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Languard (peak), Switz-
|*Unard (peak), Switzer-
i^Medei (peak), Switzer-
rpiafna (peak), Switzer-
tiSeesvenna or Sesvenna
f :ak), Switzerland
Ipesvenna (peak), Switzer-
i Stella'’ (peak), Switzer-
Cerri (peak), Switzerland
Vadred (peak), Switzer-
»7adret or Vadred (peak),
itzerland ••••••
rro (explorer s route),
stern Pacific
ghettone, Italy
pb. Italy
p y} Punta (point;, Italy ...
p, o’ Canciano (peak), Switz-
I (and
J13 dt Cresem (peak),
■itzerland ■••••
tJ o di Madaro (peak),
p||o (L.H.), Italy
P oli, Italy
P«am, Siam
pilterkill (Mountain),
Y., U. S
p|iz, Germany
pfcennec, France
P 'e de la Bastille (Paris),
Z-ance (on local map)
pteentia, or Piacenza, Italy
pbntia, or Piacenza (pro-
fnce), Italy
pbentia, Newfoundland
ppee-tia (Bay), Newfound-
ppentia Harbour (L.H.),
i iwfoundland
p|:er (co.). Cal., U.S
p :er, Oreg., U.S
P|;er, Wash., U. S
p 'er (Mountain), N. Mex.,
p er Station, Col., U. S. ...
p erville, Cal., U.S
ppervllle. Col , U. S
ppervllle, Idaho, U. S
Hl;etas, Cuba
H:h, India -
F id, Lake N. Y., U. S. ...
India Butte (mt.), Oreg.,
Blulla (Valparaiso), Chile...
ailla, La, Chile
Pidta, N. Mex., U.S
ppo, or Zaphrana (islands),
figean Sea
Ml, Mo , U. S
Edda (Island), Scotland
Bilda Island (L.H.; S. E. of
i Tan, Buteshire), Scotland
Hilda Island (L.H.; Sound
1 Luing, Argyllshire),
1 otland
Weien, or Plaffeyen,
Ilfeyen, Switzerland
Bina, Piz (peak), Switzer-
J nd
Blgiari, Turkey in Europe...
Bln, Wis., U.S
lltn City, O., U. S
Bin City, Utah, U. S
Blm Dealing, La., U. S
Bline, La, Quebec
Line, La (Dominica), West
I ine (Hill), Martinique,
est Indies
nes, France
neschi, Rumania
neshti, or Plaineschi,
nfield. Ark., U. S
(infield, Cal., U. S
Infield, Conn., U.S
infield. 111., U.S
nfield, Ind., U. S
nftcld, la., U. S
nfield, Mass., U. S
infield, Mich., U. S
infield, N. H., U. S
infield, East, N. H
nfield, N. J., U. S
(infield, North, N. J., U. S,
infield, South, N. J., U. S.
infield, O., U. S
(Infield, Pa., U. S
infield, Vt„ U. S
Infield, Wis., U. S
Infield Center. N. Y., U. S.
ins. The Great (region;
