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(882) RIB
Riverside (Burlington co.),
N.J..U.S 73 E
Riverside (Sussex co.),
N.J., U. S
Riverside, N.C., U.S.
Riverside (Cincinnati), u.,
U. S. (on local map)
Riverside, Okla., U. S 106 B
i ..II S vj
72 E
78 G
91 B
73 J
68 K
79 B
83 F
88 M
76 E
Riverside, Oreg.,^ U- S.
Riverside, Pa., G. S. .
Riverside, R. I-, U- °'
Riverside, S. C., U-»•
Riverside, Tenn., U. b
Riverside, Tex., U- b.
Riverside, Va., U-S. „
Riverside, Wash., U-s- 77 D
Riverside, W. Va., U. S
Riverside, Wis., U. S J
Riverside, Wyo., U. S. ••••••••• 10
Riverside Junction, Miss.,
Riverside (Mountain), Cal., ^
Riverside Station, N. Y., ^ ^
Riverstown, Ireland 10 E
Riverton, Ala., U S 84 A
Riverton, Cal., U. S H* E
C 5
Riverton, Col., U. S. ..
Riverton, Conn., U. S.
Riverton, 111., U. S. ..
Riverton, Ind., U. S. ..
Riverton, la., U. S.
109 J
68 C
93 F
92 A
101 B
Riverton! Ky., U. S 82 L
Riverton, Md., U. S.
Riverton, Miss., U. S.
Riverton, Neb., U.S.
75 M
85 C
102 F
N. H., U. S 66 H
N.J., U.S 72 E
XVI VCX * " » „ , J TX in
Riverton, New Zealand B iu
78 L
91 F
112 A
Riverton, N. C., U.S.
Riverton, O., U. S. ....
Oreg., U. S.
S. Australia 0} G
Tex., U. S 89 D
Utah, U. S 113 B
Va., U.S 76 G
W. Va., U. S 77 H
Riverton’ Junction, Ala., U. S. 84 A 1
3 G
100 F
83 C
89 G
76 J
96 N 13
31 D 7
3 J
Rivervale, N. J., U.S
Riverview, Ala., U.S „, ,
Riverview, 111., U.S 84 A
Riverview, Ky., U. S £
Riverview, Md., U.S iv
Riverview, N. Y., U.S
Riverview, R. I., U. S 68 K
Riverville, Va., U.S 7Jl
Rives, D. C., U. S 75 C
Rives, France 18 ^
Rives, France (on travel
Rives, S. Dak., U. S
Rives, Tenn., U. S
Rives, Tex., U.S
Rives, Va., U. S ••••••••
Rives Junction, Mich., U. b.
Rivesaltes, France 18 U m
Rivesaltes, France (on
travel map) 3 F 7
Rivesville, W. Va., U.S 77 F 1
Riviera, Fla., U.S 81 Q 9
Riviera (valley), Switzerland 27 K 6
Riviera di Levante (district),
Italy 31 F 6
Riviera di Ponente (district),
Riviera di Ponente (district),
Italy (on travel map)
Riviere, France I9 A
Riviere, La, France I9 B
Riviere, Grande (Martin¬
ique), West Indies 118 D
Riviere a PAigle (river),
Quebec 62 B
Riviere a Pierre, Quebec 62 K
Riviere au Rat, Quebec 62 J
Riviere aux Pins, Quebec... 62 L
Riviere Bois Clair, Quebec... 62 L
Riviere Bridge, Petite, Nova
Scotia 63 E
Riviere des Plantes, Quebec 62 N
Riviere des Prairies, Quebec 62 H 7
Riviere des Savannes, or
Yamaska (River), Quebec...
Riviere du Lievre (river),
Quebec 62 C
Riviere du Loup (river), Que¬
bec 62 H
Riviere du Loup en bas, or
Fraserville, Quebec 62 Q
Riviere du Loup en haut,
or Louiseville, Quebec 62 H
Riviere du Loup (L.H.; W.
of Fraserville), Quebec 62 P
Riviere du Loup Station,
Quebec 62 P
Riviere du Nord (river),
Quebec 62 F
Riviere Mattawin, Quebec... 62 H
Rivifere Noire, Piton de la
(mt.), Mauritius 53 M
Rivibre Quelle, Quebec 62 O
Rivifere Saint Jean, Quebec 62 G
Riviere Salee (Martinique),
West Indies 118 E
Riviere Trois Pistoles,
Quebec 62 Q
Rivihres du Sud (former
French dependency), Fr.
