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rotemus, Term., U. S 83 C 2
otivin, or Protiwin, Aus¬
tria 29 J
otivin, la., U. S 101 J
otiwin, Austria 29 J
otiwin, Austria (on travel
oton Station, Ontario 61 E
otrera Piedra, Nicaragua 120 L
otrero, Nicaragua 120 C
stva (river), Russia 34 L
nuixville, Quebec 62 J
dusos, or Pruso, Greece ... 36 E
ivadia, Bulgaria 35 K
ovemont, Mich., U. S 96 K
ivencal, La., U. S 87 C
ovence, Ind. Ty., U. S. ... 106 J
ovence (old province),
i’rance 17 C 3
ivencher (district), Mani¬
la 60 M 4
ivesten (Battery), Copen-
agen, Denmark 25 Q
jvesten Battery (L.H.; Co-
enhagen), Denmark 25 R 5
â– evidence, New, Ala., U. S. 84 E 7
vidence, Cape, Franklin,
anada 59 H
evidence, Fort (Mackenzie),
Canada 60 G 1
jvidence, Fla., IT. S 81 L 2
ovidence, Ga., U. S 80 C 8
Dvidence, New, Ga., U. S. 80 E 6
avidence, 111., U. S 93 F 3
ovidence, Ind., U. S 92 D 6
Evidence, New, la., U. S.... 101 G 3
i avidence, Kan., IT. S 105 E 4
avidence, Ky., U. S 82 A 6
avidence, New, Ky., U. S. 82 D 3
avidence. Mo., U. S 103 H 7
avidence, New, N. J., IT. S. 72 G 3
avldence, Cape, New Zea-
and 52 A
avidence, New, Pa., U. S.... 73 K
avidence, R. I., U. S 68 K
avidence (co.), R. I., U. S. 68 J
avidence, East, R. I., U. S. 68 K
avidence, S. C„ U. S 79 G
svidence, New, Tenn.,
S 83 F
avidence, Utah, U. S 113 L
avidence. Wash., U. S Ill G
avidence Bay, Ontario 61 C
ividence Center, East, R. I.,
. S 68 K 2
; ividence (Channel), North
ast, Bahama Islands 117 G 2
; vidence (Channel), North
'est, Bahama Islands 117 F 1
1 vidence Forge, Va., U. S. 76 J 6
] vidence (Hill), S. Austra-
j a 50 E 2
1 vidence (Island), Indian
eean 53 L 5
1 vidence (Island), New,
j ahamas 117 G 2
i vidence (Island), Old, Co-
mbia 120 O 6
1 vidence (Island), or Uje-
ng Reefs, N. Pacific 52 H 2
Evidence (Mountains), Cal.,
j S 115 K 8
Evidence (River), R. I.,
I S 68 K 3
I videnciales (island), Ba-
mas 117 J 4
(j wince) Wellesley, Straits
| ttlements 42 N 14
incetown, Mass., U. S. ... 67 O 4
Mncetown Harbor (bay),
ass., U. S 67 O 4
/incetown Harbor (L.H.),
tss., U. S 67 O 4
'ins, France 19 G 3
/ins, France (on travel
,ap) 3 F 4
ision (Island), Colombia 122 A 2
•/iso, 111., U. S 94 A 9
>o, S. Dak., U. S 100 A 3
Utah, U. S 113 L 2
N/ers, Col., U. S 109 N 6
ers (co.), Col., U. S 109 O 7
h;.or, Bosnia 28 J 8
Pjlievalsk, Asiatic Russia ... 37 K 4
Pbitmik, Austria 28 O 2
Dji, Russia 34 F 5
£ pence, Okla., U. S 106 F 2
Lienee (Island). R. I., U. S. 68 K 3
Ljlenville, Mich., U. S. ... 96 M 9
Ldhee (Island), W. Austra-
pL, 50 C 2
{rlhoe, England 6 G 4
Plftt, Ky„U. S 82 IT 3
pjdton, Ala., U. S 84 B 1
u ani, or Pruzhany, Rus-
34 E 5
Germany 23 M 3
(river), Germany 23 M 3
fay, France 19 D 4
ay-le-Gillon, or Prunay,
mce 19 D 4
elli (river), Corsica 18 M 11
ete-Cervione, or Cer-
p .ne, Corsica 18 M 11
fj trut, or Porrontruy,
J tzerland 27 D 2
pfitytown, W. Va., U. S. ... 77 F 2
a, or Brusa, Turkey in
“ 38 C 2
or Brusa, Turkey in
38 C 2
24 E 26
48 H
24 D 31
24 E 24
24 D 30
Prusia, or Prussia (king¬
dom), Germany 21 to 24
Pruso, Greece 36 e
Prusse, or Prussia (king¬
dom), Germany 21 to 24
Prussia (kingdom), Germany 21 to 24
Prussia (kingdom), Germany
(on travel map) 3 k
Prussia, East (province), Ger¬
many 24 D 31
Prussia, Rhenish (province),
Germany 23 M
Prussia, West (province), Ger¬
Prussia Roads, New Guinea
Prussian Eyiau, Germany ...
