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i ; Norway
x»/io<2f.pi.Ti. Austria Gr
:s G 6
Gabtein, ^ Africa 54 j)
f Minn., U S. 98 B
nthal, or Hopedale, La- ^ ^
73 j
U. S.... 114 I)
dor ••••••
mx, Pa., U, o
Kuan, Mount, Cal
Jnan, HI,, U. 9f L
nan, Md., U. S - 7o J
Mich., U. S 96 O
Minn., U. S 98 B
Mo., U. S 104 E
N. J-, U. S 72 G
N. C., U. S 78 K
(Island), N. Y.,
69 P
an (Peak), Cal., U. S.... 115 L
an Station, N. Y., U. S. 71 C
ans, N. Y„ U. S 70 O
anville, Md., U.S 75 J
aismar, Germany 22 K
dm, Germany 23 M 12
uf or El Hofuf, Arabia 39 L 4
ever, Transvaal 57 J 2
i-en-Nahas, Sudan 55 M
t-en-Nahas, or Hofra-en-
aas, Sudan 55 M 8
jebel (mt.), Tripoli... 55 L
Jbkull <glacier), Ice-
j 25 P
[.a (bay), Iceland 25 Q
[ 0r El-Hofuf, Arabia... 39 L
Back, The Great (nit.),
, U.S 109 c
Back Junction, Pa., U. S. 74 E
Bay, S. Australia 51 B
iCreek), 0., U. S 90 C
Fish (island), Bermudas 117 N
j|or Simalu (Island), East
(Island), Clearwater
48 A 4
81 L 6
jrbor, Fla.; U.S
nldslard), Suwannee Bay,
f!, U.S 81 K 4
Hi Island), India 42 O 12
H(Island), Me., U. S 65 J 7
(Island), Mich., U. S.... 95 L 6
Hi I: Island), R. I.. U. S 68 K 3
H,; (Island), Charleston,
|111., U.S 79 C 5
HiIsland), Galveston Bay,
: P : .. U. S 89 C 1
Hi; Island), Va., U.S 76 M 5
Hi-Island), V7is„ U.S 97 M 4
Ho Island (Channel), Char-
11 on Harbor, S. C., U.S.
bit Hq Island (L.H.), Va.. U. S.
Hi Islands), La.. U. S
'Is- Hi Lake), 111., U. S
He 1, Mont, U. S 107 D
He 11 (Island), Victoria 50 H
Hi a Station, Mo., U. S. ... 104 L
Hq aoes or Hoganas Harbour
..Ml.), Sweden 25 M
H9 aas, Sweden 26 H
I He isburg, N. Y., U.S 70 N 2
jl HoUsville, Ga., U.S 80 B 5
Hi iville, Kan., U. S 105 B 2
Hoaakakat (Riveri, Alaska 116 M 3
T H<! nek (Canon), Col., U.S. 109 B 4
iciirn, or Naseby, New
Iffland 52 C 8
Haal, Sweden 26 G 7
"j Ho Kan , U.S 105 G 2
Ho n, New, Br. Columbia... 60 E 3
Ho 11 Junction, Alaska ... 116 R 4
Ho (town, Pa.. U.S 73 H 6
79 C 6
76 M 5
87 L 8
94 D 10
Holth Cut (channel), Ber-
■®as 117 N
Ho (r, or Ahaggar (region),
_ ira 54 H
Ho rd, Ga„ U. S 80 B
Holjston, England 9 D
flo on, England 7 C
Ho nd (island!, Gulf of
Ifliand 34 P
Bo md (L.H.), Russia 34 F
Hoit (mt,), Sweden 26 H
■ofnstnn, England 11 L
Bo .u or Rug (Islands), N.
iG-ftc 49 G
|o Back, Me., U. S 65 C
m ead (Point), Conn.,
11 68 E
f Vl
t lal
in Vlei (salt-pan),
m .uanaland 57 E 4
po|jn Vley, or Hogskin
(salt-pan), Benhuana-
• 57 E 4
HI (River), England ... 10 H 10
mrpe, England 8 F 2
■ mi or Hogsty (Reef),
fe“;! ma Islands 117 H 4
illn’ or Hoggeston, Eng-
(Reef), Bahama Is-
_ la1
‘ B^|ugh Mrood
Hno (?ape^ France
I pi Ha,
K! M
**F» ce B‘a (roadstead),
Hoi Piv,®r)>"Wash";" TI.'S. .
