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21 C
16 H
16 H
50 H
L’e (island), Germany 22 C
ieeveen, Netherlands 21 J
; JSpzand, Netherlands 21 J
July or Hugli (River), ^ ^
akarspel, Netherlands ... 21 F
dand Netherlands 21 F
olede, Belgium 21 B
ffstraeten, Belgium 21 E
t (Hants), England 9 D
i (Surrey), England 9 F
i (Yorks), England 7 El
t ide, or Hoek van Hol-
id (point), Netherlands ...
- Head (point), Ireland...
Mk Head (L.H.), Ireland...
■"i (Island), Queensland ...
c Norton. England 9 B
^ 0{ Holland, or Hoek
ii Holland (point), Nether-
ds 21 C
ice, England 13 H
ee, Baluchistan 40 L
en’a, Hawaii 47 N
or, Can, TJ. S 114 C
er Mount (Alberta),
aad’a BO G
er, Ga„ U. S 80 A
ter, Kan., U. S 105 B
ter, Miss., U. S 85 D
er (co.), Neb., U. S 102 C
Slier, N. Y., U. S 70 L
"ter, N. C., U. S 78 G
ter, O., IT. S 91 E
ter, Pa., IT. S 74 C
,er, S. Dak., IT. S 100 G
ters (Creek), S. Australia 50 E
ierton, N. C„ U. S 78 O
dna, S. Australia 51 C
s, Tex., II. S 88 N
is Switch, Tex., IT. S 88 N
sburg, O., U. S 91 G
cset, N. H„ U. S 66 J
istown, Pa., IT. S 74 B
H ah, or Hula, Arabia 39 K
H l«, England 11 G
aii Hdah (Sitka), Alaska 116 W
m E imn, or Hu-nan (pro-
' rjce), China 44 I
£ H'l, Tenn., TJ. 8
H j Pole Ridge (mts.), Md.
83 P
75 A
114 B
S' a, Cal., U. S
& a Valley Ind. Res., Cal.,
S 114 B
Hiler, Col., IT. S 109 G
Hi.ler, Ga., IT. S 80 A
Hi er, Neb., U. S 102 H
HGer, N. Y., IT. S 70 K
tier, Utah, IT. S 113 K
111 G
113 B
75 L
75 L
71 K
He er, Wash., IT. S
Mer Station, Utah, U. S. .
Hc'er (Strait), Md., U. S. .
Hewers (Island), Md., IT. S. .
He ers Valley, N. Y„ U. S..
He ersville, Md., U. S 75 L
Hc-eston, 111., U. S 93 K
Hcflle, N. Dak., U. S 99 G
M pole, 111., U. S 93 F
Ha pole, Ky„ U. S 82 G
Hq dad, Orange River Col-
Lq 57 G
Holitad (district), Orange
Bw u Colony 57 G
Ho iloa, Hawaii 47 N
JH6 Sweden 26 H
Ho rara, or Ormarah,
Mclilstan 40 L
Ho (North Holland),
N '.erlands 21 F
Ho (North Holland), Neth-
e ads (on travel map) 3 G
Boy (Texel), Netherlands... 21 E
' Bo(t (L.H.), Netherlands... 21 F
(bay), Nether-
Hojjkrans, Ger! S. W.''Africa
Hor tipk,
W itoba
21 F
57 C
■ (mt.), Mass., U. S 67 B
"■ ' " ■ f 67 B
67 C
67 B
■o«e (River), Mass., U. S. ...
Tunnel, Mass., U. S. ...
(Tunnel), Mass., U. S.
or Husavick,
' i Hoi
. Hoi
fk, N.
fk, Nc
llr \\T.
60 M
Kan., U. S 105 F
“ Y„ IT. S 70 Q
70 Q
70 Q
70 Q
North, N. Y„ U. S....
