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Dlita, Col., U. S 109 L
Sita! Minn., U. S 98 A
‘.Hand or Laaland (island),
Denmark 25 K
me, Ark., U. S 86 G
e Ga., U. S. 80 F
o (river), Fr. Kongo 56 K 11
j0 or Balolo (tribe),
rnneo Free State 56 M11
lo S. C., U. S 79 E
n (Pass), Idaho, U. S 108 E
oda, East Indies 48 G
odorf, Kamerun, Africa... 56 J
os (tribe), China 44 G
B (river), Kamerun,
ifrica 55 K
b, or Sanaga (river),
;a’merun, Africa 54 J
a (river), Bulgaria 35 F
■0 Norway 26 F
a' Siam 43 E
a Palanka, Bulgaria 35 F
a Pat, Fr. Indo-China 43 H 8
•na (Point), Cal., U. S. ... 115 E
na Point (L.H. j San
lego), Cal., U. S 115 E
na, Mexico 119 G 5
na-hu (lake), China 45 G 5
iia Loma, Fiji 52 B 3
aa Parda, N. Mex., U. S. 110 K 3
>iami (river), Kongo Free
Eate 56 M 11
aando, Kan., IT. S 105 G '
nas, Cabo (cape), Peru 122 B
se- I
123 G 3
|nax, Ala., U. S 84 B
aax, 111., U. S 93 C
nax, Neb., U. S 102 E
nax, N. C., U. S 78 H 2
nbard, 111., U. S 93 J 2
ttbard, N. Y„ U. S 71 C 7
nbard Range (mts.),
11 razil
!||nbardia, or Lombardy
4 :ompartimento), Italy 31 F
tnbardville, 111., U. S 93 F
Inbardville, O., U. S 91 B
I ibardy (compartimento),
;aly 31 F
1 ibez, France 18 F
ifblen (Island), East
dies 48 F
liiboc or Lombok (Island),
ist Indies 48 E
llibok (Lombok Island),
Lst Indies 48 E
liibok (Island), East Indies 48 E
i|ibok, Mount, East Indies 48 E
Ifcbok (Strait), East Indies 48 E
Ef.botina, Greece 36 E
I ie (Togo), Africa 54 G
Wieki, or Terek (river),
issia 33 J 7
1 eta, Tex., IT. S 88 J 6
I ira, Wis., U. S 97 K 7
I ija, or Lomzha (govern-
snt), Russia 34 C 5
matzsch, Germany 23 K 17
mel, Belgium 21 F 6
I nie, or Lomnitz, Austria 29 K 5
nitz (N. E. of Budweis),
stria 29 K 5
itz (S. of Gablonz),
itria 29 L 2
I|4ond, Loch, Scotland 15 F 2
Lffond (Hills), Scotland 15 K 2
nt, Montagues (mts.),
nee 17 M 5
; (fMC, Cal., U. S 115 E
' L poul,
or Lompul, Fr. W.
I ica 54 B 7
ul, Fr. W. Africa 54 B 7
ha, or Lomzha, Russia 34 C 5
(district), Mozam-
ue, Port. E. Africa 56 Q 14
ha (government), Russia 34 C 5
(river), Russia 34 F 5
Ind. Ty , U. S 106 M
coning, Md., U. S 75 B
China 45 C
n, River, Scotland 15 C
o, Italy 31 H
an, Burma 43 A
ok (Bay), Celebes 48 F .
India 42 E 12
erzeel, Belgium 21 B 7
esborough, England 7 H
esborough, Ontario ... 61 B
esborough Station, Eng-
7 H
Scotland 14 E
nieres, France 19 C
nium, or London, Eng-
i 9 IT
'bris or Berienga (is-
s), Portugal 20 C
n, Ark., U. S 86 F
New, Ark., U. S. ... 86 H
'n, East, Cape Colony 57 J
in> Col., U. S 109 F
n, New, Conn., U. S. ... 68 G
n, New (co.), Conn.,
n, England 9 f
n (and suburbs), Eng-
K England (on travel
'n, Ind., u. S
ffl, New, Ind.
>n, New, la.
U. S.
u. s.
3 B
92 E
92 B
101 L
*< Ky.,’u.S. 82 H
103 K
66 G
70 L
78 J
91 B
90 F
10 M 6
London, New, Md., U. S. ... 75 H
London, New, Minn., U S 9s r
London, Mo., U. S. .... .. 103 B
London, New, Mo., li. s
London, New, N. H., U. S.
London, New, N. Y., U s'
London, New, N. C., U. 8 ’
London, O., U. S
London, New, O., U. S.