K illEule (mt.), Germany.
9 D 2
117 H 4
or Hogue (cape),
10 B
17 D
17 D 3
17 D
111 A
24 L
iHdj, (Island), Bismarck
Boll PTnfg0 48
Pril , a,uern (mountain
«r ■ •
ra U\ a vmuuiibaiii
H1). Austria 29
J 2
F 9
Hohe Wand, Die (mt.), Aus¬
tria 29 A
Hoheacht (mt.), Germany 23 M
Hoheluft (Hamburg), 'Ger¬
many 24 L 31
Hohen-Schbnhausen, Neu,
Germany 24 H 33
Hohen Solms, La., U. S 87 G
Hohenau (mt.; near Vienna),
Austria 29 B
Hohenberg, Austria 29 L _
Hohenbocka, Germany 23 K 19
Hohenboka, or HohenbocRa,
Germany 23 K 19
Hohenbruck, Austria 29 N 3
Hohenburg, Germany 23 O 14
Hohenelbe, Austria 29 M
Hohenembs, or Hohenems,
Austria 27 M 2
Hohenems, Austria 27 M 2
Hohenfelde (Hamburg), Ger¬
many 24 L 32
Hohenfelde (Pomerania), Ger¬
many 24 D 22
Hohenfels, Germany 23 O 14
Hohenfriedeberg, Germany... 21 L 23
Hohenfurth, Austria 29 J
Hohenhameln, Germany 22 H 11
Hoheniimburg, Germany 23 K 6
Hohenlinden, Germany 23 Q 15
Hohenlinden, Miss., U. S 85 E' 3
Hohenlohe (Lake), Ger. E.
Africa 56 P 12
Hohenmauth, Austria 29 N 4
Hohenmauthen, Austria 29 L 10
Hohenmolsen, Germany 23 K 15
Hohenschwangau, Germany... 23 R 12
Hohensolms, Germany 23 L 8
Hohenstadt, Austria 28 H
Hohenstadt, Austria (on tra¬
vel map) 3 N 4
Hohenstaufen, Germany 23 P 10
Hohenstein (East Prussia),
Germany 24 E 31
Hohenstein (East Prussia),
Germany (on travel map) 3 O
Hohenstein (Saxony), Ger¬
many 23 L 16
Hohenstein (West Prussia),
Germany 24 D 28
Hohentauern (mt.), Austria... 29 J 9
Hohenwald, Tenn., U. S 83 F 3
Hohenwart (mt.), Austria 29 J 9
Hohenwestedt, Germany 22 D 10
Hohenzollern (province),
Germany 23 Q 9
Hoher Ifen (mt.), Austria 27 N 2
Hoher Peissenberg (mt.),
Germany 23 R 12
Holies Venn (mountainous
district), Germany 23 L 3
Hohkirchen, or Hochkirch,
Germany 23 K 20
Hohn, Germany 22 D 10
Hoho, Abyssinia 55 Q 8
Hohokus, N. J., U. S 72 H 1
Hdhscheid, Germany 23 K 5
Hoi, Bir (well), Sahara 55 K 6
Hoi-hau, China 45 C 12
Hoi-hau (L.H.), China 45 C 13
Hoi-hou, or Hoi-hau, China... 45 C 12
Hoi Lyngen (marsh), Born¬
holm, Baltic Sea 25 Q 6
Hoi-ryeng, or Hoi-ryong,
Korea 46 D 2
Hoi-ryong, Korea 46 D 2
Hoi-tau, China 45 B 13
Hoi-yang, Korea 46 D 4
Hoiby, Denmark 25 G 6
Hoiduk, or Goiduk, Russia ... 33 J 6
Hoien (L.H.; N. of Skagen),
Denmark 25 H 1
Hoisington, Kan., U. S 105 D 3
Hojby, Denmark 25 K 5
Hoj.e Taastrup, Denmark 25 L 5
Hojslev, Denmark 25 E 3
Hokah, Minn., II. S 98 F 6
Hokendauqua, Pa., U. S 73 L 5
Hokesbluff, Ala.., U. S 84 F 3