W. Africa 54 C
62 J 7
Rivington, England 7 ^
Rivington, Quebec ; ”2 E
Rivios (Lake) Greece 3b D
Rivoll (Turin), Italy 31 C
Rivoli (Verona), Italy 31 J
Rivoli (Bay), S. Australia 51 C
Rivulet, Mont., U. S. 107 B
Riwari, or Rewari, India 41
Rix Mills, O., U. S. 91 G 5
Rixdorf (Berlin), Germany
(on local map) ,
Rlxeyville, Va., U.S.
Rixford, Pa., U. S.
76 G
74 F
38 J 2
34 D 3
30 J
30 L
33 H
65 E
65 E
92 C
Rixhoft, Germany -4 C 27
Rixhoft (L.H.), Germany 24 G 27
Riyad, or Er-Raid, Arabia... 39 K
Riyan, Turkey in Asia 38 M
Riyashat, Egypt 5o w
Rizan, Turkey in Asia 38 L
Rizeh, Kuh (nit.), Persia 40 H
Rizeh, Turkey in Asia....
Rizhskii Zalif, or (Gull)
Riga, Russia
Rizo-de-Anton Lizardo (L.H.;
S E of Veracruz), Mexico 119 L
Rizo-Kastan, or Belvedere,
Crete ^
Rizzardi’,’ Fort (Venice), Italy
(on local map)
Rizzuto, Capo (cape), Italy...
Rjasan, or Ryazan, Russia... •» n
Rjef, Russia 34 e.
Riev, or Rjef, Russia 34 K
Rjukanfos (waterfall), Nor-
Rda, Spam M d
Roa Pua (island), Marquesas
Islands ^ ^
Roaboya, or Royaboya, Peru 122 C
Roach, N. Dak., U. S. 99 C
Roach Ponds (lakes), Me.,
U. S •■•••
Roach River, Me., U. b
Roachdale, Ind., U. S
Road, England K
Road, The (strait), Scilly
Isles, England •••••••••• ld d
Road Town (Tortola Island),
West Indies 118 E
Roade, England 8 C
Roads, New, La., U.S 87 F
Roads, Mo., U.S i63 E
Roadstown, N. J., U- S 72 C
Roadville, S. C., U. S 79 H
Roag, Scotland 14 G
Roag, Loch (inlet), Scot-
lan(j 14 L
Roan (Creek), Col., U. S. ... 109 A
Roan High Bluff, or Roan
(Mountain), N. C., U. S. ...^.. 78 E
Roan (Mountain), N. C., U.S. 78 E
Roan (Mountain), Tenn., U. S. 83 R
Roan or Book (Plateau),
Col., U. S 1" A
Roan or Brown (Cliffs),
Utah, U. S H3 N
Roancarrig Island (L.H.;
Bantry Bay), Ireland 16 B
Roandiz, or Roanduz, Tur-
key in Asia 38 L
Roanduz, Turkey in Asia ... 33 L
Roane (co.), Tenn., U. S 83 M
Roane (co.), W. Va., U.S. ... 77 D
Roanes Mill, N. C., U. S. ... 78 C
Roann, Ind., U. S 92 E
Roanne, France 18 J
Roanne, France (on travel
78 P
76 C
Ala., IT. S 84 G
111., U. S 93 G
Ind., U. S 92 F
Kan., U. S 105 A
Ky., U. S 82 E
La., U. S 87 D
Mo., U. S 103 G
N. Y., U. S 71 F
S. Dak., U. S 100 F
Roanoke, Tex., U. S 88 K
Roanoke, Va., U. S 76 D
Roanoke (co.), Va., U. S 76 C
Roanoke, W. Va., U. S 77 E
Roanoke (Island), N. C„ U. S. 78 S
Roanoke Rapids, N. C., U. S. 78 O
Roanoke (River), N. C., U. S.
Roanoke (River), Va., U. S. ...
Roanoke Sound (strait), N. C.,
U. S
Roans Prairie, Tex., U. S. ...
Roapoa, or Roa Pua (island),
Marquesas Islands 52 O
Roaring Branch, Pa., U. S. 73 J
Roaring (Mountain), Yellow¬
stone National Park, Wyo.,
U. S
Roaring (River), N. C., U. S.
Roaring Spring, Ky., U. S.
Roaring Spring, Pa., U. S. ...
Roaringcreek, Pa., U. S. ...
Roast Beef (Island), off Ger.