Prussian Friedland, Ger¬
Prussian Holland, Germany
Prussian Saxony, or Saxony
(province), Germany 22 H 14
Prussian Silesia, or Silesia
(province), Germany 24 L 24
Prussian Stargard, Germany 24 E 27
Prut, or Pruth (river), Ru¬
mania 35 L
Pruth (river), Austria 28 Q
Pruth (river), Rumania 35 L
Prutz, Austria 29 B
Pruzany, or Pruzhany, Rus¬
sia 34 D
Pruzhany, Russia 34 D
Pryepolye, or Priepolie, Tur¬
key in Europe 35 B
Pryor, Mont., U. S 107 H
Pryor, Tenn., U. S 83 J
Pryor Creek, or Pryorcreek,
Ind. Ty., U. S 106 L
Pryor (Gap), Mont., U. 8. ... 107 H
Pryor (Mountains), Mont.,
U. 8 107 H
Pryorcreek, Ind. Ty., U. S.... 106 L
Pryors (Creek), Mont., U. 8. 107 H
Pryors Station, Ky., U. 8. ... 82 C
Pryorsburg, Ky., U. 8 82 C
Przasnysz, Russia 34 C
Przedborz, Russia 34 B
PrzemySl, Austria 28 O
Przemyslany, Austria 28 Q
Przestitz, or Prestitz, Aus¬
tria 29 G
Przeworsk, Austria 28 O
Przibram, or Pribram, Aus¬
tria 29 J
Psakhna, Greece 36 J
Psali, Cape, Greece 36 K
Psara, or Ipsara, ^igean Sea 36 N
Psara, or Ipsara (island),
ASgean Sea 36 N 3
Psari (Elis and Achaia),
Greece 36 D 4
Psari (Messenia), Greece 36 E 6
Psathura (island), iEgean Sea 36 K 2
Psathura (L.H.), ^gean Sea 36 K 2
Pschow, Germany 24 M 27
Psel, or Psiol (river), Russia 34 J 7
Pselchis, or Dakkeh, Egypt... 55 P
Psemenskaia, Russia 33 H
Psiloriti (Mountain), Crete ... 36 C
Psinia (river), Turkey in Eu¬
rope 35 D
Psiol (river), Russia 34 J
Pskof, Russia 34 G
Pskof (government), Russia 34 G
Pskof or Pskofskoi, Lake,
Russia 34 G
Pskofskoi, Lake, Russia 34 G
Pskov, or Pskof, Russia 34 G
Pskov or Pskofskoi, Lake,
Russia 34 G
Pskovskoe, or Pskofskoi,
Lake, Russia 34 F
Psophis, Greece 36 E
Psyche, or Pysht, Wash.,
U. 8 Ill A
Psyra (island; Mirabella
Bay), Crete 36 F
Psyra, or Ipsara (island),
jlgean Sea 36 N
Pteleon, Greece 36 G
Pteria (Ruins), or Boghazkoi,
Turkey in Asia 38 F
Ptolemais, or Acre, Palestine 38 F
Ptolemais, or Tolmeita, Tri¬
poli 55 M
Pu, Mount, Borneo 48 C
Pu (Shan-si), China 45 C
Pu (Shan-tung), China 45 E
Pu-an, China 44 G
Pu-chau, China 45 B
Pu-cheng (Fu kien), China .... 55 G
Pu-cheng (Shen si), China .... 45 B
Pu-erh, or Pu-rh, China 44 G
Pu-ki, China 45 D
Pu-kiang, China 45 G
Pu Kiu, Siam 43 F
Pu-li, Formosa 46 L 7
Pu-ning, China 45 E 11
Pu-reng, or Pu-rong, Korea... 46 D 2
Pu-rh, China 44 G
Pu-rong, Korea 46 D
Pu-tai, China 45 G
Pu-to-shan (island), China... 45 J
Pu Vieng, Slam 43 F
Pua (Island), Celebes 48 F
Pua (Point), New Zealand ... 52 G 10
Puaialua (Mountain), Hawaii 47 P 6
Puako (Bay), Hawaii 47 N 5
Puangue, Chile 124 H 15
Puangue, Rio (river), Chile... 124 H 14
Publow, England 12 J 3
110 F
20 M
Pubnico Harbour, Nova Scotia 63 D
Pucapanga, Peru 122 C
Pucara, Peru 122 C
Pucawa (Lake), Wis., U. 8. ... 97 H
Pucaya, Honduras 120 K
Puchacai, Chile 124 H 14
Puchuncavi (Valparaiso),
Chile (on local map) 124 H 14
Pucio, Point, Philippine Is¬
lands 47 e
Pucioasa, Rumania 35 H
Puckahn, Saskatchewan 60 K
Puckett, Miss., U. 8 85 E