Hoki (old province), Japan... 46 G 8
Hokiang-fu, or Ho-kien, China 45 F 3
Hokianga, New Zealand 52 E 2
Hokianga (River), New Zea¬
land 52 E 2
Hokitika, New Zealand 52 C 7
Hokkaido (division), Japan... 46 L 2
Hokkaido (island!, Japan 46 K 1
Hoko, or Tokto, China 45 C 2
Hoko, Wash., U. S Ill A 1
Hokubu Shoto (islands), Liu-
kiu Islands 46 P 5
Hokurokudo (division), Japan 46 H 5
Hoi, Norway 26 E 2
Holabird, S. Dak., U. S 100 E 2
Holaday, la., IT. S 101 E 5
Holand, Norway 26 G 7
Holbaek, Denmark 25 K 5
Holbeach, England 8 F 3
Holbeach Clough, England ... 8 F 3
Holbeach Marsh, England 8 F 3
Holbeck, Germany 22 H 17
Holbek (co.), Denmark 25 J 5
Holborn, London 10 L 5
Holbrook, Ariz., U. S 110 E 4
Holbrook, England 9 K 2
Holbrook, la., U. S 101 K 4
Holbrook, Kan., U. 8 105 C 4
Holbrook, Mass., U. S 67 K 4
Holbrook, Neb., U. S 102 D 3
Holbrook, Nev., TJ. S 113 C 4
Holbrook, Oreg., U. S 112 C 1
Holburn, England 6 G
Holburn Head (cape)j' Scot¬
14 J
66 H
66 H
10 J
98 C
98 C
102 E
102 E
26 D
Holburn (L.H.), Scotiand 14 J 2
Ho comb, 111., u. S 93 G 1
Holcomb, Mo., U. S 104 M 12
Holcombe Brook, England ... 7 C 5
Holcombe Bogus, England ... 13 F l
Holcot, England 8 C 5
Holden, Me., U.S. 65 F
Holden, Mass., U. S 67 G
Holden, Mo., U. S. ml n
Holden, S. C„ U S 79 r
Holden, Utah U. S. ............ 113 K
Holden, Vt., U. S. 66 C
SIS n!e; u°l'Tr- D'*:iS£
Holder, Hid. Ty„ U. S. ...i'.:::'. 106 j
Holder, Miss., U. S 85 F
Holder Station, Tenn., U. S. 83 K
Holderbaum, Pa., U S 74 F
Holderness (district),' Eng¬
land 7 K
Holderness, N. h!, ij s'.
Holderness, North, N H ’
Holders Hill, London
Holding, Minn., U. S.
Holdingford, Minn., U. S.
Holdredge, or Holdrege, Neb.,
U. S.
Holdrege, Neb., U. S. ............
Hole, Norway
Hole-in-the-Wall (iniet), Ba¬
hama Islands 117 a 2
Holeb, Me., U. S 65 C 4
Helen, Nonvay 26 D 2
HoleSov, or Holleschau, Aus-
tria 28 J 2
Holetown (Barbados), West
Indies ng c 12
Holgate, 0., U. S 90 B 2
Holguin, Cuba 117 (j
Holies, Hungary ’ 28 J
Holijsloot (Amsterdam),
Netherlands 21 C
Holitz, Neu, Austria 29 N
Holje, Sweden 26 J
Hoikar’s Dominions, or In¬
dore (state), India 41 e
Holker Hall (Lancs), England 7 B
Holkham, England 8 H
Holkham (Bay), Sitka,
Alaska ne X
Holkham (Bay), England 8 H
Holkham Hall (Norfolk),
England 8 H
Holkham Park (Norfolk),
England 8 H
Hollabend, Ark., U. S 86 G
Hollabrunn, Ober, Austria... 29 M
Holladay, Tenn., II. S 83 E
Holladay, Va., U. S 76 H
Hollams Bird Island, Ger.