S.W. Africa 57 B
Roatan or Ruatan (Island),
off Honduras 120 J
Roath, Wales 12 G
Rob Roy’s House (Argyll¬
shire), Scotland 15 D
Roba, Ala., U. S 84 F
Roba el-Khali, Sandy Desert
of, Arabia 39 K
Robakow, Germany 24 H 26
78 S
88 M
108 N
78 H
82 A
74 F
73 K
Robard, Ky., IT. S 82 A
Robasco, Guatemala 120 G
Robat, Persia f9 F
Robat-i Khan, Persia ...... .. 40 G
Robat-i Kolari, Afghanistan 40 K
Robat-i Shah Bed, Afghan-
istan 40 K
Robat-i Shiir, Persia 40 G
Robat Khan, or Robat-i
Khan, Persia 40 G
Robb, Col., U. S 109 O
Robben (Island), off Cape
Colony (on local map) o7 B
Robben Island (L.H.; Minto
(Hill), Cape Colony (on
local map) 67 B
Robberson, Ind. Ty., U. S. ... 106 G
Robbie Bank (shoal), Pacific 49 K
Robbie Rock (L.H.; Bod-
dam), Scotland 14 N
Robbins, Del., U.S 75 N
Robbins, Mich., U. S 95 C
Robbins, S. C., U. S 79 E
Robbins, Tenn., U. S 83 M
72 C
98 D
65 J
Robbins (Island), N. Y., U. S. 69 S 10
Robbins or Robins (Island),
off Tasmania o0 K 6
Robbins Reef (L.H.; Jersey
City), N. J., U.S
Robbinsdale, Minn., U. S. ...
Robbinston, Me., U. S
Robbinston, South, Me.,
Robbinsviiie, N. J., U.S. ...
Robbinsville, N. C., U.S 78 B
Robe (co.), S. Australia 51 D
Robe, Wash., U. S HI D
Robe (L.H.; N.W. of Robe),
S. Australia 51 C
Robe (River), Ireland 16 C
Robecco, Italy 31 H
Robecco d’Oglio, or Robecco,
Italy 31 H
65 J
72 F
Robel, Germany 22 F 16
87 C
27 J
80 B
78 K
83 H
78 P
Robeline, La., U. S
Robenhausen, Switzerland...
Rober, Ga., IT. S
Roberdell, N. C., U. S
Roberson Fork, Tenn., U. S.
Robersonville, N. C., U. 8. ...
Robert, France 19 F
Robert (Martinique), West
Indies H8 E
Robert Harbor (bay), Mar-
tinique. West Indies 118 E
Robert (Islands), Marquesas
Islands 52 O
Robert Lee, Tex., U. S 89 G
Roberta, Ga., U. S 80 D
Roberta, Ind. Ty., U. S 106 K
Roberta, Va., IT. S 76 D
Roberton, Scotland 15 H
Roberts, Ala., U, S 84 D
Roberts, Fla., U. S 81 B
Roberts, 111., U. S 93 J
Roberts, Md., U. S 75 M
Roberts, Mass., U. S 67 A
Roberts, N. J., IT. S 72 G
Roberts, S. C., U. S 79 C
Roberts (co.), S. Dak., U. S. 100 H
Roberts, Tex., U. S 88 L
Roberts (co.), Tex., U. S. ... 89 G
Roberts, Point, Wash., U. S. Ill B
Roberts, Wis., U. S
Roberts Branch (stream),
N. J., IT. S
Roberts Head (point), Ire¬
land 16 E
Roberts Landing, Mich.,
U. S 96 Q 12
Robertsbridge, England 9 H 5
Robertsdale, Pa., U. S 74 F
Robertsganj, India 41 J
Robertson, Cape Colony 57 D
Robertson (district), Cape
Colony 57 D
Robertson, la., U. S 101 G
Robertson (co.), Ky., U. S. ... 82 H
Robertson, Miss., U. S 85 G
Robertson (co.), Tenn., U. S. 83 H
Robertson (co.), Tex.. U. S. 88 L
Robertson, Wyo., U. S 108 J
Robertson Station, Quebec... 62 M
97 B
72 F 6
U. S.
104 H 10
Robertsons, Mo.,
Robertsonville. or Rober¬
sonville, N. C., U. S 78 P
Robertsport, Liberia 54 D
Robertstown, Ireland 16 H
Robertstown, S. Australia 51 C
68 C
80 E
87 C
104 L
90 H
79 F
Robertsville, Conn., U. S.
Robertsville, Ga., U. S
Robertsville, La., U.S
Bobertsville, Mo., U. S. .
Robertsville, O., U. S
Robertsville, S. C., U. S. .
