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. 34
Pechiguera Point (L.H.; Lan-
zarote), Canary Islands 20 O
Pechili, or Chi-li (province),
China 44 K
Pechili, or Pe-chi-li, Gulf of,
China 45 G
Pechora (river), Russia 33 K
Pechory, Russia 34 F
Pechovo, or Petchova, Turkey
in Europe 35 F
Peel (Bosnia), Austria 28 G
Peck, Kan., IJ. 8 105 E
Peck, Mich., II. S 96 Q H
Peck, Tenn., U. S 83 D 2
Peck, W. Va., U. S 77 C 5
Pecka, Servia 35 B 4
Peckenpaugh, Ky., U. S 82 D 4
Peckforton Castle (Cheshire),
England 11 G 2
Peckham, London 10 M 7
Peckham, Neb., U. S 102 D 3
Peckham Rye, London 10 M 7
Pecks, S. C., U. S 79 H
72 F
77 F
73 L
69 R
69 S
69 8
30 B
110 K
89 D
89 E
106 H
79 J
85 G
Pecks (Bay), N. J., U. 8.
Pecksrun, W. Va., U. 8
Peckville, Pa., U. 8
Peconic, N. Y„ U. 8
Peconic (Bay), N. Y., IIS.
Peconic (Bay), Great, N. Y
U. 8 69 8 10
Peconic (Bay), Little, N. Y
U. 8
Pecora, Capo (cape), Sardinia
Pecos, N. Mex., II. 8
Pecos, Tex., U. 8
Pecos (co.), Tex., U. 8
Pecos City, or Pecos, Tex.,
U. 8 89 D
Pecos (River), N. Mex., U. 8. 110 L
Pecos (River), Tex., U. 8 89 E
Pecos (Valley), N. Mex.,
U. 8 110 L
Pecs, or Fiinfkirchen, Hun¬
gary 28 K
Pecska, Hungary 28 N
Peculiar, Mo., IJ. 8 104 C
Peczenizyn, Austria 28 R
Pedaso, Italy 32 P
Pedaso (L.H.), Italy 32 P
Peddapur, or Peddapuram,
India 42 H 11
Peddapuram, India 42 H 11
Peddie, Cape Colony 57 H 7
Peddle (district), Cape Colony 57 H
Pedee, Okla., IJ. 8
Pedee (River), Great, 8. C.,
U. 8
Peden, Miss., U. 8
Pedena Point or Punta
Peneda (L.H.; Brioni),
Austria 28 E
Pedernal, Br. Honduras 120 G
Pedernal, Nicaragua 120 D
Pedernal (Mountain), N.
Mex., U. 8 HO K
Pedernal (Peak), N. Mex.,
U. 8 U0 J
Pedernales, Ecuador 122 A
Pedernales, Spain 18 C
Pedernales, Venezuela 122 E
Pedersker (Bornholm), Bal¬
tic Sea 25 R
Pediceus (river), Cyprus 38 E
Pedigo, Tenn., U. 8 83 O
Pedir, Sumatra 48 A
Pedlar Mills, Va., U. 8 76 E
Pedone, or Borgo San Dal-
mazzo, Italy <31 B
Pedra, Ponte de, Brazil 123 G
Pedra Funda, Rio (river),
Brazil 123 H
Pedra Major, Port. W. Africa 56 J
Pedras, Porto das, Brazil 123 K
Pedraza, Colombia 122 C
Pedreneiras, Brazil 123 H
Pedreso, Sierra del (mts.),
Spain 20 G 6
Pedricefia, Mexico 119 G 5
Pedricktown, N. J., U. 8 72 C 6
Pedrigal, Honduras 120 H 6
Pedrito, Brazil 124 G 10
Pedro, Point, Ceylon 42 H 15
Pedro, Rio (river), Col., U. 8. 109 D 8
Pedro, Jamaica 118 D
Pedro, Mo., U. 8 104 C
Pedro, 8. Dak., U. 8 100 B
Pedro, Va., U. 8 76 J