ssiniboia), Canada
ins, Ga., U. S
ins, Kan., U. S
ins, Mont., U. S
ins, Pa., U. S
ins, The, Va., U. S
ins of Abraham (battle-
eld), Quebec
| Mns) of Promise, Queens-
27 M 5
27 N 4
27 J 5
27 N 4
27 N 4
27 N 4
27 L 5
27 K 5
27 M 4
27 M 4
121 E
31 G
30 K
27 M 6
27 K 6
27 H 6
30 K 9
32 O 10
43 F 7
69 S 9
22 E 15
17 A 4
17 M 2
31 G 4
31 G
63 K
63 J 6
63 K
114 E
112 B
111 H
110 J
109 H
114 E
109 B
108 C
117 E
41 F
70 P
112 F 3
124 G 14
124 H 13
110 K 3
38 B
104 G
15 D
15 I) 4
15 B
27 D 4
27 D 4
27 N
35 J
97 G
90 D
113 K
87 B
62 G
118 C 12
118 E 9
19 J 4
35 J 3
U. S.
35 J
86 F
114 D
68 H
93 J
92 D
101 H
67 C
96 N 12
66 E 8
66 E
72 G
72 G
72 G
90 G
73 H
66 E
97 H
70 M
60 J
80 C
105 B
107 B
73 L
76 H
62 Q 6
50 F 3
Plainsberg, Cal., U. S 114 E 5
Plainsboro, N. J., U. S 72 F 4
Plainsgrove, Pa., U. S 74 B 4
Plainview, 111., U. S 94 E 7
Plainview, la., U. S 101 M 4
Plainview, Minn., U. S 98 E 5
Plainview, Neb., U. S 102 G 1
Plainview, Oreg., U. S 112 B 2
Plainview, Tex., U. S 89 F 3
Plalnville, Conn., U. S 68 D 3
Plainville, Ga., U. S 80 A 3
Plainville, III., U. S 94 C 6
Plainville, Ind., U. S 92 B 7
Plainville, Kan., U. 8 105 C 2
Plainville, Mass., U. S 67 J 4
Plainville, N. Y., U. S 71 K 5
Plainville, 0„ U. S 91 D 8
Plainville, Wis., U. S 97 G 7
Plainwell, Mich., U. S 96 K 13
Plaisance, France 18 F 9
Plaisance. or Piacenza, Italy 31 G 4
Plaisance, La., U. S 87 E o
Plaisir-Grignon, or Grignon,
France 19 D 3
Piaistow (Essex), England 10 P 5
Plaistow (Sussex), England... 9 E 4
Piaistow, N. H., U.S 66 K 11
Plaistow Lodge (Kent), Eng¬
land 10 O 9
Plaistow (Marsh), Essex, Eng¬
land 10 O 5
Plaistow Station tEssex), Eng¬
land 10 O 5
Plaka (Andros;, ^Egean Sea... 36 L 5
Plaka tMelos), iEgean Sea ... 33 K 7
Plaka (Bay), Crete 36 C 8
Plakhino, Siberia 37 L 2
Plalana, Turkey in Europe ... 35 C 9
Plan, Austria 29 F 4
Plan, Ober, Austria 29 H 6
Plan See (lake), Austria 29 B 9
Plana, 8. Dak., U. S 100 F 1
Plana (island), Spain 20 M 6
Plana Cays (islands), Ba¬
hama Islands 117 J 3
Plana Island (L.H.), Spain... 20 M 6
Planasia, or Pianosa (is¬
land), Italy 32 H 9
Planchez, France 19 H 6
Plancoet, France 17 C 4
Plande-la-Tour, Le, France ... 18 J 12
Planina, Austria 29 J 12
Planitz, Austria 29 G 5
Plank, Tex., U. S 88 N 7
Planka, Punta (point), Aus¬
tria 28 G 8
Plankatank (River), Va., U. S. 76 K 5
Plankinton, S. Dak., U. S.... 100 F 3
Plano, Cal., U. S 115 G 6
Plano, 111., U. S 93 H 2
Plano, la., U. S 101 G 6
Plano, Neb., U. S 102 C 2
Plano, 0., U. S 91 D 6
Plano, Tex., U. S 88 L 4
Plant City, Fla., U. S 81 M 7
Planter, Fla., U. S 81 P 12
Plantersville, Ala., U. S 84 D 5
Plantersville, Ark., U. S. ... 86 J 7
Plantersville, Miss., U. S 85 G 2
Plantersville, S. C., U. S.... 79 K 4
Plantersville, Tex., U. S. ... 88 M 7
Plants, O., U. S 91 G 7
Plantsville, Conn., U. S 68 D 3
Plantsville, O., U. S 91 G 6
Plaquemine, La., U. S 87 G 6
Plaquemines (pa.), La,, U.S. 87 K 7
Plas-hen, Wales U C 3
Plaschken, Germany 24 B 34
Plasencia, Br. Honduras 120 G 3
Plasencia, Spain 20 F
Plashet Hall, England 10 P
Plashetts, England 6 E