Ik, West, N. Y., U. S. .
k Palls, N. Y., U. S I ..
k Junction, N. Y„ U. S. 70 Q
r, Ind.. IT. S 92 C
E^rviHe, Ind., U. S 92 B
O' or Kl-Hauta, Arabia 39 K
or Teslyn
IX). Yukon, Canada 60 C
Paf-ie or Hutshi Vil-
L'JiYhkon. Canada 116 w
■ Roberts, England 7 G
Station, England 11 F
Ind., TJ. S 92 D
, O- U- S 90 D
Bonn.’ Ya-' II- s 76 F
IJl8?11!) ^a-’ U- S 74 E
Hnifcr' F- s- 79 F
Hon|t!Ier)’ Conn., U. S. ... 68 F
Hot! Utn Fake^’ loeland 25 O
Kjpg, Minn., U. S 98 b
F°I)I V, N. J., u. S 72 F
Hopatcong Junction, N. J.,
U. S 72 F
Hopatcong (Lake), N. J., u’ s 72 F
Hopatcong Station, N. J., U.S.' 72 F
Hopbottom, Pa., U. S 73 p,
Hope, Point, Alaska lie w
Hope, Ark., U. S g6 E
Hope, Br. Columbia eo F
Hope, Cape (Mackenzie),
Canada 59 q.
Hope, Fort (Keewatin),
Canada 59
Hope, England " 7 e
Hope, Idaho, U. S 103 c
Hope, 111., U. S 93 k
Hope, Ind., U. S 92 e
Hope, Ind. Ty., U. S 106 G
Hope, Kan., U. S 105 E
Hope, Ky., U. S 82 J
Hope, Me., U. S 65 E
Hope, Mich., IT. S 96 N 10
Hope, Neb., U. S 102 D 3
Hope, N. J., U. S 72 E 2
Hope, N. Mex., U. S 110 L 6
Hope, N. Y., U. S 70 O 5
Hope, N. C., U. S 78 H 5
Hope, N. Dak., U. S 99 G 2
Hope, New, Pa., U. S 73 M
Hope, North, Pa., U. S 74 C
Hope, R. L, U. S 68 J
Hope, Ben (mt.), Scotland 14 G
Hope, Loch, Scotland 14 G
Hope, Mount, S. Australia... 51 A
Hope, Tex., U. S 88 L 8
Hope, Wales 11 F 2
Hope, W. Va., U. S 77 E 3
Hope Baggot, England 11 H 4
Hope (Bay), China 45 F 11
Hope (Bay), Jamaica 118 F 2
Hope Bay, Ontario 61 D 3
Hope Bowdler, England 11 G 4
Hope City, Alaska lie O 6
Hope Church, New, Ga.,
G. S 80 B 4
Hope Exchange, Wales 11 F 2
Hope (Island), R. I„ U. S 68 K 3
Hope Mills, N. C., U. S 78 M 5
Hope Mine, Ger. S. W. Africa 57 B 2
Hope (Peak), Ariz., U. S 110 C 4
Hope River, Prince Edward
Island 63 F 3
Hope (Rock), New, Cal.,
G. S n5 E 9
Hope Town, Bay of Bengal... 43 A 9
Hope Valley, R. I., U. S. ... 68 J 3
Hopechurch, Pa., U. S 74 F 2
Hopedale, 111., U. S 93 G 5
Hopedale, Labrador 59 S 5
Hopedale, La., U. S 87 K 7
Hopedale, Mass., U. S 67 H 4
Hopedale, O., U. S 90 .1 4
Hopefalls, N. Y., U. S 70 O 5
Hopefield, Ark., U. S 86 M 4
Hopefield, Cape Colony 57 D 7
Hopeful, Va., U. S 76 H 5
Hopeland, Cal., U. S 114 B 4
Hopelchen, Mexico 119 o 8
Hopeless, Mount, New South