Pedro, Wyo., U. 8 108 P
Pedro Aflonso, Brazil 123 H
Pedro (Bank), Caribbean Sea 117 F
Pedro Blanco (island), China 45 E 11
Pedro II., Isla (island), Brazil 122 D 3
Pedro IT., Military Colony of,
Brazil 123 G 3
Pedro Miguel, Colombia 121 N 3
Pedroches, Los (district),
Spain 20 H 6
Pedroso, Sierra del (mts.),
Spain 20 G 6
Pedsh, or Ipek, Turkey in
Europe 35 C "
Peebles, O.. U. 8 91 D
Peebles, Scotland 15 K
Peebles, Wis., TJ. 8 97 K
Peeblesshire (co.), Scotland 15 K
Peedee, Ky., U. 8 82 A
Peedee, N. C., TJ. 8 78 K
Peedee, 8. C., TJ. 8 79 K
Peek, Fla., U. 8 81 K
Peeks Hill, Ala., U. 8 84 E
69 P
Peekskill, N. Y., U. 8. (on
local map) 69 N 12
Peel, Ark., U. 8 86 G 2
Peel, Isle of Man 6 A 2
Peel, De (moor), Netherlands 21 G 5
Peel, New Brunswick 63 B 3
Peel, New South Wales 51 H 4
Peel (co.), Ontario 61 F 4
Peel, W. Va., U. 8 77 D 4
Peel Castle (Peel), Isle of Man 6 A 2
Peel Fell (mt.), Scotland 14 L 9
Peel Group (islands), Korea... 46 C 6
Peel (Island), Bonin Islands 46 P 7
Peel (L.H.), Isle of Man 6 A 3
Peel (River), Mackenzie,
Canada 59 D 3
Peel Road, Isle of Man 6 B 2
Peel (Sound), Franklin,
Canada 59 L 2
Peel Tree, W. Va., U. 8 77 F 2
Peelers, Miss., U. 8 85 B 6
Peelunabie, 8. Australia 50 E 6
Peely, Pa., U. 8 73 L 4
Peene (river), Germany 22 E 16
Peeples, 8. C., ITS 79 F 6
Peer, Belgium 21 G 6
Peer (Point), Bombay 42 O 11
Peers, Mo., U. 8 103 K 7
Peers, Va., U. 8 76 H 5
Peeryville, W Va., U. 8 77 C 6
Peesh, or Pish Kuh (mts.),
Persia 40 B 4
Peete, Miss., U. 8 85 E 3
Peetsville, Miss., IJ. 8 85 C 7
Peetzburg, N. J., TJ. 8. .- 72 C 1
Peetzen, Germany 24 H 24
Peewee, W. Va., U. 8 77 C 3
Pegasus, Port, New Zealand... 52 B 10
Pegasus (Bay), New Zea¬
land 52 D 7
Pegau, Germany 23 K 15
Peggau, Austria 29 L 9
Peggy, Mo., IJ. 8 104 K 11
Pegli, Italy 31 E 6
Pegli (L.H.), Italy 31 E 6
Pegne, Fr. W. Africa 54 E 7
Pegnitz, Germany 23 N 13
Pego, Spain 20 M 6
Pegram, Ala., IT. 8 84 A 1
Pegram, 111., U. 8 94 D
Pegram, Tenn., U. 8 83 G
Pegu, Burma 43 C
Pegu (district), Burma 43 C
Pegu (division), Burma 43 B
Pegu Yoma (Mountains),
Burma 43 C
Peguas, Colombia 122 C
Pegues, N. C., U. 8 78 K 5
Peguicas, Rio (river), Brazil 123 J 4
Peguonnoc (River), Conn.,
U. S 68 C 4
Pegwell (Bay), England 9 L 4
Peho, Port. W. Africa 56 L 13
Pei (near Feng), China 45 F 5
Pei (near Tan-cheng), China 45 G 5
Pei-hai, or Pakhoi, China 45 B 12
Pei-ho (river), China - 45 F 3
Pei ho (river), China (on
local map) 44 M 6