Puckett, Va., U. 8 76 C
Pucklechurch, England 12 J
Pudamari, India 42 K 10
Pudasiarvi, or Pudasjarvi,
Finland 33 e
Pudasjarvi, Finland 33 E
Puddington, England 13 F
Puddletown, England 13 J _
Pudewitz, Germany 24 H 25
Pudicheri, or Pondicherry,
India 42 h 14
Pudsey, England 7 F
Pudukattai, or Pudukota,
India 42 g 14
Pudukattai, or Pudukota
(state), India 42 G 14
Pudukota, India ." 42 G 14
Pudukota (State), India 42 G 14
Puduriki, Cape, Crete 36 B
Puebla, Mexico 119 K
Puebla (state), Mexico 119 K
Puebla, La, Spain 20 P
Puebla de Alcocer, Spain ... 20 G
Puebla de Don Fadrique,
Spain 20 K
Puebla de Sanabria, Spain... 20 F
Puebla de Tribes, Spain 20 E
Puebla de Trives, or Puebla
de Tribes, Spain 20 E
Pueblo, Col., U. S 109 J
Pueblo (co.), Col., U. S 109 J
Pueblo, Ky., U. S 82 G
Pueblo Colorado Wash
(stream), Ariz., U. S
Pueblo Nuevo del Mar, Spain
Pueblo Viejo, Colombia 122 D
Fuel, or Pu-rh, China 44 G
Puente, Cal., U. S 115 G
Puente, Spain 20 G
Puente Caldelas, Spain 20 D
Puente del Congosto, or
Puente, Spain 20 G 4
Puente Genii, Spain 20 H 7
Puente la Relna, Spain 20 L 2
Puenteareas, Spain 20 D 2
Puentedeume, Spain 20 D 1
Puentes de Garcia Rodriguez,
Spain 20 E 1
Pueo (Point), Hawaii 47 E 1
Puerco, Rio (river), N. Mex.,
U. S 110 J 3
Puercos, Punta (point), Co¬
lombia 122 A 2
Puers, Belgium 21 D 6
Puerto, Mexico 119 D 2
Puerto, El, or Puerto de
Santa Maria, Spain 20 F 8
Puerto Angel (harbour),
Mexico 119 K 10
Puerto Barbara (bay), Chile 124 B 13
Puerto Barrios, Guatemala... 120 G 4
Puerto Bello, or Porto Bello,
Colombia 122 B
Puerto Bermejo, Argentina 124 F
Puerto Berrio, Colombia 122 C
Puerto Caballos, or Puerto
Cortes, Honduras 120 H
Puerto Cabello, Venezuela... 122 D
Puerto Chico (San Cristobal),
Galapagos Islands 121 E
Puerto Colombia and Salgar
(L.H.), Colombia 122 B
Puerto Concordia, Salvador 120 F
Puerto Cortes, Honduras ... 120 H
Puerto de Cabras (Fuerteven-
tura), Canary Islands 20 O
Puerto de Chamela (har¬
bour), Mexico 119 F
Puerto de Escondido (har¬
bour), Mexico 119 K 10
Puerto de Espafia, or Port
of Spain (Trinidad), West
Indies 118 H 2
Puerto de Isiamas, or
Ixiamos, Bolivia 122 D 6
Puerto de la Burra, Mexico... 119 H 3
Puerto de la Cruz, or Oro-
tava (Palma), Canary Is¬
lands 20 M 8
Puerto de la Luz (L.H.;
Gran Canaria), Canary Is¬
lands 20 N 9
Puerto de la Mar, or Cobija,
Chile 122 C 8
Puerto de la Plata (harbour),
Argentina 124 G 13
Puerto de la Selva, or Puerto
de la Selva de Mar, Spain 20 Q 2
Puerto de la Selva de Mar,
Spain 20 Q 2
Puerto de Luna, N. Mex.,
U. S 110 L 4
Puerto de Navidad (harbour),
Mexico 119 F 8
Puerto de Nipe (bay), Cuba 117 H 4
Puerto de Santa Cruz, Spain 20 G 5
Puerto de Santa Maria,
Spain 20 F 8
Puerto de Zihuatanejo (har¬
bour), Mexico 119 H 9’
Puerto del Guasco or
Huasco, Chile 124 C 9
Puerto del Huasco, Chile... 124 C 9
Puerto del Pasano (mt.),
Tex., U. S 89 D 7
Puerto del Son, Spain 20 C 2
Puerto Deseado, or Port De¬
sire (bay), Argentina 124 D 13