Wales 50 H 6
Hopeman, Scotland 14 K 4
Hopeman Harbour (L.H.),
Scoiland 14 K 4
Hopes, Scotland 15 L 3
Hopes Advance (Bay), Un-
gava, Canada 59 Q
Hopes Hill (mt.), W. Austra¬
lia 50 B 6
Hope’s Nose (point), England 13 F 3
Hopes Water (stream), Scot¬
land 15 L 3
Hopesay, England 11 G 4
Hopeside, Va., U. S 76 L 5
Hopeton, Okla., TJ. S 106 E 1
Hopetoun, Victoria 51 E 5
Hopetown, Br. Guiana 122 F 2
Hopetown, Cape Colonv 57 F 5
Hopetown (district),' Cape
Colony 57 e 5
Hopevale, Conn., TJ. S 68 F 3
Hopeville, la., U. S 101 F 6
Hopeville, Ontario 61 E 3
Hopeville, W. Va., U. S 77 II 3
Hopewell, Conn., U. S 68 E 3
Hopewell, Kv., U. S 82 L 4
Hopewell, Md., U. S 75 M 6
Hopewell, Mo., U. S 104 L 9
Hopewell, N. J., U. S 72 E 4
Hopewell, N. Mex., U. S 110 J 2
Hopewell, N. Y., U. S 71 H 6
Hopewell, N. C., U. S 78 H 4
Hopewell, Nova Scotia 63 G 4
Hopewell, O., U. S 91 F 5
Hopewell, Pa., U. S 74 F 6
Hopewell, S. C., U. S 79 F 2
Hopewell Academy, Mo.,
IT- S 103 K 7
Hopewell Cape, New Bruns¬
wick 63 E 4
Hopewell Cotton Works, Pa.,
U. S 73 K 7
Hopewell Hill, New Bruns¬
wick 63 E 4
Hopewell Junction, N. Y.,
U. S 69 P 8
Hopewell Sorings, Tenn.,
U. S 83 N 3
Hopfengarten, Germany 24 F 27
Hopfgarten, Austria 29 D 9
Hopin, Burma 43 C 2
Honltal, L’, or Albertville,
France 18 M 7
96 K 12
98 D 5
103 C 3
74 E 4
88 M 4
87 H 1
85 C 2
38 C
86 D
90 A
74 D
Hopital - du - Grosbois, L’
France ’ in -vr
Hopkins, 111., U.S 93 e
Hopkins (co.), Ky., U. S. '.'." 82 A
Hopkins, Mich., U S
Hopkins, Minn., U S
Hopkins, Mo., u. S.
Hopkins, Pa., U S
Hopkins (co.), Tex.,' u.’s.'
Hopkins (Island), La., U. S... 0,
Hopkins (River), Victoria 51 E
Hopkins Station, Mich., U. S. 96 K 12
Hopkins Turnout, S. C., U. S. 79 G 4
Hopkinsville, Ky., U. S 82 B 7
Hopkinton, la., u. S. 101 r 9
Hopkinton, Mass., U. S... 67 H 4
Hopkinton, N. H„ IT. S 66 H in
Hopkinton, N. Y.) U. S. 70 N 2
Hopkinton, R. I., u. S 68 H 4
Mopleys (Creek), Mont., U.S. 107 G 3
Hoppenbruch, Germany 24 C so
Hoppenrade, Germany ... 2° E 15
Hopper, Va., U. S ..'.V 76 d 7
H,oppj;r ?r APamama (Is¬
land), Gilbert Islands 52 N
Hoppers, Mont., U. S 107 F
Hoprig, la., U. S 101 d
Hopriyer, Conn., U. S 68 F
Hopseidet (isthmus), Norway 26 P
Hopson, Ky., U. S . 82 A
H°P.sons Bayou (stream).