Plashkavitza, Planina (mt.),
Turkey in Europe 35 E
Plasi, Neb., U. S 102 H
Plassi, India 41M
Plassey, or Plassi, India 41 M 8
Plasswich, Germany 24 D 30
Plasten, Klein, Germany ... 22 E 16
Plaster Rocks, New Bruns¬
wick 63 B 3
Plastum (Bay), Siberia 44 O 2
Plat&, La, Argentina 124 F 11
Plata, Lago de la (lake), Ar¬
gentina 124 C 13
Plata, Puerto de la (harbour),
Argentina 124 G 13
Plata, Rio de la (river),
Argentina 124 G 13
Plata, La (island), Ecuador... 122 A 4
Plata, Puerto, Haiti 117 K 5
Plata, Bay (bay), La., U. S. ... 87 K 8
Plata (Island), or Isla la
Plata, Ecuador 122 A 4
Platsea, Greece yy ,
Platamona, Turkey in Europe 36 G 1
Piatana (Skopelos),.®gean Sea 36 J 2
Platana, Rio (river), Nicara-
1—l) r y
Platana, Turkey in Asia 38 H 2
Platanal, Point, Costa Rica... 120 M 11
Platanares, Rio (river), Costa
Rica 120 E 11
Platanistos, Greece 36 L 4
Platano, or Platanos (Laris-
sa), Greece 36 G
Piatano, Rio (river), Hon-
dliras L
Platanos (Acarnania and JSto-
lia), Greece 36 E
Platanos (Larissa), Greece ... 36 G
Platberg (mt.), Orange River
Colony 57 G
Plate, or Rio de la Plata
(river), Argentina 124 F
Plate (Lake), Minn., U. S. ... 98 D
Plate Point (L.H.; S. W. of
Grand Miquelon), New¬
foundland 63 J
Platea, Pa., U. S 74 B
Plateau, Cal., U. S 114 D
Plateau, Col., U. S 109 J
Plateau, N. C., U. S 78 G
Plateau, S. C., U. 8 79 E
Plateau, Tex., U. S 89 C
Plateau, Utah, U. S 113 L
Plateau (Creek), Dolores co.,
Col., U. S 109 B 7
Plateau ;Creek), Mesa co.,
Col., U. S 109 B 4
(Plateau) de Langres, France 19 L 5
Plateau (Mountain), N. Y.,
U. S 70 O 7
(Plateau) of Great Karoo,
Cape Colony 57 F 7
(Plateau) of Tademait, Sa¬
hara 54 G 3
Plathe, Germany 22 E 21
Platici, Italy 32 U 15
Platner, Col., U. S 109 M 2
Plato, la., U. S 101 L 4
Plato, Ky.. U. S 82 H 6
Plato, Minn., U.S 98-C 5
Plato, Mo., U S 104 H 10
Plato, Neb., U.S 102 G 3
Plato, N. Y., U. S 71 E 7
Piatsa, Greece 36 F
Platt, la., U. S 101 D
Platt, Miss., U.S 85 H
Platt Clove, N. Y„ U. S 69 S
Platta (Peak), Switzerland... 27 L
Platte, Mich., U. S 96 J
Platte (co.), Mo„ U. S 103 C
Platte (co.). Neb., U. S 102 G
Platte, North, Neb., U. S. ... 102 D
Platte, S. Dak., U. S 100 F
Platte and Arkansas Divide,
(mts.), Col., U. S 109 K
Platte Cafion, Col., U. S 109 H
Platte Center, Neb., U. S.... 102 G
Platte City, Mo., U. S 103 C
Platte (Island), Br. E. Africa 53 L
Platte (Lake), Mich., U. S.... 96 J
Platte River, Col., U. S.. 109 G
Platte (River), South, Col.,
U. S 109 L
Platte River, Mo., U. S 103 C
Platte (River), Mo., U. S. ... 103 C
Platte River, Neb., U. S 102 H
Platte (River), Neb., U. S.... 102 G
Platte (River), North, Neb.,
U. S 102 B 2
Platte Station, South, Col.,
U. S 109 J 4
Plattekill, N. Y., U. S. (on
local map) 69 M 10
Plattekill, N. Y., U. S 69 O 8
Platten, Austria 29 F 3
Flatten See, or (Lake) Bala¬
ton, Hungary (on travel
map) 3 N 5
Plattensee, or (Lake) Bala¬
ton, Hungary (Si,
Plattenville, La., U.S ^ £
Platteville, Col., U. S 109 J 2
Platteville, la., U. S 101 D 6
Platteville, Wis., U. S 97 E 9
Plattin, Mo., U. S 104 M 8
Plattling, Germany 23 P 16