Puerto Escondido (channel),
Mexico 119 N 8
Puerto Frontera, or Tabasco
(bay), Mexico 119 M 8
Puerto Gallegos (bay), Ar¬
gentina 124 D 14
Puerto Huatulco (harbour),
Mexico 119 l 10
Puerto Isabel (bay), Mexico 119 B 2
Puerto Lamar, or Cobija,
Chile 122 C 8
Puerto Llano, Spain .........’..V 20 H 6
Puerto Madrin or Madryn,
Argentina 124 D 12
Puerto Madryn, Argentina!” 124 D 12
Puerto Mahon, or Port
Mahon (Minorca), Balearic
Islands 20 R 5
Puerto Malaspina (bay), Ar¬
gentina 124 d 13
Puerto Melo (bay), Argentina 124 D 13
Puerto Moniz (Madeira), Ma¬
deira Islands (on local
map) 20 N 7
Puerto Montt, Chile 124 C 12
Puerto Nacional, Colombia... 122 C 2
Puerto Nena (bay), Chile ... 124 C 11
Puerto Orotava, or Orotava
(Teneriffe), Canary Islands 20 M 8
Puerto Pacheco and Bahia
Negra, Colony, Bolivia 122 F 8
Puerto Plata (Haiti), West
Indies 117 k 5
Puerto Princesa (Palawan
Island), Philippine Islands 47 A 8
Puerto Princesa (province;
Palawan Island), Philip¬
pine Islands 47 A 8
Puerto Principe, Cuba 117 F 4
Puerto Quemado (bay), Co¬
lombia 122 B 2
Puerto Real, Spain 20 F 8
Puerto Real (L.H.; Cadiz),
Spain 20 F 8
Puerto Rosario, Peru 122 B 4
Puerto San Bartolome (bay),
Mexico 119 A 4
Puerto San Felipe (bay),
Mexico 119 b 2
Puerto San Julian (bay), Ar¬
gentina 124 D 13
Puerto San Lorenzo, or San
Lorenzo, Honduras 120 H 6
Puerto Santa Cruz (bay), Ar¬
gentina 124 D 11
Puerto Santa Cruz, Peru 122 B 5
Puerto Suarez, Bolivia 122 F 7
Puerto Utria (bay), Colom¬
bia 122 B 2
Puerto Valdez (bay), Argen¬
tina 124 E 12
Puerto Varas, or Puerto
Montt, Chile 124 C 12
Puerto Vermejo, or Puerto
Bermejo, Argentina 124 F 9
Puerto Villamizar, Colombia 122 C 2
Puertollano, or Puerto Llano,
Spain 20 H 6
Puertoviejo, or Portoviejo,
Ecuador 122 B 4
Pueschi, Rumania 35 K 2
Pueshti, or Pueschi, Ru¬
mania 35 K 2
Puffin (Island), Ireland 16 A 8
Puffin (Island), Wales 11 C 2
Pugelug (island), N. Pacific 49 E 4
Puger, Java 48 D 6
Puget City, Wash., U. S Ill C 2
Puget (Island), Columbia
River, Wash., U. S Ill B 3
Puget (Sound), Wash., U. S. Ill C 1
Puget-Theniers, France 18 J 10
Puget-Ville, France 18 H 12
Pugh, La., U. S 87 H 7
Pugh, O., U. S 90 H 4
Pughs, N. C., U. S 78 N 2
Pughtown, Pa„ U. S 73 L 6
Puglia, or Apulia (comparti-
mento), Italy 32 T 12
Puglie, or Apulia (comparti-
mento), Italy 32 T 12
Pugwara, India 41 E 4
Pugwash, Nova Scotia 63 F 4
Pugwash (Bay), Nova Scotia 63 F 4
Pugwash Harbour (L.H.;
N.W. of Pugwash), Nova
Scotia 63 F 4
Puhua, Fr. Indo-China 43 G 6
Puigcerda, Spain 20 O 2
Puigmal (mt.), Spain 20 P 2
Puinipet or Ponape (Island),
N. Pacific 49 G 4
Puiseaux, France 19 F 4
Puits, Grand, France 19 G 3
Puj, Hungary 28 O 6
Pujaga or Puyaga (Bay),
Mindanao Island, Philip¬
pine Islands 47 F 9
Puk-chhen, or Puk-chung,
Korea 46 C 3
Puk-chung, Korea 46 C 3
Further geographical information will be found by referring to the General Index, Vol. 35.
I I 2

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