Miss., U. S
Hopton, x (near Thetford,
Suffolk), England g H
Ttopton (near Yarmouth,
Suffolk), England 8 L
Hopton Castle (Salop), Eng¬
land ^ -p
Hopton Wafers, Engiand.... 11 H
Hopwood, Pa., U. S. 74 c
Hoquiam, Wash., U. S 111 b
Hor, Mount, Palestine 38 F
Hor, or H6or, Sweden 26 H
Hora, Nyassaland " 55 p
Hora Kutna, or Kuttenberg,'
Austria 29 L
Horace, 111., U.S 94 x
Horace, Kan., U. S. 105 a
Horace, Neb., U. S. .. 102 F
Horace, N. Dak., U. S 99 H
Horace, Mount, W. Australia 50 D
Horan, Turkey in Asia
Horatio, Ark., U. S
Horatio, O., U. S
Hcratio, Pa., U. S
Horb, Germany ’ 23 Q
Horb, Germany (on travel
map) 3 j
Horbet, Egypt 55 t
Horbury, England 7 f
Horby (Aalborg), Denmark... 25 F
Horby (Hjbrring), Denmark... 25 G
Horby, Sweden 26 H
Horcasitas, Mexico 119 d
Horche, Spain 20 K
Hord, 111., U. S 94 h
Horde, Germany 22 K
Horderley, England 11 G
Hordle, England 9 b
Hordlewell, or Hordle, Eng¬
land 9 b
Hordley, England 11 q
Hordt, Germany 23 p
Horeb, Ky., U.'S 82 B
Iloreb, S. C„ U. S 79 F
Horeham Road and Waldron
(Station), England 9 G
Horemele, Arabia 39 K
Horfleld, England 12 J
Horgen, Switzerland 27 H
Horgos, Hungary 28 L
Horicon, N. Y., U. S 70 P
Horicon, South, N. Y., U. S.... 70 P
Horicon, Wis., U. S 97 J
Horine Station, Mo., U. S 104 L
Horinghausen, Germany 23 K
Horingottah (River), India... 41 M
Horitz (near Budweis), Aus¬
tria 29 J
Horitz (near Trautenau), Aus¬
tria 29 M
Hork, Sweden 26 J „
Horka, Germany 23 K 20
Horka, Germany (on travel
map) 3 m
Horken, or Hork, Sweden ... 26 J
Horkesley, Great, England ... 9 J
Horkstow, England 7 j
Horle, Sweden 26 J
Horley (Oxon), England 8 H
Horley (Surrey), England ... 9 F
Hormara, or Ormarah, Ba¬
luchistan 40 L
Hormead, Great, England ... 9 G
Hormead, Little, England ... 9 G
Hormos Korthiou (Andros),
ACgean Sea 36 L 5
Hormuz, Persia 40 F 7
Hormuz, Kuh-i- (mt.), Persia 40 F 7
Hormuz, or Ormuz, Persia... 40 G 7
Horn, Austria 29 M 6
Horn, Cape, Chile 124 D 15
Horn (East Prussia), Ger¬
many 24 E 30
Horn (Hamburg), Germany... 24 M 33
Horn (Lippe), Germany 22 J 8
Horn, Cape, Iceland 25 R 2
Horn or North (Cape), Ice¬
land .' 25 N 1
Horn, Ky., U. S 82 L 6
Horn, Sweden 26 J 8
Horn, Switzerland 27 L
Horn Head (cape), Ireland... 16 E
Horn (Island), Chile ... m £
Horn (Island), La., U. S 87 M
Horn (Island), Miss., U. S.... 85 a
Hern (Island), New Guinea... 48 J
Horn (Lake), Miss., U. S.. 85 D
Horn (Mountains), Macken¬
zie, Canada 60 G
Horna Fjordr ifiord), Iceiand 25 Q
Hornafvan (lake), Sweden ... 26 L
Hornbach, Germany 23 O
Hornbsek, Denmark 25 L
Hornbmk (L.H.), Denmark ... 25 L
Hornbeak, Tenn., U. S 83 C
Hornberg, Germany 23 Q
Hornblotton, England 13 j
Hornbrook, Cal., U. S 114 C r
Hornburg, Germany 22 H 12
