedale ^Toronto), Ontario
(on local man) 61 L 3
Rosedale, Pa., U. S 74 E 6
Rosedale, Tex., U. S 88 N 7
Rosedale, Victoria 51 G 7
Rosedale, Va.. U. S 76 D 3
Rosedale, W. Va.. U. S 77 E 3
Rosedale, Wis.. U. S 97 D 5
Rosedale Abbey (Yorks), Eng- _ ^
land 7 H 2
Rosedale Station. N. Y., U. S. 69 S 14
Rosefield, La., U. S. 87 E 3

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