S. W. Africa 57 B
Holland, Ark., U. S 86 H
Holland (district), England... 8 E
Holland, Great, England 9 K
Holland, Now, England 7 K
Holland or Netherlands,
Europe (large scale map of) 21
Holland, Fla., U. S 81 G
Holland, Ga., U. S 80 A
Holland, New, 111., U. S 93 F
Holland, South, 111., U. S. ... 93 K
Holland, Ind., U. S 92 B
Holland, la., U. S 101 H
Holland, Jamaica 118 F
Holland, Kan., U. S 105 E
Holland, Ky., U. S 82 D
Holland, Mass., U. S 67 F
Holland, Mich., U. S 96 J
Holland, Minn., U. S 98 A
Holland, Neb., U. S 102 H
Holland, Noord or North
(province), Netherlands ... 21 E
Holland, North (province),
Netherlands 21 E
Holland, South (province),
Netherlands 21 D
Holland, N. J., U. S 72 D
Holland, N. Y., U. S 71 E
Holland, O., U. S 90 C
Holland, New, O., U. S 91 D
Holland, New, Pa., U. S 73 K
Holland, S. C., U. S 79 C
Holland, New, S. Dak., U. S. 100 F
Holland, Tex., U. S 88 K
Holland, Vt., U. S 66 F
Holland, Va., U. S 76 K
Holland Arms, Wales 11 C
Holland (Canal), North, or
Noord Hollandsch Canal,
Netherlands 21 E 3
Holland Island Bar (reef),
Md., U. S 75 L 6
Holland Island Bar (L.H.),
Md., U. S 75 L 6
Holland Landing, Ontario 61 F 3
Holland Park, London 10 J 6
Holland Patent, N. Y„ U. S. 70 M 5
Holland (Point), Md., U. S.... 75 K 4
Holland (Strait), Md., U. S.... 75 L 6
Hollanda, Argentina 124 D 10
Hollandale, Miss., U. S 85 C 4
Holland-ile, Wis., U. S 97 G 9
Hollanderdorfl, or Hameau
(Vienna), Austria 29 B 5
Hollands Bird or Hollams
Bird (Island), Ger. S. W.
Africa 57 B 3
Hollandsburg, Ind., U. S.. 92 B 5
Hollandsch Diep (channel),'
Netherlands 21 D 5
Hollandville, Del., U. S. .... ' 75 N 4
Hollansburg, O., U. S 90 A 4
Holleby, Norway 26 E 3
Hollen, Ontario 61 E 4
Hollenberg, Kan., U. S 105 F 2
Hollenburg, Austria 29 M 7
Hollenthal (valley), Germany 23 R 7
Holleschau, Austria 28 J 2
Hollesley, England 8 K 5
Hollesley (Bay), England 8 K 5
Holley, Fla., U. S 81 C 2
Holley, N. Y., U. S 71 F 5
Holley, Oreg., U. S 112 C 2
Holley’s Station, Col., U. S. 109 O 6
Hollfeld, Germany 23 N 13
Holliday, 111., U. S 94 H 7
Holliday, Kan., U. S 105 H 2
Holliday, Mo., U. S 103 H 6
Holliday, Tex., U. S 88 J 4
Holliday, Utah, U. S 113 C 6
Holliday, W. Va., U. S .... 77 E 5
Hollidays Cove, W. Va.,
U. S 77 A 1
Hollidaysburg. Pa., u"s”;!!” 74 F 6
Hollies, The (Surrey), Eng¬
land m c in
Holling, Kan., U. S 105 G 3
Hollingbourne, England . 9 J 4
Hollinger Ala., U.S .'. 84 C 8
Hollmgstedt, Germany 22 D 9
Hollingsworth, Ga., U. S. 80 D 3
Hollingsworth, Wash., U. S 111 C 1
Hollington, England ’ 9 H 5
Hollingworth, England ... 7 E 5
Hollins, Ala., U. S 84 E 4
Hollins (Baltimore), Md.