Pei-ho or Taku (Forts),
China 44 N 7
Pei-kiang, or Pe-kiang
(river), China 45 D 11
Pei-liu, China 45 C 11
Pei-ma, or Pema, China 45 A 8
Pei-tai-ho, China 45 G 3
Pei-thang, China 44 N 7
Pei-tsang, China 44 M 6
Pei Yu Shan (L.H.; Hie-shan
Islands), China 45 J 8
Peiching, or Peking, China ... 44 M 6
Peide, Russia 34 D 2
Peihai, or Pakhoi, China ... 44 H 6
Peihoi, or Pakhoi, China 44 H 6
Peine, Germany 22 H 11
Peine, Point a (Dominica),
West Indies 118 C 12
Peine (River), F’ra.nce 18 C 11
Peint, India 42 D 9
Peipus (Lake), Russia 34 F 2
Peirseus, or Piraeus, Greece... 36 J 5
Peirasus (L.H.), Greece 36 .1 5
Peirce, Cape, Alaska 116 J 7
Peiro, la., U. 8 101 B 3
Peiskretscham, Germany 24 M 28
Peissenberg, Hoher (mt.),
Germany 23 R 12
Peithan (Nepal). India 41 J 5
Peitschendorf, Germany 24 E 33
Peitz, Germany 22 J 19
Peiwar (Pass), Afghanistan... 40 N 4
Peixe, Brazil 123 H 6
Peixe, Rio do (river), Brazil 123 F 6
Pek (river), Servia 35 D 4
Pekalongan, Java 48 C 6
Pekalongan (L.H.), Java 48 C 6
Pekan, Straits Settlements... 42 O 15
Pekawi, Port. E. Africa 56 R 13
Pekay, la., U. 8 101 H 5
Pekea, Rumania 35 K 3
Pekeridj, Turkey in Asia ... 38 H 3
Peki, Gold Coast 54 G 9
Pekin, or Peking, China 45 F 3
Pekin. Ga„ U. 8 80 E 8
Pekin, 111., U. 8 93 F 4
Pekin, Ind., U. 8 92 D 8
Pekin, Md„ TJ. 8 75 C 2
Pekin, Neb., U. S 102 D 1
Pekin, N. Y., TJ. 8 71 E 5
Pekin, O., IT. 8 91 B 6
Pekin Junction, 111., U. 8.... 93 G 4
Peekskill, N. Y., TJ. 8 7
jeographical information will be found by referring to the General Index, Vol. 3o.
Pekina, 8. Australia 51 C 4
Peking, China 45 F 3
Peking, China (local map of) 44 M 6
Pekinie, Turkey in Europe ... 35 B 7
Pekisko, Alberta, Canada 60 H 4
Pekuj (mt.), Austria 28 P 3
Peky, or Peki, Gold Coast 54 G 9
Pelagie (Islands), Mediter¬
ranean Sea 30 F 12
Pelago, or Pelagonisi (island),
Aegean Sea 36 J 2
Pelagonisi (island), iEgean
Sea 36 J 2
Pelagosa, Isola (island),
Adriatic Sea 30 K 5
Pelahatchee, Miss., U. 8 85 E 6
Pelahatchee (Creek), Miss.,
U. 8 85 E 6
Pelahatchie, or Pelahatchee,
Miss., U. S 85 E 6
Pelan, Minn., U. 8 98 A 1
Pelan, W. Australia 50 B 5
Pelanque (Island), Panama,
Colombia 120 N 11
Pelas, or Bulangan, Borneo... 48 E 4
Pelat (Creek), Wash., TJ. 8.... Ill H
Pelaw, England 6 H
Peldoive (mt.), Finland 33 E
Peldoivi, or Peldoive (mt.),
Finland 33 E
Peldon, England 9 J
Peldovado (mt.), Finland 33 E
Pelechuco, Bolivia 122 D
Pelee, Point, Ontario 61 C