Plattsburg, Miss., U. S 85 F 5
Plattsburg, Mo., U.S 2
Plattsburg, N. Y., U. S 70 Q
Plattsburg, South, N. Y., U. S. 70 P
Plattsburg, West, N. Y., U. S. 70 P
Plattsburg, O., U. S 91 C
Plattsmouth, East, la., U. S. 101 B
Plattsmouth, Neb., U.S 102 J
Plattston, O., U. S 90 B
Plattstown, New South Wales 51 J
Plattsville, Conn., U. S 68 B
Plattsville, O., U.S ^9 5
Plattsville, Ontario 61 E
Plattville, 111., U.S 93 J
Plan, Germany 22 1 lo
Plane, Germany v 22 H 15
Plaue, New (river), Germany 22 H 16
Plane (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha),
23 L 12
Plauen, Germany 23 M 14
Plauen, Germany (on travel
map) 3 L 3
Planer See (lake), Germany... 22 E 15
Plauersche (Canal), Germany 22 H 15
Plauersche (Canal), New, Ger-
many 22 H 14
Plava, Turkey in Europe 3o B 6
Plavis FL, or Piave (river),
Italy 31 M
Plawsworth, England 6 H
Plaxtol, England “ G
Plaxtole, or Plaxtol, England 9 G
Playa Vicente, Mexico U9 L
Playas Vicente, or Playa Vi-
cente, Mexico U9 L
Playden, England 9 J
Playon del Juncal (battle-
field), Venezuela 132 D
Plaza, Wash., U. S ••••• l11 H
Plaza de Almanzor (mt.),
Spain 20 G
Plealey Road. England 11 G
Plean, Scotland to H
Pleasant, Ga., U. S.
80 D
Pleasant, Ind., U. S 92 F 7
Pleasant, Ky., U. S 82 L 5
Pleasant, Lake, N. Y„ U. S. 70 O 5
Pleasant, S. C., U. S 79 F 3
Pleasant, Wash., U. S Ill E 4
Pleasant (Bay), Me., U. S. ... 65 H 6
Pleasant (Bay), Quebee 63 H 2
Pleasant City, O., U. S 91 G 5
Pleasant Gap, Pa., U. S.. 7i G 5
Pleasant Garden, N. C., U. S. 78 K 3
Pleasant Green, Kan., U. S.... 105 C 2
Pleasant Green, Mo., U. S. ... 104 F 7
Pleasant Grove, Cal., U. S.... 114 D 4
Pleasant Grove, la., U. S 101 L 6
Pleasant Grove, Minn., U. S. 98 E 6
Pleasant Grove, Miss., U. S. 85 D 2
Pleasant Grove, Pa., U. S.... 73 K 7
Pleasant Grove, Utah, U. S.... 113 L 2
Pleasant Grove, Utah, U. 8.
(on local map) 113 C 7
Pleasant Grove Station, Tenn.,
U S 83 H 3
Pleasant Hill, Ga., XL s! 80 B 6
Pleasant Hill (Chicago), 111.,
U. 8. (on local map) 94 C 10
Pleasant Hill (Pike co.). 111.,
U. S 94 D 7
Pleasant Hill, or Pleasant-
hill. La., U. S 87 C 3
Pleasant Hill, Mass., U. S. (on
local map) 67 D 5
Pleasant Hill, Miss', U. S.... 85 E 1
Pleasant Hill, or Pleasant-
hill, Mo., U. S 104 D 7
Pleasant Hill, O., U. S 90 B 4
Pleasant Hill, Pa., U. S 74 B 5
Pleasant Home, Ky., U. S.... 82 G 4
Pleasant Home, O., U. S 90 F 3
Pleasant Lake, Ind., U. S 92 F 1
Pleasant (Lake), Me., U. S.... 65 E 3
Pleasant (Lake), Jefferson
o., N. Y„ U. S 70 L 4
Pleasant Lake, N. Dak., U.S. 99 E 1
Pleasant Mills, Ind., U. S. ... 92 G 3
Pleasant Mills, N J., U. S. ... 72 F 7
Pleasant Mound, 111., U. S.... 94 G 8
Pleasant Mount, Pa., U. S. ... 73 M 3
Pleasant Plain, or Pleasant-
plain, la., U. S 101 J 5
Pleasant Plains, Ark., U. S ... 86 J 3
Pleasant Plains, 111., U. S. ... 93 F 6
Pleasant Plains, N. Y., U. S. 70 P 8
Pleasant Prairie, la., U. S ... 101 L 5
Pleasant Prairie, Wis., U. S. 97 L 9
Pleasant Retreat, Ga., U. S. 80 D 2
Pleasant Ridge (mts.), Ark.,
U. S 86 G 2
Pleasant Ridge (Cincinnati),
O., U.S
Pleasant Ridge, Wis., U. S....