London, Ontario ... gi D
London, Pa., U. S 74 r
London, New, Pa., U. S. ..!... 73 r
London, New, Prince Ed¬
ward Island 63 xi
London, Tex., U. S 88 H
London, Wash., U.S. m n
London, Wis., U. S 97 T
London, New, Wis., U. S. 97 j
London (Bridge), London,’
London Bridge Station "(’Lorn
don), England 10 m
London Colney, England 9 f
London Grove, Pa., U. S 73 u
London Mills., 111., U. S. 93 r
London (Park), Baltimore,
Md,, U. S g R
London (Point), New, Mich., ’
U. S 96 O 11
London (Reef), Central
America 120 N
London (Reefs), East indies 48 B
London Shoals (L.S.; Kron¬
stadt), Russia 34 q.
Londonbridge (Norfolk), Va.,
T u-s- J .’. 76 M
Londonderry, Ireland 16 G
Londonderry (co.), Ireland... 16 H
Londonderry, N. H., U. S.
Londonderry, North, N. H
Londonderry, Nova Scotia
66 J 11
66 J
63 F
66 C 10
B 2
113 G
109 B
105 G
76 E
Londonderry, O., U. S. 90 H
Londonderry, Pa., U. S. 73 L
Londonderry, Vt., U. S 66 C
Londonderry, South, Vt.,
Londonderry, Cape," w! Aus¬
tralia 50 ^ a
Londonderry (Islands)i‘'chiie 124 C 15
Lone^Black Hill (mt,), Nev.,
Lone Cone (mt.),"coi.,’UL S
Lone Elm, Kan., u. S
Lone Fountain, Va., U. S.
Lone Grove, or Lonegrove
Ind. Ty., U.S ’
Lone Oak, or Loneoak, Tex.,
r u- s- 88 M
Lone Peak (mt.), Col., U. S.. . 109 E
Lone Peak (mt.), Utah, U. S. 113 C
Lone Pine (Creek), Col.,
_ u- S. 109 H
Lone Rock, Wis., U. S. .. 97 F
Lone Tree, N. Bak., U. S 99 C
Lone Tree, or Lonetree, la.,
T TI- S 101 l
Lone Tree (Creek), Col., U. S. 109 J
Lone Tree (Lake), S. Bak.,
u- S 100 H
Lone Walnut, Kan., U. S 105 B
106 H 6
77 C
109 A
106 H
88 J
76 E
Lonecedar, W. Va., U. S
Lonedome, Col., U. S. .......
Lonegrove, Ind. Ty., U. S.
Lonegrove, Tex., U. S
Lonegum, Va., U.S „ „
Lonejack, Mo., U. S 104 B
Lonelm, Ark., U. S 86 E
Lonely, N. C., U. S 78 M
Lonely, Tenn., U. S 83 F
Lonely (Island), Ontario 61 B
Lonely (Island), Siberia 37 L
Loneoak, Ga., U. S 80 B
Boneoak, Mo., U. S 104 B
Loneoak, Tex., U. S 88 M
Loneoak, Va., U. S 76 B
Lonepine, Cal., U. S 115 G
Lonepine, Wis., U. S 97 H
Lonepine Station, Cal., U. S. 115 H
Lonerock, Ark., U. S 86 H
Lonerock, Oreg., U. S 112 E
Lonesome, Ky., U. S 82 J
Lonesome (Lake), Mont.,
U. S 107 F
Lonesome Prairie, Mont., U. S. 107 F
Lonespring, Mo., U. S 104 F
Lonestar, Mo., U. S 103 B
Lonestar, Okla., U. S 106 B
Lonestar, S. C., U. S 79 G
Lonestar, Tex., II. S 88 M
Lonetree, 111., U. S 93 F
Lonetree, la., IT. S 101 L
Lonetree, Mo., U. S 104 B
Lonetree, Okla., U. S 106 F
Lonetree. Wyo., U. S 108 J
Long, Mong, Fr. Indo-China 43 E
Long, Ind. Ty., U. S 106 N
Long, Lake, La., U. S '87 F
Long or Kenogami, Lake,
Quebec 62 L
Long, Loch, Scotland 15 E
Long, Tenn., U. S 83 E
Long, W. Va., U. S 77 F
Long Bar (reef), Bermudas... 117 M
Long (Bay), Cape Colony 57 B
Long (Bay), Jamaica 118 A
Long (Bay), N. of Sydney,
New South Wales 50 J
Long (Bay), S. E. of Sydney,
New South Wales 50 J
Long (Bay), S. C., IT. S 79 K
L0Indie?ay)’ Barbados> West
118 E 13
115 G
68 C
72 H
69 P
69 P
111 A
81 L
91 G
72 J
72 J
86 F
60 K
80 F
106 B
L Cal., BuaSh’ or BonSbeach,
Long Beach, Conn., U. s
Long (Beach), N. J., U. S.