U- S 75 F 4
Hollins, Va., U. S 76 D 6
Hollinsclough, England 11 K 2
Hollinwood, England 7 D 5
Hollis, 111., U. S 93 F 4
Hollis, Kan., U. S 105 E 2
Hollis, Me., U. S 65 B 8
Hollis, Miss., U. S 85 F 3
Hollis, N. H., U. S 66 H 12
Hollis, N. Y., U. S 69 R 14
Hollis, Tex., U. S ’SS M 7
Hollis Center, Me., U. S 65 B 8
Hollis Depot, N. H., U. S 66 H 12
Hollister, Cal., U. S 115 D 6
Hollister, Mich., U. S 95 E 5
Hollister, O., U. S 91 F 5
Hollisterville, Pa., U. S 73 M 4
Holliston, Mass., U. S 67 J 4
Holliwell (Point), England ... 9 J 3
Hollola, Finland 34 E 1
Hollow Rock, Tenn., U. S 83 E 2
Hollow Springs, Tenn., U. S. 83 J 3
Holloway, La., U. S 87 E 4
Holloway, Lower, London 10 L 4
Holloway, Upper, London 10 E 4
Holloway, Mich., U. S 96 O 14
Holloway, Minn., U. S 98 B 4
Holloway College (Surrey),
England 10 B 9
Holloway Sanatoriu m,
(Surrey), England 10 B 10'
Hollowtown, O., U. S 91 C 6
Hollowville, N. Y., U. S 70 P 7
Hollsopple, Pa., IT. S 74 E 6
Hollstein, Switzerland 27 F 2
Holly, Col., U. S 109 O 6
Holly, Mich., U. S 96 O 12
Holly, Neb., U. S .*.. 102 B 1
Holly, Tex., U. S 88 M 6
Holly, Wash., U. S Ill C 2
Holly, W. Va., U. S 77 F 3
Holly Beach, N. J., U. S 72 E 9
Holly Grove, or Hollygrove,
Ark., U. S 86 K 5
Holly Hill, or Hollyhill, S. C.,
U. S 79 H 5
Holly Lodge (Surrey), Eng¬
land 10 F 10
Holly Springs, Ark., U. S. ... 86 G 7
Holly Springs, Ga., U. S 80 C 3
Holly Springs, la., U. S 101 A 3
Holly Springs, Miss., U. S. ... 85 F 1
Holly Springs, N. C., U. S. ... 78 M 3
Holly Springs, Tex., U. S 88 O 7
Hollybush, England 12 G 2
Hollybush, Scotland 15 F 4
Hollybush Corner, England... 10 A 4
Hollybush Hill, England 10 A 5
Hollydale, Va., U. S 76 G 7
Hollyford (River), New Zea¬
land 52 B 8
Hollygrove, Ark., U. 8 86 K 5
Hollygrove, La., U. S 87 F 3
Hollyhill, Fla., U. S 81 O 4
Hollyhill, S. C., U. S 79 H 5
Hollym, England 7 L 4
Hollymount, Ireland 16 C 4
Hollyoak, Del., U. S 75 N 4
Hollypond, Ala., U. S 84 D 2
Hollyridge, Miss., U. S 85 C 4
Hollyridge N. C., U. S 78 O 6
Hollyrood, Kan., U. S 105 D 3
Hollytree, Ala., U. S 84 E 1
Hollyville, Del., U. S 75 O 5
Hollywood, Ala., U. S 84 F 1
Hollywood, Ark., U. S 86 F 6
Hollywood, Ga., U. S 80 H 5
Hollywood, Minn., U. S 98 D 5
Hollywood, Miss., U. S 85 D 1
Hollywood, Mo., U. S 104 M 12
Hollywood, N. C., U. S 78 Q 5
Hollywood, W. Va., U. S. ... 77 F 5
Further geographical information will he found by referring to the General Index, Vol. 35.

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