Pleasant (River), Me., U. S....
Pleasant River, Nova Scotia...
Pleasant Site, Ala., U. S
Pleasant Unity, Pa., U.S. ...
Pleasant Valley, Cal., U. S....
Pleasant Valley, Conn., U. S.
Pleasant Valley, Idaho, U. S.
Pleasant Valley, 111., U. S. ...
Pleasant Valley, la., U. S....
Pleasant Valley, Md., U. S....
Pleasant Valley, Mich., U. S.
Pleasant Valley, Mont., U. S.
Pleasant Valley, N. J., U. S....
Pleasant Valley, N. Y., U. S.
Pleasant Valley, Oreg., U. S.
Pleasant Valley, Vt., U. S....
Pleasant Valley, W. Va., U. S.
(on local map)
Pleasant Valley, Wis., U. S....
Pleasant Valley Junction,
Utah, U. S
Pleasant View, Mich., U. S....
Pleasant View, Pa., U. S. ..
Pleasant View, Wash., U. S.
Pleasantbend, O., U. S
Pleasantbrook, N. Y., U. S....
Pleasantdale, Neb., 0. S
Pleasantfarm, Mo., U. S
Pleasantgap, Ala., U. S
Pleasantgap, Mo., U. S
Pleasantgrove, Ala., U. S. ...
Pieasantgrove, Ind., U. S. ...
Pleasantgrove, Mo.. U. S. ..
Pleasantgrove, N. C., U. S...
Pleasantgrove, Va., U. S. ...
Pleasanthill, Ala., U. S
Pleasanthill, Ky.,
Pleasanthill, La.,
Pleasanthill, Mo.,
Pleasanthill, Neb .
Pleasanthlll, N. C., U. S.
Pleasanthill, S. C , U. S. ...
Pleasanthiil, Temi:. U. S.
Pleasanthiil, Va., U. S
Pleasanthlli, W. Va., U.S.
Pleasanthiil Station, Ala.,
U. S 84 D 6
Pleasanthope, Mo., U. S 104 F 10
Pleasantmount, Mo., U. S. ... 104 G 8
Pleasanton, Cal., U. S 114 D fi
Pleasanton, la., U. S. 101 F 6
Pleasanton, Kan., U.S BD H 3
Pleasanton, La., U.S. 87 C 1
Pleasanton, Neb., U. S 102 E 3
Pleasanton, O., U. S oIT 9
Pleasanton, Tex., U. S. 88 J 9
Pleasantplain, Ind., U. S. ... 92 E 3
Pleasantplatn, la., U.S. 101 J o
Pleasantfflaln, O., U.S. ?! 5 9
Pleasantpoint, Tenn., U. 8.... 83 G 4
Pleasantridge, Ala., U. S. ... 84 A 5
91 D
97 E
65 H
63 E
84 A
74 D
114 E
68 D 2
103 H 5
93 E l
101 N 4
75 H 2
96 M 10
107 B 1
72 E 1
09 N 10
112 H 2
66 C 4
77 A 2
97 B 5
U. 8.
U. S.
U. S.
113 M
96 M
73 H
111 G
90 B
70 N
102 H
101 H
84 F
104 D
84 B
92 B
104 L 11
78 L 2
76 G
84 D
82 G
87 C
104 D
102 G
78 O
79 G
83 L
76 D
77 H
geographical information will be hV referring to the General Index, Vol. 35.

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