Long Beach, N. Y US
Long (Beach), NY IT'«
Long (Beach), Wash., u. s
r Bennington, England . 8 c
Lon! Boat 4f i d)’ Bermudas 117
t ng Boat (Inlet), Fla . U S
Long Bottom, O., U S
Long Branch, N. J U S
UgS Branoh- North, Ni J.’,’
r^ng Brar}ch City, N. j., tls: 72 H
Bredy, England 13 j
Long Buckby, England 8 B
Long Burton, England 13 j ,,
Lon! Bnttt (m4’ Mont- U. S. 107 M 2
TJ.8SBtt ( S‘ Dak-
L<diu-as'ay ^siarld)' Br- Hon- 100 C
Lon:aAuyan,F,’I„ao:China 12403 ?
^Sf-a^staV 8C
tion, England ... o n
Compton, England".'.'.'.'.'; 9 B
Long Corner, Md., U. S 75 w
Long (Creek), Ark., U. S. ... " H
Long (Creek), Assiniboia,
Long (Creek), Ga., U S
Long (Creek), Okla., U.'s
o/eg^s." lo»8-eei.
Long (Creek), Oreg.',"u."s.";;;;;; 112
Lrnig Creek, Prince Edward
Island e3 F
Long Crendon, England ... 9 b
Long Bitton, England 10 g
Long Bock, Fla., U. S 81 M
Long Eaton, England g r
Long-gan, or Lung-an, China! 44 G
Long Harbour (inlet), New¬
foundland 03 r
Head (mt.), Queens¬
land ^ -0 H
Long (Hills), England 100
Long Hollow, Tenn., U. S.... 83 O
Long Houghton, England ... 6 H
Long (Island), Ala., U.S. ... 84 F
Long (Island), Bahama is¬
lands 117 U
Long or Hamilton ’(island.','
Bermudas 117 p
Long (Island), Hudson Bay
Canada 5g q
Long (Island), Bay of Fior'ida,'
Fla., U. S 81 P
Long (Island), St. John’s
River, Fla., U. S 81 J
Long (Island), Ga., U. S. . . 80 H
Long Island, Kan., U. S. 105 C
Long (Island), Mass., U. 8. ... 67 E
Long (Island), Me., U. S
Long (Island), East Indies'.’.'.
Long (Island), Bismarck
Archipelago, Pacific
Long (Island), N. Y., U. S.
Long Island (battlefield),
r N' Yt ,U’ S 69 Q 15
Long (Island), New Zealand 52 B 10
Long (Island), Nova Scotia...
Long (Island), Okla., U. 8.
Long (Island), 8. C., U. S.
Longer Padre (Island), Tex.,
Long (Island), Wash.,’ u! s!
Long (Island), Wis., U. S
Long Island (Bay), Ireland
Long Island City (part of
New York City), U. S 69 Q 13
ong Island (L.H.), Mass.,
U. S
Long Island Sound (bay),
N. Y„ U.S
Long Itchington, England ...
Long Key (island; Bay of
Florida), Fla., U. S
Long Key (island; Tampa
Bay), Fla., U. S
Long, La, Fr. Indo-China ...
Long or Last Mountain
(Lake), Assiniboia, Canada
Long (Lake), Great, Canada...
Long (Lake), Me., U. S
Long (Lake), Alpena co.,
Mich., U. S 96 P
Long (Lake), Grand Traverse
co., Mich., U. S 96 K
Long (Lake), Iosco co., Mich.,
U. S 96 O
Long Lake, Minn., U. S 98 B
Long (Lake), Crow Wing co.,
Minn., U. S 98 C
Long (Lake), Pope co., Minn.,
U. S 98 B
Long - (Lake), St. Louis co.,
Minn., U. S 98 E
Long (Lake), New Brunswick 63 C
I,ong Lake, N. Y„ U. S 70 O
Long (Lake), Hamilton co.,
N. Y„ U. S 70 O
Long (Lake), Oneida co.,
N. Y„ U. 8 70 M
Long (Lake), N. C., U. S 78 P
Long (Lake), Burleigh co., N.