Pelee, Mont (volcano; Mar¬
tinique), West Indies 118 D 8
Pelee Island (L.H.; Cher¬
bourg), France 17 D 3
Pelestrina, or Pellestrina
(island), Italy 31 M 4
Pelew (Islands), N. Pacific... 49 E 4
Pelham, Ala., TJ. 8 84 D 4
Pelham, Ga., TJ. 8 80 C 9
Pelham, Mass., TJ. 8 67 E 3
Pelham, N. H., TJ. 8 66 J 12
Pelham, N. Y., IT. 8 69 R 12
Pelham, North, N. Y., TJ. 8. 69 R 12
Pelham, N. C„ IT. 8 78 L 2
Pelham, 8. C., TJ. 8 79 D 2
Pelham, Tenn., IT. 8 83 K 4
Pelham (Bay), New York
City, N. Y„ U. 8 69 R 12
Pelham Manor (New York
City), N. Y„ IT. 8 69 R 12
Pelia, Ust, Russia 33 K 3
Pelican, La., TJ. S 87 B 3
Pelican Cone (mt.; Yellow¬
stone Nat. Park), Wyo.,
TJ. 8 108 P 2
Pelican (Creek), Minn., U. 8. 98 E 1
Pelican (Creek), Yellowstone
Nat. Park, Wyo., U. 8 108 P 3
Pelican Harbour (bay), Ba¬
hama Islands 117 G 1
Pelican (Island), Ala., TJ. 8.... 84 A 10
Pelican (Island), Galveston
Bay, Tex., U. 8 89 C 3
Pelican (Island), Barbados,
West Indies 118 C13
Pelican (Lake), Athabasca,
Canada 60 L 3
Pelican (Lake), Saskatche¬
wan, Canada 60 J 3
Pelican (Lake), Manitoba ... 60 L 3
Pelican Lake, Minn., U. 8. .. 98 A 3
Pelican (Lake), Ottertail
co., Minn., TJ. 8 98 B 3
Pelican (Lake), St. Louis co.,
Minn., U. 8 98 E
Pelican (Lake), Neb., U. 8.. . 102 D
Pelican (Lake), N. Dak., TJ. 8. 99 D
Pelican (Lake), 8. Dak., TJ. 8. 100 G
Pelican (Lake), Wis., TJ. 8.... 97 H
Pelican (Point), Cape Colony
Pelican (Rapids), Minn., TJ. 8.
Pelican (Shoal), Fla., TJ. 8. ...
Pelicanlake, Wis., IT. 8
Pelimskoi, Siberia 33 M
Peling (Islands), East Indies 48 F
Peling (Strait), Celebes 48 F
Pelion (peninsula), Greece... 36 H
Pelion, or Plessidi (mt.),
Greece 36 H
Pelissier. Quebec 62 C
Pelkola, Finland 33 E
Pell City, Ala., TJ. 8 84 E
Pell City, Fla., IT. 8 84 E
Pella, Cape Colony 57 D
Pella, la., U. 8 101 H
Pella, Tex., LT. 8 88 K
Pella, Transvaal 57 H
Pella, Wis., U. 8 97 J
Pellegrino, Italy 31 G 5
Pellegrino, Monte (mt.), Italy 32 K 13
Pellegrue, France 18 F 8
Pellerey, France 19 K 6
Pellestrina, Italy 31 M 4
Pellew or Pelew (Islands),
N. Pacific 49 E 4
Pellew (Islands). Sir Edward
(Gulf of Carpentaria), Aus¬
tralia «
Pellezzano, Italy 32 V 9
Pellice (river), Italy 31 B 5
Pellonia, 111., U. 8 94 H 11
Pellotes, Mexico H9 J 3
Pellston, Mich., TJ. 8 96 M 6
Pellville, Ky., TJ. 8 82 C 5
Pellworm (island), Germany 22 C 8
Pelly, Fort (Assiniboia),
Canada 60 L 1
57 B
98 A
81 N 13
97 H 3'

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