Hornby (Lancs), England 7 C 3
Hornby (near Richmond,
Yorks), England 7 E 2
Hornby (near Yarm, Yorks),
England 6 H
Hornby, N. Y., U. S. 71 h
Hornby Castle (Yorks), Eng-
land. ^ pi
Hornby Light "(LiL;"’’Syd¬
ney), New South Wales ... 50 K
Horncastle, England 8 E
Hornchurch, England 9 g
Horncliffe, England 6 F
Horndon, East, England 9 H
Horndon, New Zealand 52 D
Horndon-on-the-Hill, England 9 H
Horne (Hjorring), Denmark 25 F
Horne (Ribe), Denmark 25 c
Horne (Svendborg), Denmark 25 G
Horne, England 9 p
Horne, Fla., U. S 81 K
Horne (Islands), Polynesia ... 49 j
Horneburg, Germany 22 F
Hornefors, Sweden 26 L
Hornelen (mt.), Norway 26 D
Hornellsville, N. Y., U. S. 71 G
Hornellsville Junction, N." Y.,
U- 8 71 G
Hornemann (Mountains),
Egypt •••• 55 N
Hornenses (cape), Denmark... 25 F
Hornenburg, or Cornimont,
France 47 M
Horners, Va., U.S. ... 76 K
Hornerstown, N. J., U. S 72 G
Hornersville, Mo., U. S 104 M 12
Hornet, Mo., U. S 104 C 11
Hornet (Island), Japan 46 F 5
Hornfisk Ron (island), Den-
mark 25 J
Hornhxll, Tex., U. S 88 L
Hornick, la., U. S 101 A
Hornillos, Argentina 124 D
Hornindal, Norway 26 E
Horning, Denmark ! 25 F
Horning, England 8 K
Horninghold, England 8 C
Horninglow, England 11 x
Hornings Mills, Ontario 61 E
Horningsham, England 13 K
Hornisgrinde (mt.), Germany 23 P
Hornitos, Cal., U. S 114 E 5
Hornlake, Miss., U. S 85 D 1
Horno (Island), Bismarck
Archipelago 48 J 1
Hornopiren (volcano), Chile... 124 C 12
Hornos, Cabo, or (Cape) Horn,
Chile 124 D 15
Hornos, Mexico 119 H 5
Hornos, Islas (islands; Rio
de la Plata), Uruguay 124 F 12
Hornoy, France 19 D 1
Hornsboro, S. C., U. S 79 H
Hornsby, 111., U. S 94 F
Hornsea, England 7 K
Hornsea Bridge, England 7 K
Hornsea (L.H.), England 7 K
Hornsey, London 10 L
Hornsey, South, London 10 M
Hornsjo, Sweden 26 L
Homeland (point), Sweden... 26 K
Hornton, England 8 A
Horntown, Va., U. S 76 N 5
Hornwald (forest), Austria ... 29 X 12
Horo-Musiro-shima, or Para-
mushir (island), Kurile Is¬
lands 46 Q
Horobetsu, Janan 46 L
Horodenka, Austria 28 R
Horoidzumi, Japan 46 L
Horol, or Khorol, Russia 34 J
Horonai, Japan 46 L
Horowitz, Austria 29 H
Horpa-cho (lake), Tibet 44 C
Horqueta, Paraguay 124 F
Horr, Cal., U. S 114 E
Horr, Mich., U. S 96 L
Horr, Mont., U. S 107 F
Horrabridge, England 13 D
Horrible, Mount, Queens¬
land 50 H
Horrs, O., U. S 90 C
Horru, Mount, Abyssinia 55 Q
Horry (co.), S. C., U. S 79 K
Horse Camp (mt.), W. Aus¬
tralia - 50 C
Horse Cave, or Horsecave,
Ky., U. S 82 E
Horse Creek, or Horsecreek,
Ala., U. S 84 C
Horse (Creek), Baca co.
U. S 109 O
Further geographical information will be found by referring to the General Index, Vol. 35.
193 V

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