Bak., U. S 99 B
65 C
48 H
F 2
48 H 2
69 Q 10
63 C
106 F
79 J
88 K 11
111 B 3
97 E 1
16 B 9
99 B 2
67 E 7
69 Q
8 A
81 P 13
81 L
43 J
60 K
59 Q
65 E
. Bak.,
97 B 2
97 A 4
99 B 3
70 N
F 4
102 E 1
102 E
67 L
60 M 3
Further geographical information will be. found refernna to tjie General Index, Vol. 35.
Long (Lake), McLean co., N.
Dak., U.S
Long (Lake), Rolette co., N.
Bak., U. S gg p
Long (Lake), Ontario 01 j
Long (Lake), Pa., U. S 73 m
Fong (Lake), Champlain,
Quebec 02 jj
Long (Lake), Ottawa, Quebec 62 B
Fong (Lake), Temiscouata,
Quebec 02 p
Long (Lake), Bayfieid co.,
Wis., U. S
Long (Lake), Chippewa co.,
Wis., U. S 97 d
Long^(Lake), Polk co., Wis.,
Long Lake Creek, N
U. S
Fong^ Lake Station,
Long Load, England 13 h
Long (Loch), Scotland 15 f
Fong Marston (Glos), England 11 K
Long Marston (Yorks), Eng-
land ^ q.
Long Marton, England 6 E
Long Melford, England 8 H
Long (Mountain), Tex., U. S 89 F
Long (Mountain), Wales 11
Long Mynd, The (hills), Eng-
Long Neck' "i'Po'int')',""conn'.'; 11 G
U. b gg g
Long Newnton, England ...... 12 K
Long Newton, England 6 H
Long Pilgrim (L.H.; Pilgrim
Islands), Quebec 02 p
Fine, or Longpine,
bieb., U. S ,
Long ^ Pine (Creek)," "Neb.!
Long Plain, Mass., XL s
Long (Point), Saskatchewan'
Fon^g i’oin t, or Longpoint,
Long (Point), Mass., U. S.'..."'.
Long Point, New Brunswick
Long (Point), Newfoundland
Long (Point), N. J., U S.
Long (Point), New Zealand'...
Long Point, Nova Scotia 63
Long (Point), Ontario 61
Long (Point), Philippine is¬
lands 47
Long Point, Quebec 62
Long (Point), Nevis, West In-
dies 118 G
Long (Point), Saint" Thomas,
West Indies ng q
Long Point (Bay), Ontario’.'.’.'
Long Point Beacon (L.H. ; E.
tt J^SHsh Look-out), La.,
Long^ Point (L.H.), " Mass.,
Long Pond (iake; Cumber¬
land co.). Me., U. S 65 B
Long Pond (lake; Mount Be-
sert Island), Me., U. S
Long Pond (lake; Somerset
co.), Me., U. S
ong Pond (lake; Barnstable
co.), Mass., U.S
Long Pond (lake; Nantucket
co.). Mass., U. S
Long Pond (lake; Plymouth
co.), Mass., U. S
Long Pond (lake), Newfound¬
Long Pond (Barbados), West
Indies ns B 11
Long Prairie, 111., U. S 94 H 9
Long Prairie, Minn., U. 8.... 98 C 4
Long Preston, England 7 B 3
Long Range (mts.), New¬
foundland 63 J 5
Long Range (mt.), St. Helena 53 F 7
Long Range (Point), St. He¬
Long Rapids, Mich., 'u.’s! ...
Long Reach. New South
Wales si h
Long Ridge, N. C., U. S 78 B
Long Riston (Yorks), Eng¬
Long Run, W. Va., U. S
Long Sand (sandbank), Eng¬
Long Sand (L.S.; Thames
Mouth), England 9 H 3
Long Sand (L.S.; Hugli
River), India 42 M 9
Long Sault, Ontario 61 G 1
Long Savannah, Tenn., U. S. 83 M 4
Long Shoal (Bay), N. C.,
U. S 78 S 3
Long Shoal (Point), N. C.,
U. S 78 S 3
ong Stanton, England 8 F 5.
Long Stanton [Stanton Long]
(Salop), England 11 H 4
Long Stow, England 8 B 5
ong Stratton, England 8 J 4
ong Sutton (Hants), Eng¬
land 9 B 4
Long Sutton (I.incs), Eng¬
land 8 F 3
Long Swamp, New South
Wales 51 H 4
Long Tom, Oreg., U. S 112 B 2
61 E 5
87 L 6
67 O 4
65 G 8
65 C 4
67 O 6
67 O 7
67 L 5
63 J 5
53 F
96 O
7 J
77 E
8 F 3

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