Roberval, Quebec 62 D
Robeson, N. C., U. S 78 N
Robeson (co.), N. C., U.S. ... 78 L
Robeson, S. C., U. S 79 H
Robesonia, Pa., U. S 73 K
Robeston Wathen, Wales 12 B
Robey, S. Dak., U. S 100 F
Robie, Me., U. S 65 H
Robin, N. C., U. S 78 M
Robin Hoods (Bay), England 6 L
Robin Hoods (Bay), England
(on travel map) 3 D
Robin (Point), Md., U. S. ... 75 L
Robin Point (L.H.), Md.,
U. S 75 L
104 E
91 G
Robins, Mo., U. S
Robins, O., U. S
Robins (Island), off
mania 50 K
Robins Neck, S. C., U. S 79 j
Robinson (Otero co.), Col.,
U. S 109 L
Robinson (Summit co.), Col.,
U. S 109 p
Robinson, Ga., U. S 80 E
111., U. S 94 K
Kan., U. S 105 G
Ky., U. S 82 H '
South, Me., U. S. 65 J
Md., U. S 75 K
Mich., U. S 98 J
Robinson, Minn., U. S 98 p
Robinson, Fort, Neb., U. S. 102 A
Robinson, N. Y., U. S 70 P
Robinson (co.), New South
Wales 51 p
Robinson, North, O., U. S. .. 90 E [
Robinson, Port, Ontario ... 61 p j
Robinson, Quebec 62 M i
Robinson, Mount, W. Aus¬
tralia 50 C I
Robinson Creek, 111., U. S. ... 94 H ;
Robinson Creek, Ky., U. S.... 82 L |
Robinson Range (mts.), W.
Australia 50 B l
Robinson (River), Va., U. S. 76 G i
Robinson Run (stream),
Pa., U.S 74 P
Robinson Springs, Miss.,
U. S 85 D )|
Robinson Station, O., U. S. ... 90 E
Robinsons, Me., U. S 65 H
Robinsons, Miss., U. S 85 D
Robinsons Run (stream), Pa.,
U. S 74 B I
Robinsonville, Miss., U. S. 85 D ]
Robinsonville, Pa., U. S 74 F
Robla de Gordon, La, Spain 20 G £
Robles, El, Cal., U. S 114 B
Roborough, England 13 D S
Robrica, or Longue, France 17 E :
Robroy, Ark., U. S
Robroy, Ind., U. 8
Robson, Br. Columbia
Robson, La., U. S
Robu (mt.), Rumania
Roby, England 7 B 5
Roby, Ind., U. S 92 B 11
Roby, Mo., U. S 104 H J
Roby, S. C., U. S 79 F j
Roby, Tex., U. S 89 G ;i
Roca, Argentina 124 E H
Roca, Neb., U. S 102 H J
Roca, Cabo da, or (Cape)
Roca, Portugal
Roca, Cape, Portugal
Roca Negra (reef), Mexico...
Roca Partida (island), Mex¬
Roca Redondo (island),
Galapagos Islands, Pacific 121 D ’
Rocamadour, France 18 G 8
Rocas (reef), Brazil 123 L 4
20 C 6
20 C S
119 P 9
119 C 3
32 VU
32 Vh
31 L «
32 N It
32 N 10 i
32 K 9
32 Q 12
32 P 11
32 K 9
31 D £
Rocca, Italy
Rocca Imperiale,
Rocca San Casciano, Italy...
Rocca Sinibalda, Italy
Rocca Sinibaldi, or Rocca
Sinibalda, Italy
Roccalbegna, Italy
Roccamonfina, Italy
Roccasecca, Italy
Roccastrada, Italy
Roccaverano, Italy
Roccavione, Italy 31B 6
Rocchetta, Italy 32 S12
Rocchetta, Fort, Italy 30 K 3
Rocchetta Ligure, Italy 31 F 5
Rocester, England 11 K 3
Roch, River, England 7 D 5
Roch, Wales 12 A 2
Rocha, Uruguay 124 G 10
Rocha (department), Uru¬
guay 124 G 10
Rochanoff or Becharof
(Lake), Alaska 116 I 8
Rochdale, England 7 D 5
Rochdale, Mass., U. S 67 G 4
Rochdale, N. C„ U. S 78 P 3
Rochdale, Queensland 50 H »
Rochdale (Canal), England.. 7 D £
Roche, La, Belgium ^1 G t
Roche, England 13 B 1
Roche (Doubs), France 19 N '
Roche, La (Yonne), France... 19 G .■
Roche, La, Switzerland 27 D ’
Roche Abbey (Yorks), Eng¬
Roche-Bernard, La, France...
Roche Bonne (L.H.; St.
Malo), France
Roche Bonne (L.S.; near
Pointe de 1’Aiguille),
Roche-Cantllac, La, France
Roche-en-Brenil, La, France
Roche Harbor, Wash., U. S. ...
Roche la Horaine (L.H.;
near Les Heaux), France...
Roche or Roches (Point),
Roche Point or Roches Point
(L.H.), Ireland
7 G 5
17 C 5
17 C
17 D t
18 H 7
19 J 6
111 B 1
16 E £
17 D
Robins. la., U. S 101 K
geographical information will he found by referring to the General Index, Vol. 35.
Roche-sur-Yon, La, France ... n ^
Rochechouart, France 10 r

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